
National Change Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I don't always say it, but the day we are given a chance, people will see a different Nigeria."
"I fear the country I love is becoming like the country I left."
"Now North Korea cannot change like China. It must happen progressively, slowly."
"We need a whole ideology shift in this country."
"If Donald Trump did nothing else, he saved this country from that club."
"Australia is going through a transition from darkness to light."
"This might just be the opportunity the nation needs to break out of its rut."
"We have to support our president. We're seeing the country go back."
"Can one leader change the entire country in less than 2 years? While most leaders would argue they need more time, Ibrahim Tror accomplished the seemingly impossible."
"God wants to bring a Revival to America again."
"They want to fundamentally transform this country."
"This Love Affair was so important that it would end up changing the very faith of England."
"Henry broke ties with Rome, removing the Catholic church's influence over the country."
"Personal changes will not save Nigeria... It's going to be a root and branch reorganization."
"Each and every one of you can turn this country a whole new direction."
"Changing a country: compelling and challenging."
"Praying with fervency makes change in a nation."
"Praying with fervency makes change in people's lives and it can make change in a nation."
"There's a healing move coming to the United States and to the world."
"There's a lot of things that need to change in this country and it's a matter of life and death situation for some people..."
"This current session could completely reshape this country."
"The power of changing this country lies within what the ANC and the EFF and other black parties have in combination."
"Change your thinking and this country will change."
"It is no secret that the United States is in a little bit of a state of change."
"The dissolution meant that Russia was on its own."
"I will release sweeping change across this nation, sweeping change."
"These are the type of people that we need to elect into office to fundamentally change this entire country."
"We knew then in 2014 that God's going to bring a national turnaround, we know now in 2020."
"This movement is beyond even Peter Obi himself because Nigerians all over the world are crying for a change, for a new Nigeria."
"Nobody's seen anything like what's happening in our country and to our country right now."
"I don't want a Civil War, but would it be worth it to turn this nation back? I believe it would."
"If we can get back to that kind of language, we can change this entire country."
"Declare Barbados a parliamentary republic! Barbados now joins other countries in the region like Guyana which became a republic in 1970 less than four years after gaining independence from Britain."
"Your country is going to look nothing like it looks now."
"Connecting humility to national change: 'Humility is the hinge that shifts a nation. You want to know how to change a nation? Start right here.'"
"Father, we thank you that the winds of change are blowing in our nation."
"This is the time for change and this is the time for healing our nation."
"This is a turning point for our country, a once-in-a-generation chance to change the direction of our nation for good."
"Money is power, and the day India has money, things are going to change very significantly."
"All it takes is one person, one Josiah, that can literally alter the course of a nation."
"He has changed the country; we should be under no illusion that this has been a very significant Premiership."
"Your majesty, men and women of England, I'm about to change the course of England's history."
"The nation repented, they turned back to God."
"We the New Zealand people accept that our nation had to change; the process was painful but the benefits are now apparent and must be retained."
"The US was a nation vastly different than the one created in 1789."
"We've changed this country and for that he deserves great credit."