
Personal Organization Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"It's super fascinating. Calendar and mail side by side is a big deal for me."
"Everything that I declutter today is one less thing I have to declutter tomorrow."
"The process of cleaning and organizing can be therapeutic, offering a sense of control in a chaotic world."
"Planning out today the night before... it's like you've made a little micro promise to yourself."
"I map out my life in the calendar... I reminded myself this morning to pack my frozen lunches."
"The best way to squeeze something into your schedule is to know what's important to you."
"How do you not fall behind? How do you become one of those people who can stay on top of things consistently over the long term?"
"You know, that's what they say; if you ever want to get anything done, make a list."
"Anytime I read, watch, or listen to anything that resonates with me, I drop it into the resonance calendar."
"Your daily to-do list is now going to be your holy grail of the entire day."
"Getting clear on your top priorities is essential."
"You can tell a principal woman by how her life is organized."
"I don't move it, I don't change it around, and when I take it on trips, I'm very specific with where it goes in my bag."
"Clean up your room, that's a good start. Organize your local landscape, schedule your time, start taking control of yourself."
"Make sure that it's super comfortable that it will hold all of my crap inside of it."
"Organize yourself for success in order to receive it."
"Declutter your collection and make sure everything you use is definitely of quality and of substance."
"I always end up with five drawers still so I don't really get it down that much."
"Tracker Pixel: Stop losing your stuff. It's the peace of mind wherever you go."
"Organizing is like Freedom; having an organized space is the ultimate life hack."
"Family comes first, and I want to make sure I'm actually doing the things in my planner."
"Find your balance, catch your breath, and clean up your messes."
"Let me show you what I organize this. I'm so happy with the progress we made."
"Air tags or if you don't have an iPhone, tile is something that's so amazing to have especially if you lose your items often."
"I think it's just a fun bag but I think it has everything that you need."
"I thought, oh my goodness, this is a bento box but for my values and decisions."
"Pick up the bike pick up the bike if your room is messy you're off this is messy or you know you didn't finish something you put a bill off you put this up do it right away do your taxes do your taxes do everything right away."
"Decluttering... This is going to save you so much time."
"I just have to have a plan and so this was this week's plan. It feels good on Sunday night to know what to expect for the week."
"Get your life in schedule ready to write a novel."
"It's always a work in progress figuring what systems work best for you."
"Focusing on the order that you're doing things would be a good idea for you, Taurus."
"My planner isn't about documentation and looking pretty... It's more of that accountability in my life."
"I just find it a lot more convenient to have it all in a digital place."
"What's been on your to-do list longer than a week?"
"Prioritize things and only focus on one thing at a time, that helps with stress."
"I hope you enjoyed this video, let me know in the comments down below on a scale of 1 to 10 how full is your wardrobe."
"For me at least I have a hard time having every aspect of my life deep cleaned and organized at one time."
"I did do those tips and tricks... I had all these post-its everywhere and I had positive affirmations, that's all great but that's all I had."
"Visioning and goal setting: You need to have a dream."
"Possessing high levels of conscientiousness makes a person dutiful, organized, deliberate, and competent."
"I just wanted to ask what I actually right now I have nothing in the zipper I have everything in the bag."
"It's time to treat bedtime like an appointment in the calendar."
"Have your house in order, who are you submitted to, who's your accountability?"
"Design an amazing schedule for yourself from scratch."
"A second brain is a trusted place where you keep all the information that matters to you."
"Writing it down does not mean that it has to be super rigid... you have to simply find a way to schedule for yourself."
"Treat your time as jumbo's precious resource... always keep an eye on that."
"It's never too late to start a planner, certainly not."
"She wants to put some makeup in her drawers and be able to just sit here and get ready and get all pretty."
"Thank you guys for watching me organize my life aka my kitchen."
"The inbox is nothing but a convenient organizing system of other people's agendas."
"Make sure you set yourself up for success, just like your meal prep, just like everything you do in your life."
"One thing that changed her whole life... was that she did a daily schedule by the hour."
"I really like keeping our overall goals for the year in the front of the planner so that I can see it every time I open it."
"This is the monthly overview and now I'm going to show you kind of how I set up the rest of the month."
"I need a day to just relax and just kind of reorganize myself and get structured."
"Regularly audit your wardrobe to remove clutter."
"I absolutely adore the faith planner, it is slowly becoming one of my favorite parts of planning."
"I definitely need to put this budget probably in like a visible place in my house."
"Being productive and organized isn't something that you're born with but it's something that we all can achieve even with a busy life."
"Let me just fill up on Sunday so it's out of the way for the week."
"Clean up your life, release what clutters your space."
"I feel much more put together so I'm super excited to have that."
"Sometimes your schedule gets so full you have to wake up really early, you have to get it done."
"It feels good to know everything in here is here for a reason and that reason is because I need it."
"I'm a boss [], I'm very confident, not cocky, confident. I have my [] together."
"Try planning out your weeks, the week before."
"Spring cleaning for myself. I work a lot better in a clean environment and when I'm very organized."
