
Generality Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's a staple in everyone's life at some point."
"I want to share some interesting perspectives."
"Not just the men, but the women and the children too."
"Honestly, whether you think that's a good or bad thing, there's no denying that this is the case to some extent."
"You want to think about methods... in a way that's general, that they can be used over and over again."
"We've never seen a response like this before."
"It's not just one thing that does it, and speaking of which..."
"Not everyone, but a lot of you might resonate with that."
"Children are the future, they're important, etc."
"Why is it that overwhelmingly all of these things that people complain about..."
"It's true that we are living in very unusual times right now."
"We have more opportunity than any other place."
"The bigger impact is moving from more specificity to more generality."
"Everything is going to explode onto everyone."
"The bigger, the better. Not always, but you know, most of the time."
"The number one thing, like some element of it, and it could be a totally different thing."
"The comforting reality is they apply to pretty much everybody in their thirties."
"Zach: Everything is everything, we live in a society."
"The world is changing, and everything is changing."
"Intelligence equals performance times generality."
"It's very clear that intelligence is something much more general than our own."
"The significance of ViT extends beyond computer vision, demonstrating that Transformer architecture can be a unified solution for various sequence processing problems."
"AGI by its definition is about generality. It's not about doing a specific thing."
"One of the reasons I love Vector calculus is that you can make these really General statements that are just true."
"If you remove the restriction about them being finite then they're completely general and you can describe what any system is supposed to do as a state machine."
"LLMs achieve a certain generality just by having a very, very general training data set."
"Every solution is more general, so it's a much more general problem-solving skill."
"I think this is probably the best fit for most people."
"Functions that can be implemented with the same formula for any type are called parametrically polymorphic."
"This is a very simple implementation of split and yet it's very useful and very general."
"Death, after all, is a blanket term for many different end-of-life situations."
"You can either be a meaningful specific or you can be a wandering generality."
"We're trying to think of intelligence as a broader being, like try to think of things that generally apply to data."
"This is a very general and fundamental problem."
"Education matters, generally speaking."
"What is good for adults is good for kids."
"Go for absolutely prioritized performance but make sure your code is general."
"Make this functionality reusable throughout our entire project by making it as generic as possible."
"The galerkin method is general and it can be applied to basically any case, it doesn't really matter what you do."
"The kernel trick is more general than the support vector machine."
"These readings are very general; they are also timeless."
"It's thematic but also generic enough to get multiple uses."
"The generality of the models was also amazing."
"The correlation function is a rather general result which you can derive in many different contexts."
"Greater generality requires a different point of view, different terminology, different language, and a whole sort of reorientation."
"When we talk about circuits, we almost always talk about electronic circuits. But the theory is by no means limited to electronics."
"Please keep in mind that this is general so it's not gonna resonate with everyone."
"As far as I'm concerned, everything is cracking up."
"The FFT algorithm is more general in that it generally applies when n is a highly composite number."
"Natural law is a lot more general."
"Martensitic transformations are quite general, they simply involve a deformation of the lattice."
"It's not actually about anybody in particular, but about everybody in general."
"This is now a completely generic method."
"The results are very generally applicable."
"My research is now focused on generality, which is trying to get these techniques to play multiple games."
"Constitutions should be very general in their nature for they must be permanent."
"These are very general, so they are also timeless."
"In a heterogeneous economy of minds, you want some agents who specialize in generality."