
Publication Quotes

There are 502 quotes

"In 1996, I presented the first study on internet addiction at the American Psychological Association, and by 1998, I wrote 'Caught in the Net,' the first book to identify internet addiction as a new disorder."
"This study right here that came out in Nature magazine is actually really, really impressive."
"Our article has been downloaded almost 100,000 times, which is extreme for an academic article."
"He published his first story at the age of 13 in his high school newspaper."
"I would never accept somebody telling me that I can't publish my views or perspectives without having other people first agree with what it is that I'm saying."
"The culmination of these decades of research is presented in the nebula hypothesis."
"The latest book, the one I'm most excited about is the eighth scroll."
"We have published so far less than 1% of that material."
"Dracula, which was first published by Archibald Constable in 1897."
"They've been de-published, and they've been associated with heartbreak and disgrace."
"Next important thing is getting that done to get it listed hopefully we can get that in the newspaper."
"He Illustrated his views in two of his published works."
"If we could just find that original film or get a published version of this out there, I think it would convince a lot more people."
"I think I first felt successful the day that I had my first article published in Teen Vogue."
"If you really believe something is true and the stakes are so high, you have a chance to publish."
"I remember a month before milk, and honey was self-published I couldn't sleep anymore."
"The series was so big that it ended up getting published as an actual five book series."
"I don't think I've announced it here that I can finally say that this book 'Woke Racism'... is going to come out as a book."
"I'm sorry, but some people are going to look at the track record of those kinds of things and look at this and say this is the same exact playbook as what has been happening in these other issues."
"Thank you so much to anyone who has bought a copy of the book pre-ordered a copy of the book."
"His latest book 'On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century' will be coming out with an expanded audiobook edition in April."
"Merely referencing an article or approving of it does not create a separate publication."
"It's a very cute recent series that started publishing. I have the first three volumes of this."
"I wrote it, I designed it, and I Illustrated it and now you can take it."
"But the comments that they have are generally very well-written compared with a lot of other publications, and the pro UFO comments that they had were I would say very strong and very well presented."
"Comic book adaptation: Marvel Comics published a Stand comic book series from 2008 to 2012."
"It feels like a milestone like this day is a milestone one of my books became widely available published."
"But let me tell you about another story that was published by John Hopkins..."
"It's published! We published our first ever map in The Escapist 2. So sit tight everybody!"
"We almost almost doubled what we needed thanks you guys you guys $21,000 for the book which is surprisingly how fast that goes but thank you so much for that keep your eye open for my book the pride coming out in December."
"The thinking is rooted in something that's very legitimate, which is that you don't want people making or publishing their own original research."
"The Catholic mass steps to restore the centrality of God in the Liturgy by Bishop athanasius Schneider available now in bookstores everywhere and online including ewtn's catalog thank you Bishop you are welcome God bless you."
"These are some substacks we run... I think we have a subscriber base that is not dissimilar from the top medical journals in terms of size."
"It's funny when my book was coming out... You're all telling me it's fixed, but you wanna get on it."
"Congratulations on the book, by the way. Thank you." - Marco Rubio
"Your cover letter is your one shot. Convince the journal why they should publish your paper."
"Congratulations on officially being a published author."
"Coming out very soon is the Kraken Cryptic book Cracking the Cryptic's greatest hits which I think we can safely say is going to be the best sudoku book of all time."
"One of the great things about this issue is that you've got this lovely, kind of unequivocal beautiful cover."
"It's better to have it 80% and on the web versus 100% and in your head."
"My second book is out today. I can't even watch my version of this video for again but better. It's just this time capsule of how I was feeling in that moment..."
"It is a golden principle to let each year see the publication of the year's work in any research."
"It's time for Egyptology to start taking the pyramids seriously again and to follow Petrie's advice and quickly publish the data."
"This map is good enough to be published."
"It feels like we matter. Here's a book we put a lot of work into."
"Every article I have published is something that is adding and changing our picture of the past."
"I'm ramping up to try and put out another novel, and if I can get a little bump in sales before that happens, it helps me."
"The time is finally here, Love Life, the new book, is no longer available to pre-order because you can actually order the bloody thing."
"Mion monsters was published in December of last year; it was a top 10 bestselling horror anthology on Amazon."
"There is more original things being published right now than ever in the history of publication because of the internet."
"I want to get all these things out of my head and onto paper. I want to get them printed. I want to get them put in a book."
