
Makeup Technique Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"I love the way that the light really picks it up, so I add a little bit of a generous amount of the pigment to the foundation."
"The biggest tip I can give... wait till the glue gets a little bit drier, tacky."
"To blend out the concealer you want to use the sharp part of the sponge but avoid using so much pressure."
"Start with the wing first because if you mess that up, you can kind of fix it and then everything else falls into place."
"It really kind of locks in that foundation and concealer."
"The color match right now using half pump of each worked really well."
"Layer your setting spray. If you have oily skin, layer the amounts that you're putting on. Don't just finish your makeup with it, layer it and incorporate it in throughout your makeup application."
"Your setting spray you're not really doing it right."
"Before you set your concealer under your eyes... take your sponge and re-blend."
"When applying your mascara... wiggle wiggle wiggle."
"Try using a tiny tiny little bit of powder foundation... literally just on the spot."
"Highlight where the natural light catches your skin."
"I always like to really just amp up the glow and make sure the base is popping."
"One thing I wanted to mention about the lash, and you'll be able to see this here when you're using a flared out lash style, the point of that lash is to really open up the eye area."
"Contouring is all about understanding the anatomy."
"Never be afraid to blend until your eyes are bleeding."
"I just take my starting out crease brush and help it merge in with what was already in the crease."
"I love using oils underneath my foundation... a really dewy, healthy glow to my skin."
"Next up, I'm going to contour and highlight using their light filtering contour powder."
"This saves so much time when it comes to nose contour."
"My blush application is under under eye up the cheekbone like I love it it's so good though it adds so much color and life to the face."
"So tiny bit at a time. Even if you want full coverage, build it up slowly."
"I do really like layering blushes especially in this way where you take something a little bit more neutral and wearable and you pop on more of a vibrant tone on top."
"Wiggle it as you go up, that's really going to separate your lashes nicely."
"I like this brush because it's fluffy enough that I can stamp the concealer in and then just kind of like a buff whatever is left over down and it picks up the rest of it without leaving me with too much product."
"I use this today to set my under eye concealer, I just dip it in my powder and then lightly dab it over my concealer."
"If you have those three key ingredients, you can get perfect application every time."
"The lighter of a shade you put on the inner part of the lid, the more it's going to brighten and open up your eyes."
"this New Foundation technique that I am doing now has completely transformed my face"
"This is one of my favorite techniques too when I'm on set and I'm working with models and the look is natural, like almost like a no makeup makeup look."
"I love that it reminds me a lot of Patrick ta's technique. I feel like he does this a lot on his clients, just a very like elongated eyelift illusion to your face."
"Having just like that soft diffused liner it's so pretty it's so romantic."
"Wayne Goss technique up in here, up in here."
"You can cross it right over that pupil."
"Soft concealer is a great match. This can be great for down the sides of the nose, on portions of the face you want more coverage on."
"It's honestly magic. I will take the brush after and just kind of lightly pat it around."
"Someone on the zoom call asked Mario if you could actually set the cream blush with the powder first and then apply the powder blush on top, and he was like, 'That's a very good point, you totally can.'"
"What I love about this technique guys is that you can use even five, six different colors on one tip and create an absolutely amazing blending."
"The one step that I do want to teach you guys about is concealer."
"Highlighters are a hack that can pull light back into your skin, giving a youthful glow."
"I love the fact that you can blend this over powders because if you do this underneath you're gonna kind of lose that glow by setting it with a powder."
"It's called contouring. Her nose looks exactly the same to me."
"I'm really impressed, I think the shape of this is actually helpful in creating a better cat eye."
"So the look I'm trying to achieve with this eye makeup is more of a soft halo effect."
"These deep dark shades are the ones that I like to use in the outer corner for depth or I use them along my lash line for liner."
"I always talk about having two brushes: one that actually applies the color and then one clean brush to blend."
"I absolutely love how that looks when you overlap it."
"Mind you, this is a glam today that is going to be on the more dramatic and full coverage side."
