
Ease Of Play Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"If greed mode is easier, I think it's probably easier because you can choose the actual items you want."
"This will make your game super easy, in my opinion."
"Despite the relative ease that comes from beating this game, I will say I always get a hit of nostalgia whenever I beat the game or listen to its ending music."
"It's effectively turning on easy mode for the game."
"For me, he needs to be a part of that conversation. He just made it look so easy, and he just educated a lot of us."
"Pushing ready is like letting that needle drop. There's no work to be done here, nothing to be pushed through to get to the fun."
"The easiest cart racer I think I've ever played."
"Yo, I'm in. Pretty easy game, it's Donkey Kong. It's not f**king Elden Ring, but you know, still a win."
"It's like a brand new game except you already know how to play, you don't have to learn how to play again. I just really enjoy this game."
"Colt's Magnum Special... absolutely an S tier star power and it absolutely makes Colt much easier to push."
"We wanted a game that didn't need a ton of stuff to play and was really accessible."
"This game is too easy, I just won the smartwatch."
"The level 70 to 80 jump for characters is going to make dispatch and other content like that so much more easy and so much easier to tackle."
"Playing Ret is easy mode that frees you up to help out the team more."
"He literally made this look like the freaking giant, my guy. What the heck?"
"Beast mastery may be a bit below marksman or raw damage but it makes up for it with its easy learning curve."
"These systems actually work really nicely on the piano and the fingerings are quite easy but really satisfying to play."
"Life is so easy when you run a deck that you're good with."
"Barbarians... by design a relatively simple class to play."
"Medic is from an effectiveness standpoint kind of thing hands down the easiest class in the entire game."
"Games don't have to be grueling to be great."
"It's a unique opportunity to sort out your health."
"Ezreal... not only pretty easy to play but also very effective."
"Janna is just a very solid, strong but successful support that is not all that difficult to pick up."
"Nike: one of the best solo laners in the game right now and probably the easiest solo laner to play."
"Fortnite is definitely more accessible than PUBG and easier to understand, pick up, and play."
"Some people say mending makes the game too easy, but in my opinion, it just makes it less grindy."
"One of the absolute best methods for leveling in the entire game."
"Demon hunters probably have it the easiest out of any class."
"I am so happy with this game; it is just so easy to have fun."
"An extremely easy cleanup despite having basically no units."
"Gems don't take experience away from your character when they level, you don't have to worry about if you put in more gems you're going to gain less experience."
"This was just way too easy and you gotta love Sparky because it works out at any trophy range."
"I am hoping they go Dolkadir because that one's relatively easy for me."
"It just makes playing the game infinitely easier."
"Seriously, every single update Minecraft makes, they make something easier."
"Even without LFD, I think it'll be a lot easier to get a group together for classic WoW."
"It really does make very hard difficulty extremely easy."
"I had a blast... it's easy to like a game when it just gives you the win."
"I actually scored it first try, you know? One might even say it's too easy."
"With those strats in mind, both battles are pretty easy."
"These games aren't incredible really, but they're simple pleasures, easy to learn, easy to run, just enough spice sometimes all it takes is a color choice, a different weapon."
"Sure, that takes away every bit of challenge, but it's nonetheless a neat reference."
"This build is also very easy to play with especially if you struggle in the late game."
"The whole thing with misfortune though is she's very easy to play in a very effective as well."
"The boss damage is so high... I was able to kill the last arbiter... with absolutely no issues at all."
"This method is great because it is probably the most afk thieving method in the game."
"These things are amazing because they offer once again kind of afk thieving experience."
"Just show up whenever you want, a few sleeps and fast travels later."
"It's getting too easy out here, ladies and gentlemen."
"I don't think it takes a while to become an Anthem flight pro. I think they hit the system so hard that you can kind of just do it, which is huge."
"I got interested in chess because I was playing all the other games and they just were too easy."
"Insta-kill makes this like night and day difference, like this is so much easier."
"Recommended roles and heroes: 10 Heroes who are easy to play but are still very strong in the carometer."
"Smash 4 Cloud has to be one of the easiest top tiers we've ever seen in a smash game." - Commentator
"This game seems easier but equally creative."
"This Heist is very easy... but there's still a part of me that can appreciate the comparative ease of this one as I think it's a house that should be experienced by all payday players."
"Kingdom Hearts 3 while extremely easy is such a fun video game"
"The game is so much easier with fewer distractions."
"It appears that you do get crowns pretty much for anything from the store."
"It's very easy to get into a groove with it and do it over and over again."
"Game's not fuckin' scary. Game's fuckin' easy."
"It's a celebration star so it's not meant to be hard."
"The scale thing is really nice because it does allow you to play without really having to worry about it."
"I think there is a big benefit of having a smaller guitar just for being that sort of, I don't want to say training wheels, but literally, it's easier to play."
"It's so easy to play, to get some beautiful sound."
"He's making this course look way easier than it is."
"I'm just saying that black has a very, very strong winning chances, and it's very, very easy to play."
"The zero fret is comfortable and smooth, and the frets are silky smooth; they basically play themselves."
"Gripping the club like this basically means it's very, very light and helps you to truly let the club just fall on that ball and just let it pop up, super, super simple."
"Shane just makes this game so freaking easy."