"We think this is a published thesis."
"I have a book coming out this week."
"Rod Dreaer returned home to his apartment Thursday night and wrote down what he heard, publishing it on an American conservative blog."
"...page breaks and section breaks are very important, especially if you're going to be converting your book into Kindle format for an e-reader."
"You should always test before you actually publish something."
"McCall's had an unprecedented readership north of 8 million."
"The problem with that logic is that if you don't feel like you have the methodology to investigate it now. Then don't publish on it until you have engaged in that methodology that would tell you what is actually happening there."
"...I mean get it from how old was he when he died uh I think seventy four or five it was cancer I know he was sick off and on for a couple years but I've been accused by my critics of not publishing the book until he died because of these threats."
"Let's fill up the publication with a little bit of content by creating a new post for your substack website."
"And thus issue 62 begins the Matrix quest storyline."
"Unless you have an audience, you can't really get a publisher to pay attention to you."
"Sports Illustrated is one of the the hue."
"Issue 19 of Doctor Who weekly hit newsstands."
"At last, the dawn breaks through, 'Die a Little Death' sold to Simon and Schuster. I write and do not believe."
"As soon as I got the pictures, I sent them to Bill Abram, and the next month they were in the magazine."
"My book is going to be published and it's going to be a bestseller and it's going to change people's lives."
"By putting something in print, creators often hope it will inspire creativity."
"and so a number of oneness people showed up I gave my paper which later was published as a booklet essentials of oneness theology."
"I have 100,000 followers on Twitter so if I ever did write a book I could probably sell quite a pile just from just from hyping it on Twitter."
"The entire incentive system within institutional science is not based on changing the world for the better or coming up with useful inventions. It's based on the number of papers you get published in high Prestige journals."
"How people could publish ideas that are sort of against the mainstream and yet still get some publicity for their work."
"So as a consequence of that, we published our first paper in Brain in July last year, just describing our experiences, and so that sort of took off in terms of the whole COVID situation."
"That's 123.8 proof, liquor Library publication, love it."
"I think it's fascinating though because like I'm writing a book right now, I don't know if I'm even going to release it."
"Once your research is at that stage, definitely go ahead and write up the paper and send it in for review."
"That root is an article by Mikhail German in the New Art World magazine."
"...our covers are all dry on the front and the back, and you can see we have a wonderful little book now."
"Publish what you're an expert at, publish what you know."
"I knew that if I launched a book with an OGN that you could sell with the free comic book day, that would be kind of a cool thing."
"Honestly, with all due respect, I mean, that's, we're discussing the publication. No, not for me. I don't, okay?"
"Honestly though, I'm quite nervous and extremely ridiculously excited about publication day."
"The year of Sanderson is quickly coming to an end, the year where the madman Brando Sando published four secret projects that took the entire world of Fantasy by high storm."
"...if research does not generate papers, it might as well not have been done."
"You put that in your book. You published it. Not only did you do it but you published it."
"What's next in 2011 IDW did another of these multi-franchise crossovers called infestation."
"John launched George magazine and I this cover, I'll wait forever, iconic."
"My manga Appleblack is published in stores worldwide."
"I think this is probably the fewest number of One Piece chapters that we've had in like a four-month span ever probably."
"The publication of the Pickwick papers ensured his enduring Fame and opened up a 40-year long career as a novelist and a literary sensation."
"You need the skill of writing above riding. Getting your foot in the door means you need publications in the first place. Contact magazine editors and show them some examples of your written work."
"This beautifully written book on Augustine and the Jews is one where Paula returns to her first love."
"The Mirror in the Light was published and as expected, long-listed for the Booker Prize."
"Dr. Franklin published the first edition of Poor Richard's Almanac when he was 26 years old."
"Thomas then responded to the publication of 'the determinations of the universities in 1531' with his own text titled Invicta Veritas which translates roughly to unconquerable truth."
"Charles's photos of the grizzly bear family were published in the Hungry Horse news alongside an article about his death."
"If you publish when you're in middle age, you are already a full person."
"Some time ago, our W. Mandl paid me a visit and asked me to publish the results of a little calculation which I had made at his request."
"So, I wrote 'Engine Two,' it came out in February of 2009, and then a couple months later I got a very, very flattering invitation from Whole Food Market stores."
"If someone is writing a book, for some reason, our society is like, 'So when is this thing that is worthless going to make money? When is that novel going to get published and when are you going to go pro?'"
