
Shopping Habits Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"We still have some power. Stop being complacent and stop shopping at places like Erewhon."
"Is there just this many choices in your local supermarket in the country you're from let me know maybe where you're from and where you go shopping at as a comparison."
"Unconscious circuitry is also guiding us when we're out shopping; it tells us what we should buy and what we're willing to pay for it."
"Beautiful things were my vice, and in some ways still are, although I have a much better managed relationship with buying them these days."
"Pull up or shut up. Vote with your wallets. No receipts, no purchase."
"I try to just buy vintage. I try to buy secondhand."
"I don't know if it's just me, but I'd rather walk around the store a million times before I ask anybody for some help."
"Buying something at a sale price that you wouldn't have bought otherwise isn't a good deal."
"I never buy myself a new dress unless it's on sale or thrifted. I never do this unless it's a discount."
"Don't think I'm shopping there. I'm gonna have to do like an extra upload a week just to whack all of these hauls out."
"So it's a really easy, passive way—if you're already making the purchase because you need it, and not because you're compulsively online shopping, it's a great, little way to get a kickback."
"It's shocking the amount of purchases that it will stop you from making."
"Even if I had all the money in the world, I would never stop the way that I shop now." - Tiffany
"Religions change over time and are internally diverse."
"Walmart offers reusable shopping bags starting at 74 cents."
"I want to be buying more classic shapes and classic items."
"We mostly use cash because most of the local vendors here don't take cards."
"Prioritize package-free produce...and buy dry items in bulk."
"Bring a very lightweight produce bag...90% of the time."
"I moved more towards buying higher quality clothing that cost a little bit more."
"Thrift shopping is a lot of just walking around in circles looking at the same rack trying to see the things you didn't see ten minutes ago when you walk past it but it works."
"The Offloader is a customer who attempts to pay for their items with all the change they have in their wallet."
"Voiders are customers who void an item at the last second or forget that they can't afford said item and want it placed back in the store."
"Late Night Shoppers are a class all on their own; they're a class of customer that will arrive to purchase something just when the shop is about to close."
"Being a thrifty shopper is smart, but be aware."
"Living rurally kind of forces you to make your lists a little more careful so you don't have to run back and forth to the store because you forgot something."
"The only time people buy stuff on Amazon is on page one."
"What grocery trip isn't complete without getting a little bit of ice cream?"
"I love watching your videos every time I go shopping. I hear, 'That's not Bobby approved.'"
"I cannot even go down the grocery aisle where they have the boxed cereals or cookies."
"Frugal people do not ignore the clearance rack."
"She never even mentioned it. Wow, I had no idea my shopping affected so many people."
"I'm not normally a sales Shopper... it has to be something that I would have wanted to have paid full price for."
"Don't buy something just because it's on sale."
"Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you need it."
"Sales are the devil if you don't need something."
"Overbuying can lead to clutter and unnecessary expenses; know when enough is enough."
"Order more, order often, and order them all."
"There's definitely no need to run to The Container Store right away and spend a whole bunch of money."
"Slow down your impulse buying by using wish lists."
"Don't buy into fast fashion, buy secondhand or from small businesses who make the items by hand."
"Shopping actually doesn't start at the mall or when you're online scrolling. It starts with your wardrobe and your personal style goals."
"If you won't buy an item at full price, do not buy the item on sale."
"Splurges are okay, they just have to be done with care and within budget."
"I've tried to take away the buy button from my wife dozens of times. It never works."
"If you love something and it comes in other colors, get all the colors."
"I think the most sustainable way to shop is to shop thrifting."
"More than shopping, I love finding bargains."
"Trends aren't for you? Why click the video? They matter, they're interesting, and they're in the shops - it's how the process works."
"Planning is everything; once you write a list, if you stick to the list, you're going to spend less money at the store."
"Stop you from impulse purchasing and buying huge hauls of stuff at once."
"Don't make me get a brand or me don't make me get off brand."
"I mean, a chicken mama will come into Target just to see the chickens, am I right? Am I right?"
"If I find a shirt that I like, I will buy six colors that I like in that shirt."
"Hope that you guys can take my recommendations and just be better shoppers."
"All we ever do is pack them and buy more stuff."
"Their suffering will only stop the day that we've stopped buying these products from supermarkets from butchers."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are on a mission to defund these corporate criminals, stop supporting other countries and Shop America First."
"This is why sometimes going to the thrift store beats going to any other place."
