
Gardening Tips Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"It's not only about avoiding the frost, they positively need warmth."
"Another approach to confuse your pests that's simple but often overlooked is to just plant varieties that the bugs don't like."
"Plant your tomato deep to bury as much stem as you can."
"Now that you have these guys in your propagation station, what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light."
"The scares are slow and ultimately more effective."
"Fertilizing plants is like house plant care 3.0 not because it's challenging to do but because it's easy to forget to do or sometimes we actually don't know where to start."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"With a little bit of attention, neglected plants can bounce back beautifully."
"You really want to keep your plants fed, that's probably the number one thing."
"We're gonna show you the two ways that we're gonna do it today."
"Root rot can be achieved in quite a few ways."
"The best way to prevent anything is by giving your orchids attention."
"Temperature: the warmer, the better for root production."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"Here are some things you can do to prevent root rot: maintain the pH of your water, avoid overfeeding, and don't reuse infected soil."
"Just keep in mind that these are my preferred methods for propagating these kinds of houseplants."
"The way I like to propagate Pothos is by cutting off one of the more leggy vines."
"I try to snip the rhododendrons if you can see there's some little some little leaf nodes or buds on there at the very base I try to snip it right below one of those."
"The fourth terrible piece of gardening advice that new gardeners should avoid is inspired by something that I actually heard an expert gardener give on a radio show."
"Over watering can happen regardless of the size of the plant or the pot."
"Don't fight your climate too much, especially getting started out."
"I'm really excited because Joe has got some great tips not only that he's sharing with me so that I can improve the health of my fruit trees and therefore the fruit that I'm getting but also these tips are gonna help you."
"Are you a plant owner? I have two really good tricks that you might have in your kitchen that will really benefit the health of your plants."
"If you think you're gonna remember a name of a plant and you don't tag it just know that you probably won't remember the name of the plant."
"I think putting together like an ornamental grass video and maybe like plants that bloom white and plants that do really well in the shade."
"Surrender and embody what you want; be in tune with opportunities."
"Find the things that you love and make sure your pruners are sharp and clean."
"Humidity and light would be really important."
"Temperature is everything when it comes to starting seeds."
"It's really really important and that is one of the things that I've learned over time is wow you know my philodendrons do so much better when I give them enough light and their leaves get huge."
"It's like the perfect size to harvest this, you can harvest them a little bit smaller, a little bit larger if you want."
"Pick the one with the most stems or stalks on it, so it's as bushy as possible."
"If you want it smaller, put it somewhere colder during the night."
"As they start to get really long say about five feet long it's a good idea to go out there and prune off the growing tip at the end of the squash...this will increase the amount of fruit you're going to be getting."
"Do install shut off valves on each of your raised beds or on each of your rows or each of your zones."
"I've had good luck with these coming back year after year."
"I'm going to top this one because I think a lot of you that are growing in other areas of the country or even the world can benefit from topping your plants."
"The perfect combination for alocasias is absolutely, 100%, I cannot be convinced otherwise: it is no drainage with lechuza pond."
"Alright, guys, so if you have any questions, put them in the comments below and I will put whatever I can in the... all the amendments I put in the soil."
"I have had no squash bugs, I've had no squash vine borers, nothing for the last two years. The only one thing that I have done different is I have used Dr. Earth's Golden Bloom liquid phosphorus."
"Is drainage important for potted plants? Yes, yes, and many times, yes. Plants that are potted in pots without drainage are at high risk of being overwatered."
"Something I'll tell you guys is we focus on plants that thrive on neglect, that grow with ease."
"What works in my garden might not work in your garden... test them out in small areas."
"If it starts to spread more than you'd like, take it out immediately... don't let it languish there and become a problem."
"Why is it important to cut back to the last point where you had the variegation you liked? It's because the stem then tends to have a lot of a light pink color."
"Heat and light are probably two of the main tricks to faster growth in Hoyas."
"Giving spacing reduces the whitefly."
"You don't have leggy growth anymore, um, and, uh, yeah, it just looks a lot better."
"Hope this video has helped you as a beginner to just make your plants thrive."
"Light, food, and support are the main things your plants need to mature."