"Sometimes you think you don't have anything to get rid of, but if you just go through your closets and cabinets at least every couple of months, you can always come up with a bag full of items to donate or sell that you're not using."
"This is one of my favorite pages in the planner."
"Notion to me, Notion is like my digital planner... I really can't live without it."
"I think about it all the time, I even make lists for it."
"Writing it down is the most important thing."
"Clean up your life, get rid of anything that clutters your space."
"You have to have that stuff on hand because, you know what, if it's not there when you think you need to have it done, a lot of us just don't get it done."
"This could be incredibly useful for various things like cooking recipes or shopping lists or bits of information you've extracted from a website."
"Get on that minimalist wallet wave and get rid of the disgusting bulky leather wallet in your pocket or on your desk right now."
"So, that's Sunday and Monday... and a bit of Wednesday of last week."
"I love lists. I make a list for everything like pros and cons lists. It's the greatest part."
"Be your own caretaker, keep organized, and maintain balance."
"A planner system that offers flexibility and customization, just like your life - the Happy Planner by Mambi."
"I'm a firm believer in making your bed. It just makes your life better."
"It's the two things that we are always scrambling for every single morning."
"It felt good to find routines and cross items off a short to-do list rather than the neverending set of thankless tasks that adulting requires."
"People who get ahead, they write things down."
"I like tracking stuff like this and just writing down affirmations."
"It's a great thing to put on that first page."
"Setting your day up before you start your day will make your day immeasurably smoother."
"Definitely getting through this to-do list and coming down to the end."
"So these are the only two I have and I'm just, I lose everything, so I just, I'm really bad at this stuff."
"It's always good to be remembering to do that."
"I can't figure out which one I used to mark my hundred percents."
"I'm a boring guy anyway, but I'm gonna write down every day what my schedule is. That's important."
"Get rid of your silly chunky wallet that your grandpa gave you and have a better life with the Ridge Wallet."
"Make your bed. It cultivates a sense of accomplishment."
"Writing it down doesn't let you wiggle or evade the specifics. It makes you be very clear and why."
"You only have to muster willpower to do is obey the single rule of 'I'm following my blocks.'"
"Your bullet journal is not meant to be perfect so don't be discouraged by perfect looking bullet journals online."
"The first step in all of this is unsurprisingly to streamline your wardrobe and get it to a place that you really, really love."
"This fits everything that I want to have for a day."
"Clearing out my wardrobe was just honestly, it's made me feel so much better."
"I love having a clean room and going to bed knowing my room's clean and waking up and knowing it's clean and coming home knowing it's clean it feels so good."
"You start feeling like oh my gosh I'm finally going to be able to take the steps I need to really get my life in order and make it what I want it to be right?"
"Structure for me is everything, having a systematic approach to life is everything."
"This wallet can hold up to 12 cards plus room for cash. It's super slim, super sleek, but it can hold everything you need in your everyday carry wallet."
"Once I complete one of my tasks, it's very easy to cross it off my list."
"The last thing I want to show is the assigned to me view."
"I love this organizer... it's just so handy."
"I put my polaroids in there, which is so fun."
"Bullet journaling... completely changed the game for my time management."
"Split your week accordingly, one day to call the two Cs, Casey Coons, one day to call the two Ss, Sandra Schumer."
"Once I get my emotional house cleaned everything else just falls into place."
"I felt so accomplished, I felt so good, and I am in love with their closets and their dresser drawers now."
"I can't wait to use my little stickers when I journal at the end of this month."
"This is a beautiful makeup bag with a clear pocket, zipper, and plenty of room for brushes and pencils."
"Declutter your space by asking, 'Does this item spark joy?'"
"Time management and saying, 'This time is for this, this time is for this,' is the only way I manage to get all the things done."
"Set business goals. I want this done by this time, that done by that time, set life goals."
"I especially love the bag and it seems like all the essentials will fit inside."
"Let your mess dictate how you should organize your space."
"Now is the time to get your houses in order."
"I always try to include at least one thing that is small."
"Creating ritual for us is how we get a semblance of the day."
"Your bullet journal doesn't have to be pretty."
"This week might feel like nothing's happening, you know, there's no movement, but it would be a good week to get yourself organized, stay disciplined, stay in your routine."
"You managed to stay on top of things, especially when it comes to important people in your life."
"You don't have to be a minimalist, but I am organized."
"Having a wardrobe clear out... chaos behind these doors... chaos in these drawers... chaos absolutely jam-packed... wardrobe of doom right here."
"Your bullet journal does not have to be beautiful... just take a little black pen and just try making lists."
"The things that you choose to put in your bag, the way you organize them, is a subconscious representation of yourself."
"I do make my own little checklist in my planner, but maybe having something a little more organized would be best."
"There's no such thing as time management, there's only priority management."
"You either own your schedule or your schedule owns you."
"Create your own custom planner with all of the different options that they have."
"I'm going to have a little bit of a pamper evening... I need to organize my beauty routine in my own head."
"Make sure you change your default list to the list that you're going to use most often."
