
Object-oriented Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"In object-oriented programming, we have four pillars: inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism."
"C++ is a better C; it supports data abstraction and it supports object-oriented programming."
"Everything concrete, everything that allocates memory, everything you can toss around is an object."
"Object-oriented programming marries the operations with the data they're done on."
"Object-oriented programming is basically trying to simulate real-world objects or concepts in code."
"Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class."
"When you start to extract and extract and extract, you find the true object-oriented structure of the system that you're trying to design."
"We're all object-oriented designers."
"Object-oriented programming was really cool."
"Objects are references. When we create an object, the actual value is created somewhere in the computer's memory, and this variable actually just gets a reference that points to that location."
"You see, we have two instances of the user class, and this keyword will refer to the current object being worked on."
"Now since we can initialize the user with a name and a date of birth right at the creation process, we can actually make the name and birthday private."
"For that, we have something called getters."
"Since the name and birthday properties have become private, no one can change their values from outside the user class."
"Instantiating an instance of this dog, you can reference that object and say dog dot speak or dog dot sit."
"Polymorphism generalizes a functionality so it can work on different types."
"Let's create our item abstract class."
"Inheritance basically allows us to define a base class that has certain variables and functions."
"Don't destroy with owner basically means that when the owner of this object is destroyed, then if it's false which is currently false right now, then the network object should also be destroyed."
"...class variables exist within the class itself and there's just one copy of that variable for all of the objects thereof. They all share, if you will, the same variable..."
"...int is a class, it is a template, a blueprint for creating integers in memory..."
"Objects are passed as references to objects."
"Encapsulation is one of the main principles of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation is the bundling of data and the methods that act on that data in a way that access to the data is restricted from outside the bundle."
"Now the first thing we want to do is create our object."
"Interfaces specify a set of methods that an object has to have to be able to interact with other objects."
"Polymorphism allows the object of derived classes or subclasses to be treated the same as objects of a base class."
"In the background, every single student type has invoked its own implementation of the study method, and that is something that polymorphism allows us to do."
"Because of our system being object-oriented it was easy for us to have multiple turtles on the screen at once."
"Everything must be an object including classes."
"I hope it makes you realize how convenient object-oriented programming can be to store a bunch of information about something and then access it really easily."
"...we can assign an object to an interface type and the object type will depend upon the expression."
"...made this both simultaneously more object-oriented and more functional."
"The public methods are the only things that can see the private parts of the object."
"Python uses an object-oriented approach that encapsulates code within objects."
"What does an object-oriented architecture look like? Well, I don't know."
"An object-oriented approach will be not to produce an exact written text."
"The truth is that what object-oriented programming really represents has been lost over the years as modern languages kept copying the syntax and ideas imposed by the C programming language."
"At the high level, TensorFlow's object-oriented API provides reusable libraries for model building."
"Writing methods involve defining actions that objects can perform."
"Everything in the game that you put into like a room is kind of like an object; an object has a Sprite, it has a collider, it has variables that you can add to it."
"NestJS has full TypeScript support and it's really object-oriented heavy."
"We have a new method now, object.create, which allows us to make a new object which inherits from an existing object."
"You shouldn't care about where an object came from, you just care about what it can do."
"I'm thinking prototypally now, and when I'm thinking prototypally I can do everything I want to do with object.create."
"Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible."
"You want to keep your objects small, you want to keep them isolated, and they should really only have a single responsibility."
"In Python, everything is an object. So even strange objects, like none, will have an associated class."
"Object-oriented programming is great, but it is not appropriate all the time."
"This is good object-oriented design; this is 'tell, don't ask'; this is encapsulating conditions using polymorphism."
"In object-oriented programming, the command pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an event at a later time."
"Even when I work with the language that's ostensibly OO, I would tend to write it in a more functional style these days."
"Object-oriented code is more stable because if you need to make an update... there's less about your overall application that needs to change."
"Object-oriented programming, when architected and designed appropriately, in general, is written with greater ease, performs with much more stability, and simplifies maintenance on the part of the software developer."
"The goal behind object-oriented programming is to make the software that you develop better represent and better model the way we actually think about and interact with objects or things in the real world."
"Functional programming is a completely different paradigm than what we are used to, which is object-oriented."
"We primarily live in an object-oriented world, but we're not bound to that paradigm; we can also take a functional approach."
"And even though this is absolutely amazing, we have just scratched the surface of object-oriented programming."
"It's going to inherit from abstract car and then inside of here, I'm going to define the image for my car as well as the starting position."
"The power of object-oriented programming is we've really quite simplified this now."
"When is a cool method; it's basically an object-oriented conditional."
"You can read my property, but I can only change it from within my class, not from outside the class."
"A class is a template, a blueprint for creating objects."
"Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm which tells you that you should divide your code into different objects."
"In C-sharp applications, we have the concept of a class, which is basically a blueprint or template for an object."
"This project should be a good starting point for you to get familiar with object-oriented programming in Python."
"Object-oriented programming is extremely difficult, or at least for me to really understand and conceptualize, and this section did a really good job at explaining it so I understood a ton better after that."
"The basic ideas of object-oriented are quite simple, maybe too simple to be popular until we absolutely require simplicity."
"Everything is an object in Python, even functions."
"Every Python object holds three things: its type, a reference count, and its value."
"Polymorphism... simplifies game architecture by having the object itself determine what behavior will run."
"C++ is an object-oriented language; it encourages us to compose objects representing various layers of abstraction."
"Whilst Pascal is primarily a functional programming language, it does now actually support OOP."
