
Project Satisfaction Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"I absolutely love how this project came out; it is something I still have to this day."
"Will it make sense? Maybe not. Will it be satisfying? I've actually had fun building this."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed Generation Loss. I'm so incredibly happy with it."
"I couldn't be any happier with the way this looks."
"Big Minecraft projects feel so cool when you see the progress you've done at the end of it."
"This is going to be one of those projects where you get instant gratification from."
"For us, that frame is The Office, a reflection of our ordinary lives that allows us to appreciate the beauty and joy within them."
"I really love how simple it was to create, and the combination of the marbling and the gold just looks so gorgeous together."
"I'm really excited how this turned out for only two dollars."
"Let me show you what I organize this. I'm so happy with the progress we made."
"I like that guys, I think that looks pretty good. It's nice and simple, it's not too over the top, but it does the job."
"This is looking good, I'm really pleased with what we have made so far."
"I love this so much, this is turning out really, really well."
"I hope you have enjoyed this as I did have a lot of fun putting this together."
"It looks amazing, it looks like a nearly ever so nearly completed bed."
"How good is that looking? I am loving this so far!"
"This is turning into something so, so special. Ah, I'm just so happy with how this project's turning out!"
"Yeah, my Iron Man Mark One is coming along really, really nicely. I am very, very pleased."
"Love across multiple characters, rarely ever romantic."
"It's one of the most satisfying projects I've ever done in my life."
"It's done, and quite honestly, I think this is just going to be the perfect size bamboo farm."
"It's been a fun balance to strike, and we're real proud of it."
"Overall, very very happy with our project and I'm excited."
"But honestly, I love it, I love that it brings a uniqueness and a pop of color in that back corner, it's exactly what I wanted from this makeover."
"I'm happy with this, we have gotten a good start."
"I'm pretty happy with the way that this actually turned out... I think this looks really good."
"I hope this ended up looking something like what you wanted it to look like... I'm pretty happy with this so far."
"I'm actually really happy with the HQ that we built here today."
"My sincere advice to you is ask yourself, are you happy? Ask yourself what are you doing in life?"
"I'm really happy with how this has turned out."
"I know that we put out the exact thing we want to put out, you know what I mean? Like, it's different when you put out a project and you're like, 'Well, this is what they let me.'"
"Four years of development, and it feels pretty darn good."
"Pretty happy with how it looks after all that struggle and frustration. Pretty happy with how it's coming together."
"Looks a lot better, looks more fun to look at, like we did a good job there. I like it."
"This is one of the projects that really makes me really happy about the work that we're doing."
"I'm just so happy and giddy about this whole entire build."
"Closing things out here, I'm really happy with how the system turned out."
"If a project has so many great or good things about it that the little gripes that I have don't impact my overall experience in any big meaningful way then my score isn't going down."
"What'd you guys think? I gotta be honest with you, I think it came out really good."
"To come out with something like this, totally worth it."
"So happy with how everything's going so far."
"It really stretched me, it really stretched my skills, and it gave me a lot of confidence. I never thought that I could have built a whole fireplace wall with Cabinetry and shells and lights and it's beautiful. I love it."
"I'm really happy with the advancements we made today."
"Guys, I'm quite happy with what we got going on here."
"I hope you all don't mind. Quite pleased overall with the progress we've made today."
"Great things are looking pretty good so far in Sipscoast. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks."
"I'm really happy with the way this build ended up turning out."
"Foundation designs are individually engineered to satisfy projects and customer needs and always with an eye on value engineering."
"I'm just happy with how this project turned out."
"With our two guns figured out, I'd say that's a good wrap to the day."
"Guys, I think this turned out absolutely awesome."
"Overall, I'm super happy with the way this thing came out."
"It's never perfect, but honestly, it's looking pretty freaking good."
"It ends up being one of the nicest pieces I think I've ever built."
"The hinges held pretty well so I'm very, very happy about that."
"So I really couldn't be more excited with how this project came out."
"I'm very happy with how this has turned out."
"We did the best with what we had to work with and we think it came out awesome."
"I really enjoyed this project and really happy with the outcomes."
"Logistically challenging but creatively rewarding."
"I'm actually so happy with this project, it turned out really well."