"I'm a big champion of writing things down, whether you're a writer or not."
"It keeps your purse off the floor off the seat and it just makes it just so much easier."
"Make a schedule and stick to it. It's not a bloody prison."
"The rule of thumb is if I haven't worn it in over a year, it's going."
"Notion is like a blank canvas with all the tools you need to set up your own productivity system that can literally do anything."
"Time management is something which you should be very very cautious about."
"I like to be very routine and very scheduled."
"It's a beautiful opportunity that comes out of the blue that you gotta get yourself organized for, but that makes you feel very empowered."
"This is my dream planner, I know there's a lot of planners out on the market but as someone who uses planners for every aspect of my life..."
"It's what tells us what we're doing, and where we have to be, it's what makes Google Calendar valuable to us."
"I wouldn't have the studio today if I wasn't able to stay organized."
"If something is not on my calendar, it's probably not going to happen in real life."
"I'm moving all my stuff to my new tv stand... because you don't know who carryin' Rona."
"Staying on top of things and checking in is one of the easiest things that we can do to really make sure that we're continuing to make progress towards our goals."
"Having a clean space, putting away your phone... you have to do it because you are just asking for it."
"That is so sick, I have to do some housekeeping."
"Clutter is never just about the physical stuff."
"Remember to set an alarm for my writing class. I don't want to miss it again."
"If I haven't used it yet at this point, it's time for it to go."
"When my room and my closet are clean, I just mentally feel better."
"Writing out your goals, plans, ideas are very key when it comes to creating a plan."
"Because not everybody is on a spiritual path, not everybody is so organized within themselves that they will handle things out of their own conscious intelligence."
"Curating a morning routine is literally so hard."
"I want to re-evaluate and sort out my planning system to something that works a lot better for me and establish some goals for now to the end of the year and potentially onwards."
"It's a constant balance between things that I've already ticked off so I can see the things that I'm getting done as I go throughout my week, and then it's other stuff that I still need to do."
"The centrepiece is the famous ridge wallet, a simple, effective, and reliable way to carry up to twelve cards; and with the hyper lime variant it’s that much harder to lose."
"I'm curious, how many of you write down a to-do list every day?"
"I just got organized for the rest of the day."
"I always like doing like a declutter... decluttering your electronics... your bedroom or your house."
"Clean out things that need to be cleared out, organize, and prepare for abundance."
"I just think it's so interesting and like I said I can't fit the whole year of months in so I just have the next three in."
"I'm having written down all of them but I have a feeling that it's gonna help me keep on track."
"So once it gets to 10 o'clock at night and then at probably 6 50 in the morning at least for my schedule that means that during this time frame every single day I will not be getting notified from anything."
"What's your routine like we all got to have a routine."
"I've never really found a planner that was kind of designed to my needs and I feel like this is pretty close."
"It's helping me stay grounded and really focus on things that I need to accomplish instead of letting my emotional overwhelm get the better of me."
"The dream for this video is that I want to keep literally one of everything. Of course, I'm going to keep things that you know will help me in my like crazy makeup looks."
"When we have lesser lines, the clarity of the mind is more, the focus is better, and the person gets on life in a very smooth, structured way."
"Most of us say, 'I couldn't ever pair down to 33 items,' but if you are serious about creating a home that is easy to manage, I would highly challenge you to try out Project 333."
"Pretty much everything that I do is planned, and that helped me a lot."
"There's definitely products that do not need to stay in my collection because they're not being used."
"Clean your space. Whatever you're wanting in your life, you need to make space for it."
"Give yourself some boundaries within your space that are realistic."
"Clean your house before 2020. Get everything tidy, get everything in order, make a new morning routine, make a new night routine. Prepare yourself for greatness and don't set yourself up for failure. That's on period!"
"My home is my castle... very loyal... very detailed journal."
"This fridge is not a proper reflection of my organization and who I am."
"I'm sure by the end of part five you will have a wardrobe that works for you instead of you working for your wardrobe."
"I drink a cup of coffee and I clean everything."
"I just love makeup bags because you can use them for anything."
"I find it easier to edit a digital planner."
"Start with cleaning up your house physically, and then start to throw away things physically."
"Doing a couple of really big things on my to-do list makes me feel like I can relax and breathe and feel less anxious."
"That's another page completed in the binder, look at that, fantastic."
"The biggest tip that I can give to everybody is find a system that works for you and keep it the same."
"Having a routine will simplify your life and you will feel more organized."
"It usually starts with a notebook. I like to write all my ideas down."
"I just think it looks really classy and streamlined, and so for me, this is like the perfect agenda."
"If you know how to leverage it, Notion is a brilliant tool to build a customized organization system for your life and work."
"The power of just setting yourself up on a Sunday for a good week, worth it."
"It's really just an effort to kind of figure out exactly what I do in a week because my days are so crazy like sometimes I don't know what I actually did that week."
"I'm trying to Marie Kondo my life and not have it too cluttered."
"I am gonna stick with this for quite some time."
"The idea for writing Org-mode started really from a moment when I decided I had to organize my notes better."