"Anything that was published this year could be on it."
"We're stuck in the spiral of just like everyone's trying to do whatever they can to get in the journal."
"He said, 'I was completely wrong. I felt so sick to my stomach. But then, the best revenge is to publish this in the best possible journal. And that's just what he did."
"We found a simple new proof, and it got published in the annals of mathematics."
"We published a good deal of information throughout COVID."
"The results of our work are published as books and other publications and form the basis for numerous conference and media programs."
"Plague Seeker just came out. Issue zero is available at bad egg.co. It's written entirely by myself and edited by Jackson. It's set in a world a thousand years after an apocalyptic event known as the Calamity."
"I signed a contract with the homestead living publishing company for my very first book."
"You got two books that I haven't published yet but I still, I got an ISBN number."
"She has published essays in two essay collections: 'L.M. Montgomery: Rainbow Valley Valleys' and 'Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder,' which came out in 2019 from the University of Mississippi Press."
"My main goal was to get the book in your hands as quickly as possible because I realize so many of you are in situations where you could really use the material that's in this book."
"...while tischendorf was in the midst of enjoying his fame the story of simonides began to be published in the London newspapers."
"He's got this massive stack of pages, and then he will say to the publishers, 'Okay, how do we actually print this?' And my best guess is that they will publish it as two or perhaps even three books at the same time."
"If this was published this year and I read it, it probably would get a much lower rating for me."
"I will publish a cooking book before the end of the year, I promise."
"He just released his book, 'Before and Laughter,' a life-changing book."
"We're very excited that this book is finally coming out."
"this is the publication that we're talking about, that we're referencing in all of the media when we talk about the fashion industry"
"There are no specific guidelines out now but in the same issue as the TEE guidelines is an article that I published."
"If we are able to show that we can do a good job of stopping brain atrophy, the manuscript for that paper will be in neurology."
"I've been very lucky to be able to put out two more books and my fourth coming very soon."
"Spider-Man rain was a 2006 limited series that was written and illustrated by K. Andrews."
"It also has a brand new 30-page story that Troy Little and I did."
"I've written a book. It's called 'Fluids.'"
"If it works, hey, we're gonna publish it. If it doesn't work, we're toast."
"I think that having publications helps your application immensely because it shows that you're already invested in research and you know the process of how it goes."
"This is one of the biggest sought-after books that needs to come back in print."
"TMZ printed an excerpt from his autobiography."
"My new magazine is for everyone and it's free."
"We will have a Critical Role campaign book coming out."
"All the stories Geoff shared with us today, they’re all in this book which he just published, called The Lazarus Heist."
"I released that book from Honduras actually and yeah it was my first I love it."
"Louisiana Life magazine and our very own streaming service Passport."
"The first ever Magpie magazine featured this puzzle which was Mark's offering for that puzzle and it remains to this day one of the most memorable crosswords I've ever solved."
"My book is 'I Contain Multitudes.' It is out today, and in it I talk about this hidden world that influences all of our lives."
"The first issue of this new Daredevil number one written by Kevin Smith came out in November 1998."
"Would you like to see your name in print?"
"How do we make sure that we get rid of publication bias, positive result bias? You're far more likely to see something get published if it is a positive finding than if it's a negative finding although negative findings are just as important for the establishment of knowledge."
"Once something gets published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, it takes on a level of credibility which is very hard to argue against."
"Everything should be published for scientific peer review."
"Okay so wrapping up with a final example let's publish this learnpowershell module so that people around the world can utilize it and learn more about the Learn PowerShell Series using PowerShell!"
"My new book 'Everything Worth Preserving' will be coming out this fall."
"We published a paper... showed very positive results."
"I'm not saying write a whole [ __ ] book, I'm saying Write Your Story in a way that you can then, you know, I'll put it on the website like if it's good enough I'll put it on the website and we'll get it narrated and then it's, it's at least it's available, yeah, yeah for sure."
"Rachel was featured in health and lifestyle magazine Women's Fitness Australia."
"White Manga here, the creator of Apple Black, publishes in Saturday AM and our books are in freaking Walmart."
"It was assumed that throughout 2003 and 2004 the twins were occupied with the publishing of their newest book."
"It's coming in paperbacks soon I don't I don't know when but soon."
"I've got a cookbook coming out in December and I'm very excited."