"We give you the structure you like from object-oriented programming and then inside your methods, we give you that nice declarative style that you get from functional programming."
"Object-oriented language is all about reusing what is delivered."
"It's important to know because one of the key things is not just learning how to write object-oriented language but how to read documentation."
"Object-oriented programs, when they get to a certain size, are just spaghetti. It's very hard to understand a program once you have all these relationships."
"Static methods do not require an object; instance methods require an object."
"With classes, you can actually store both data or parameters and functionality or methods all within the one variable."
"You can create a class for anything, a class is just going to be some type of thing that you're going to create."
"Unravel the concept of inheritance, the pillar of code reusability in object-oriented programming."
"Objects in the object-oriented programming sense are a combination of data and code."
"A constructor is merely a method that allows us as developers to execute code at the moment that a new instance of a class is created."
"Encapsulation, inheritance, dynamic dispatch are the fundamental concepts you need to understand in order to use object-oriented programming effectively."
"Object-oriented programming entails creating objects that contain both data and methods, encapsulated together in one single object or a class."
"Object-oriented programming is all about creating objects."
"To fully understand what is actually going on here, we need an understanding really of object-oriented practices."
"A symbol is simply a reference to a component of an object like a function or a variable."
"JavaScript and ExtendScript are both object-oriented languages which means that they revolve around using different objects to perform actions."
"There are three core foundational principles to object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism."
"A class is just a blueprint or a description of an object."
"Classes define objects which have attributes and behaviors."
"Inheritance is one of the core concepts of object-oriented design."
"A constructor is a method that is called when an instance of a class is created."
"Constructors, unlike other methods, do not have a return type, not even void."
"Object-oriented programming is a way of writing your code and a way of structuring our code so that it resembles objects that are in the real world."
"Object-oriented programming, a hugely popular paradigm of writing code at scale."
"The last approach I want to talk about very briefly is object-oriented approach."
"So the key in the object-oriented approach is to think of a useful object."
"We work with objects on a daily basis, not just in programming but in real life."
"Objects do the actual work in an object-oriented program."
"Rather than typing out lines of code, we create object boxes that have very specific functions."
"I'm going to use object-oriented programming and I'm going to create a class of the type student and that I'm going to use to store that information."
"Java is an object-oriented programming language."
"Now instead of thinking in terms of individual data and functions, we start thinking in terms of objects."
"Using an object-oriented style of programming makes our code reusable."
"We can define multiple objects with similar attributes and functionalities from a single class."
"Object is nothing but an instance of a class."
"Java is a completely object-oriented language... C++ is a hybrid language."
"Let's make that the rule rather than the exception."
"Objects are data if all the methods on an object are pure functions."
"Getters and setters can bring more value to the code."
"I care about the role that they play, not the type that they are."
"The most important thing about OO is that we have objects because we send messages, not the opposite."
"Object-oriented programming is data structures that become objects that include both data and functions."
"Once you have one of these elements, you can actually do a lot of other things that also resemble object-oriented or general programming."
"The interface defines the syntax for classes to follow."
"TypeScript supports object-oriented programming such as classes, interfaces, inheritance."
"What I want to do is talk about why we even might care about object-oriented programming."
"That's how we'll show we can use object-oriented programming to address those shortcomings."
"A constructor function is a blueprint that lets us create an object."
"A constructor is a special function associated with the class which is executed immediately when the instance of that class is created."
"Inheritance is when a class extends another class, taking on its properties and methods."
"The benefit of object-oriented programming is you can change things on the fly just by accessing the class parameters through the dot notation."
"Following these rules places a bet that you'll be better off making many small objects than you will be making a few large ones."
"Object-oriented programming is a method of organizing information in a computer program that seeks to model the real world."
"The primary purpose of the person class isn't to decide what kind of output format it has."
"As a Python programmer, you should know the concept of classes and object-oriented programming in Python."
"The core principle we drive forward in PyTorch is that building models leverages a familiar imperative and object-oriented style."
"The concept of an object is that it encapsulates data and functionality and provides an interface to the outside world."
"Patterns as a whole can help people learn object oriented thinking."
"Design pattern is nothing but learning object-oriented programming in a better way."
"The beauty of OOP programming is that you can create multiple objects based on a single class."
"It is object-oriented, which is a new way of looking at coding."
"Objects are like variables, but they contain not only state, but also behaviors."
"If you inherit from a class, you are considered to be that class."
"When you render something and then you say return this, what it allows you to do is then chain methods and get access to properties inside of that method."
"This is the magic of object-oriented programming; you just have a macro view of what the program is doing."
"Welcome to the object-oriented programming course on Roblox Lua."
"Functional programming is a very rich paradigm, just as rich as object-oriented programming."
"Java is an object-oriented language that uses single inheritance."
"C-sharp is a fully object-oriented programming language."
"The easiest way of thinking of a bb class is as a pure virtual object."
"We're going to use an object-oriented approach where we create objects and define them with their own unique properties."
"Don't forget also about object-oriented design principles and keeping your code clean."
"Polymorphism is the use of virtual methods to make one method produce one of many possible outcomes or behaviors depending on the instance."
"A conceptual class has a name that represents what it is or what it does."
"That's why object-oriented programming is so awesome because you build all the tools in the background."
"There's ways to get around this, and specifically if you use an object-oriented style, you don't need to use global variables."
"This is how we think in terms of objects rather than just throwing everything into a class, which has the side effect of making it not reusable in the least."
"It's nice to be able to wrap the stuff inside of an object and then be able to repurpose that."
"With every class in Dart, we expose a specific interface which we can reuse."