"Well dirt magicians, that's the end of our video. I hope that this video kind of opened your mind to the possibilities of ways you could trellis or gave you completely new ideas."
"When you propagate these plants, you can make more plants... I would say it doubles, triples, quadruples your plant when you propagate."
"I love this trick. I've used this before in the past, but if you want a really nice clean edge of moss on anything, you can use some double sided tape."
"Honestly, if you can collect rainwater, it's the best thing you can do for your air plants."
"Make sure you're moving your plants to where the sun is hitting them so that they get as much sun as they can."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"It's gonna benefit the plant, your plant's gonna really explode."
"It's such an easy read with all kind of vegetables in here, talking to you about how to plant, what the plant loves, what the plant hates."
"Use neem oil early in the morning or late at night."
"You should grow garlic in a spot that gets at least six hours of sun each day, and the more the better."
"They don't take much but you do gotta encourage them."
"I am so excited to share all my tips and tricks with you."
"I'm just giving you guys the tools to garden better both indoors and outside."
"I hope I was able to provide a little bit of an understanding with this tropical plant and let you know that it is possible to take care of it."
"If you want variegation but you have a tight budget, then this one is quite a nice one."
"Listen and observe your plants, they will show you what they like and what they don't like."
"Any garden, no matter how big or small, should have a degree of water element to it."
"In this video, I'm going to explain the two fundamental Bonsai concepts that you absolutely have to understand if you're going to save time and create great bonsai."
"The little bump where the leaves meet the main stem, that's called the node, and that is what you need if you want to propagate this plant."
"Peonies don't need any kind of support."
"If you keep these three things together, light, watering, and fertilizer, you will have this kind of flowers."
"Thank you very much for watching me today. If you want some more information on growing your own chiles, I really recommend the Red Hot Chili Grower book from the RHS."
"They bloom healthy, they bloom big, they will have big blooms."
"Best of luck with your garden and thank you so much for watching."
"If there's hedgehogs in your country, leave a little gap about a two inch in your fence so they can get through."
"Before I go, I'm going to give you three reasons why you should listen to me: one, because I know what I'm talking about; two, I love grass; and three, I've got everything you need for you to get a lawn looking like this and looking like Wembley in the future."
"I hope I taught you something and maybe you guys can use these tips to propagate your own plants at home."
"If you follow these tips and you really do care about your plant, you and your fiddle leaf can grow into plant heroes together."
"Your pH level should really be around 5.5 when you're watering plants."
"Prune any old leaves to allow airflow, make sure you're feeding it over time, and you water it plenty of water, especially once it's fruiting and you're into the depths of summer."
"Pay attention to your seedlings... they're alive, you got to keep living things alive somehow, and water is a key factor that you don't want to mess up."
"I'm gonna give you some tips and tricks to help her not be such a diva after repotting."
"As I graft seven new citrus varieties to this tree, I'll give different tips with each variety to help you succeed with your grafting."
"Your success rate's going to be a lot higher."
"Keep a watchful eye on your plants, always look them over."
"In case you follow all these five secrets, I am very sure you'll grow away healthier and greener palms."
"The main thing to remember with taters is you want some really nice fluffy soft soil."
"To best help your plant actually thrive, it's going to benefit your plant if you can recreate its natural habitat as close as you can."
"Correct watering to me is the most important step when it comes to caring for a house plant."
"Propagating your hoyas, you do not need a node which is really awesome."
"The best time to water your plants for most people is between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m."
"Attention new gardeners, here is a way you can get more plants basically for free."
"If any of these videos help give you more info and make you a better grower, just hitting that thumbs up means so much."
"So until tomorrow, this has been Laura Eubanks of Design for Serenity with your succulent tip of the day. Bye guys!"
"I think that's the secret for growing Cyrisses: really good watering technique and giving that cool rest period in the winter."
"Keep your garden easy and do what works best for you."
"It's a perfect way to grow a lot of different tomato varieties and really save on space."
"So everybody, I sure hope you found this video helpful and it gives you some ideas for what you can grow in late winter this year and all throughout the winter next year."
"If you don't have a green thumb but you're wanting some live plants in your house, definitely try out a snake plant."