"We'll do full magazine plus one to see how these magazines run."
"Legit one of the best superhero comics to be published ever."
"Spawn still come out on a regular basis, yes."
"I'm shamelessly doing some advertising here on earth as in heaven to be published by Harper within the next month or so."
"Just a reminder, Gina's book is 'Dying of Politeness' and it's out in hardback now."
"This is a direct Market cover, whereas the standard edition cover, this is my original printing by the way, is drawn by David Yarden."
"Don't forget about our publication 12 issues $30, you still read magazines? Yeah I'm all about the print, but don't at me, yeah don't at me."
"I'm gonna have two big books coming out uh the the main one I want you guys to scoop up and support is the hip-hop family tree Omnibus"
"Nelini finally publishes her book titled Eagle featuring the details of the whole story she was told."
"This is what we have on the docket right now, man. 'Trigger Warnings' is going to be coming into stores within the next couple of weeks."
"I'm an author I published my first book when I was in college"
"Rachel Gilson was meant to be on this panel, but because of the pandemic and other things going on, has not been able to come. But she's written an amazing book published by The Good Book Company called 'Born Again This Way'."
"He finished the book in 1918, the version that was eventually published."
"Journal article sections: title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion."
"Once I have that writing done, I can go draw the comic, I can make it, I can publish it, and that's what I did."
"Now that, ladies and gentlemen, was the first version of the story to ever be published."
"...if I can just publish my code book, show some best practice of annotating and memoiring, and gradually going from the descriptive to the interpretive to the abstract as I go through my thematic gears, well then I've already met a publishing standard..."
"His internationally best-selling book, 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse,' was published in October 2019."
"Even though the occupant of this house actually authored the big paper because... he had to explain to them what they found they they co-authored the paper in nature anyway they want to know about present point us scientists can become famous for a lot of reasons."
"Shout-out to Metal Confidential for publishing an article about us."
"Does anyone doubt that most of the eight million Witnesses reading the magazine around the world would have noticed and questioned the omission?"
"So, we're going to go ahead and publish this dataset to the service."
"I read the audible addition and just a fun fact I had to audition to read my own book."
"With more than half a million copies in print, the book's fame has spread far and wide."
"Starting in 1950, his short story 'Report on the Barnhouse Effect' was published in 'Kier's Magazine's February 11th issue."
"He said, 'Well good, because you're chapter 1 and it's coming out in the fall but chapter 1 is going to be in the New Yorker magazine July 23rd.'"
"I'm happy with them I'm I'm kind of sad that uh I think that uh I'm trying to get them they published my other play finally"
"I am so happy that we were able to publish this book. It was a ton of fun and it's a beautiful book."
"Just because it's published doesn't mean it's right."
"It seems to me that you should do a book, a coffee table book. Boy, that would be amazing."
"Even if you die and you were unpublished you still have a chance."
"This is our website. We could publish this, make it live, and everybody would be able to see it."
"Works become public domain ninety-five years after first publication."
"Probably the most important video that I've ever published."
"Galileo published 'Dialogue Concerning the Two New Sciences' while he was under house arrest and it was published in the Netherlands."
"I finished a book, it's available on Amazon Kindle."
"We all have a story to tell the book if everything goes as planned is going to come out 2024 in July somewhere."
"I've tested the apartment for carbon monoxide, so I'm not slowly being poisoned. Last, I have a book coming out next year but it has nothing to do with David."
"I encourage you, insha'allah, to see that and we have a number of papers, insha'allah, that have already been published."
"This is the newsstand cover for issue one."
"How long has Berserk been publishing? 33 years."
"During this period will be returned to Sodor he spoke to several of the MSRs engines and even brainstormed a few story ideas with them several of which the good Reverend would publish many years later."
"Which was actually published in Weekly Shonen Jump but it's not in the Shonen Jump line in the U.S."
"My latest comic Octobriana in 1976, world's first black light comic printed with fluorescent ink, is now available at comic shops everywhere."
"Scholarly publication does an enormous amount for raising the value of an artifact."
"The only critique I ever had of this book was it took so long to come out from issue to issue."
"Six of the books I read were published this year in 2021."
"Eliot published The Waste Land late in the year 1922."
"Finally being published is surreal."
"I would feel dishonest if I said to you, you don't need a publication, because I think increasingly just because of the sheer scale of people applying, it does automatically become a kind of default mechanism for sorting people out."