"That was a very big project but totally worth it, please grow, it's been so long."
"I really like this project because it's easy, it's inexpensive, there's almost immediate gratification, and it's fun."
"I'm actually already loving how this is turning out."
"This is actually amazing! This looks super cool."
"This is maybe the set I am most proud of working on."
"I'm really happy with the way that it turned out."
"These are coming together really nicely. I'm enjoying this."
"I'm really really proud of just this project and just this I would have to say it's a masterpiece."
"What do you guys think of that? I couldn't be more happy with how this is coming out honestly."
"It was a really awesome project to shoot on."
"This was a great project that I had a lot of fun building."
"It came out great I like the project."
"Oh, that looks gorgeous, that is an awesome project."
"Overall, super happy with the project, not too many big snags."
"The last time I worked on the Captain's Quarters, we had this really satisfying, beautiful end of the video where things were coming together."
"Overall, I was super happy with how this back panel came out."
"It has been seriously the most amazing part of this project."
"I'm really happy with the way this turned out, and I think the goats are going to have to be happy with it too."
"Look how amazing that looks, shout out to Eve, the baby's booty."
"I really love how this turned out, it gives me really elegant, just pretty vibes."
"It was a fun project. I like it, I'm happy with it, and I hope you enjoyed this video."
"I'm honestly so obsessed with how this door turned out; I could not be happier with this project."
"All the plastics are basically on, and this thing looks absolutely amazing."
"Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out."
"Really happy with how this thing's turning out, hopefully you're learning something."
"I am totally in love with this. I think this came out so fantastic."
"I couldn't be happier with the result; it's so beautiful and large and amazing color combination."
"I really loved the way this turned out, mainly because I know that this is about to last me all week."
"I'm super happy with this; it's really taking shape."
"I really liked how this turned out."
"I think it turned out so well, and I'm so pleased with it."
"This is turning out freaking amazing."
"I'm really happy with this lake and the progress that this project has made."
"I feel evolved and I feel like this is the best project I've done."
"I'm super pleased with how this project turned out."
"I'm really excited about how this turned out; it was a simple project but a whole lot of fun to build."
"This remains one of my favorites; such a fun project and it came out relatively nicely."
"It really just brought life back into this thing which makes me so damn happy."
"This piece turned out exactly how I saw it in my head and it was a lot of fun to work on this project."
"We loved how it turned out, it took us several days to get this one worked out."
"It's just been the nicest project to work on, it's just been my favorite thing all year."
"This is one of those surprise projects where, in person, it looks more amazing than it does in the photograph."
"I absolutely love how this entire project turned out from start to finish."
"I'm real happy with this project, it turned out pretty much like I wanted to."
"I'm pretty excited about how that whole project turned out."
"I seriously wish that every single resin project was this easy to demold."
"So overall, I am definitely thrilled with the way this whole project turned out."
"I love how this project turned out. Now you can turn both of those lights on, and it is so pretty."
"I think this one turned out really well."
"That sucker is just turning out super awesome as well."
"I thought that this was an excellent project, beginning to end."
"I was pretty happy with the result."
"We're so thrilled with how it turned out. I think it's a really nice representation of what me and Jack are like."
"I'm really happy with how it's looking so far; this is spot-on."
"It's cool to see the whole deal that you've been doing, it looks really good."
"Okay, I think this looks good. Yeah, I really like the way this turned out."
"I hope you liked this project; I hope you liked the video."
"I'm really impressed with how this came out."
"I love how this looks, I was so excited when I finally got it working."
"I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end."
"I'm really happy with how this project turned up."
"I'm not gonna lie, you guys, this is turning out really, really good."
"I'm very happy with this project so far; it was worth all the hard work."
"I really love how these turned out and I hope that you do too."
"I'm glad I started on a smaller project, but I am so pleased with how our two little projects with our paint inlays turned out."
"I really like the way this one came together."
"I'm just so freaking proud of it... I really really love the way it turned out."
"I'm just super pleased with how this turned out."
"I love how this turned out; it's exactly what I pictured."
"This whole project has been so effortless, it just has been incredible. I'm so happy."
"I'm really pleased with the results; it came out quite nicely."