"When you buy something new, it is literally like doing a drug."
"Every little bit does count and I think it's also this mentality of anti-black Friday anti-consumerism."
"Don't feel like you need to buy every launch because you don't need to buy every launch."
"Ethics aside, there are plenty of reasons not to buy these."
"Once I find something I like, I get it in two different colors... mind your business okay."
"Investing in pre-loved pieces promotes sustainable shopping and adds unique finds to my closet."
"Do you ever buy the same kind of top because you found it and you're like it's a Holy Grail I need it in every color?"
"Coupons are like my kryptonite. If I see a coupon, I've got something that's been hanging out in my cart for a little while that coupon is going to awaken the retail demon inside of me."
"The more you get out of the habit of buying stuff, the less you will."
"Eating before grocery shopping helps me make healthier choices."
"You have to figure out what your triggers are. Like, is it going to Target? So now you just need to order your groceries and not go in the store."
"It's funny though because as much as we progress we regress because like so you know back in the day you used to go to a butcher shop for me you used to go to a fishery for you know all these things were separated and then now we have supermarkets."
"Already got clothes, yeah but there could be stuff on sale."
"Stop impulse buying, avoid wandering the stores."
"An estimated 52 percent of shoppers purchase something on sale that they later regret."
"Write a shopping list to make healthier decisions."
"Be like me! Put a calendar alert in your phone. Let me go ahead and skip, you are not obligated to shop every single month."
"Do you think Target would get offended if I buy those bags and then like take them to Target? Because I go to Target a lot and I use a lot of bags, so it's kind of a really good idea."
"Buying things on a whim is not something that I do."
"I really try not to go to the store and get sucked in by all of the new seasonal products."
"You usually do not eat 100% of the stuff that you bring home from the store."
"Now every time I go out and buy something I really take a closer look at the ingredients."
"Do you guys have specific places that you shop for specific items? Like, I have some stuff that I only get from Costco, like paper towels, toilet paper, my smoothie bags, and just things like that."
"I bet you we're down to a quarter as much waste as we like not going to the grocery store all the time."
"Can a no buy or a low buy change your shopping habits?"
"When I find something that I like, I will buy it in every color, every size."
"It's part of what is keeping me healthy in terms of my relationship with shopping, it's part of what's allowing me to grow as a person."
"I just don't buy them in the first place."
"Wanting to want stuff so actively going to sites and shops to see what you might want rather than wanting something and then going to a shop which is surely the original purpose of shops."
"It really helps me to lower the amount of shopping I'm doing as well as keeping my wardrobe decluttered."
"Maybe we should shop more like Europeans."
"Once you have a Costco membership and you start shopping there, there's really no going back."
"Don't ever get so set in your ways that you only buy one specific thing from one specific place."
"Having your own tote bags, bringing your own shopping bags to a shopping trip is something that a lot more people are doing."
"You only need toilet paper and some oranges, but somehow you leave the store with four bags of groceries."
"I'm so much happier now with the shopping that I do."
"I think it's good to mix buying new with also buying used and old."
"There's a difference between obsessively shopping around until you find the perfect thing and shopping once in a while for fun and happening to stumble across something that's perfect for you."
"Five out of four people shop here."
"Every time I go in, I definitely find things I need, and so I spend more money."
"Give yourself a ten second rule... if you really have to find a reason that you're buying it, odds are you don't need it."
"I'm not known for my practical bag purchases at all times."
"You don't need to pick up things just because they're cheaper than what you would buy them for somewhere else."
"I have completely changed the way that I shop for groceries because of living in Germany."
"I'm always stocked up on socks, literally every time I go to Target."
"Give yourself a little break, give yourself a cool-down period, and don't shop until you have it organized."
"Frugal people shop intentionally, not impulsively."
"Make a shopping list beforehand and prepare yourself to stick to it."
"I've pretty much only exclusively shopped secondhand."
"Avoid the trap of free shipping. It's a genius business perspective, but you might be inclined to purchase way more than you would have."
"I shop at Costco and I buy things in bulk."
"I mean like I have put six more wheels of brie in my Walmart shopping cart because I am now addicted."
"It's okay if it looks a little messy, I'd rather they know what they have and not overbuy."
"I've been making a conscious effort the whole of this year basically not to shop as much."
"Buying things in bulk has never ever ever appealed to me."
"I shop so much less than I used to and I'm more picky with the pieces that I get."
"I shop a lot more wisely nowadays."