"By placing this powder and letting it sit for a few minutes, it'll sharpen that cheek contour and make the jawline really pop."
"That is how you get the most chef's kiss nose contour."
"Trust the process because look, when you blend it out, it sheers out and turns into a really natural color."
"That is an almost seamless transition from one end to the other, and there is absolutely no effort required."
"This technique that I'm going to show you can be used with all sorts of different eye shadow colors."
"The moment you add the emolliency of a setting spray onto the powder, it really creates that melted in, super natural skin-like finish."
"It's what you do under your eye that gives you the power and the lift more than what you do on top of your eye, that's where the magic happens."
"Instead of the eyeliner that's drawn like a sticker, you can make a natural eyeliner that looks as if it's blending naturally."
"It's all about layering; you never want to do one step in one go if you want very natural looking makeup."
"It gives you a little bit more intensity if you go in with a wet brush."
"I'm just going to start by building up the eye with the shadow."
"I'm kind of trying to avoid relying too much on eyeliner here."
"Using your fingertips for shadows and then blending out with a brush can be a really just timesaving technique."
"I like adding it quite high up on my cheeks so that it gives me that lifted youthful look."
"Even with the concealer, it's still giving skin, it's not giving super super harsh coverage."
"I always blend up because that's what I've learned over all these years of getting my makeup done."
"I am completing an all matte makeup look on our gorgeous model Daniela."
"This deep forest green right here is so stunning and perfect for deepening out the outer V."
"Pat it, and the patting will blur the edges of the dot that you've put over the spot."
"If you want a Flawless base, make sure everything is all seamless and blended."
"It's almost like I applied like a little bit of blush to my lips and then applied a gloss on top."
"When you're applying the eyeshadow higher, it creates an optical illusion and gives a lifted look."
"For a subtle look, apply to the tops of the cheekbones and blend gently with the fingertips."
"This makes it look like you have real skin because it gives you some dimension."
"When you blend a cream highlighter or blush in, it looks like your skin."
"I like that layering of brown, reds, and purples just kind of looks nice, and it looks like you spent more time doing it than you have."
"I used the peach blur to set my under eye."
"Controlled bronze is really nice because it keeps that inside of the face nice and bright."
"I'm going to put a little bit in the middle, it's like a bitten lip."
"Build a flawlessly blended sun-kissed bronze look."
"I don't need a primer to help prolong my makeup wear; I like it to manipulate the finish or the smoothness of my skin before I put foundation on."
"This way it leaves behind the pigment but it doesn't look like it's cakey on the skin."
"Patience, blending, patience, blending."
"It's very seamless with like blush and bronzer; you can't see highlighter, you just see a glowy overall effect."
"I think it creates the most beautiful ombre effect."
"It's perfect to play up all the mattes."
"I'm gonna pack the particles onto the base, that is literally so pretty."
"I'm gonna try and layer that on top of the gold and maybe it'll just look like more of a light gold."
"It'll blend everything together, tone the blush and bronzer down a little bit, and also give just a dash of coverage."
"I love just that extra smoothness at the end of my makeup look."
"I'm just gonna lightly highlight, you're gonna see that it looks like a super natural highlight."
"I love having the ability to use different colors to add a little bit of depth in the brows, I find it makes it look more natural."
"What buffing does is basically make me look like I have a filter on my skin."
"It's seamless, it's super glowy from within."
"You want this part to be very smoked out, soft, and blurry."
"Taking a finishing powder and buffing it over your entire makeup look not only blends everything together, it can tone down things if you went overboard."
"I used a black and then I used the shimmery green on top and it creates the most crazy green beautiful smokey eye."
"I'm really going to blow out an outer edge, blend it out so well, I'm a little shook."
"When applying bronzer, I like to cuff the cheeks rather than bring them down; it lifts the face."
"It is very glowy, so typically I would go in with just like my illuminating base first and then go ahead and put my foundation over top of it."
"I love a good kind of smoky outer corner with a bright sparkly inner lid."
"I really like this 'cause it kind of just elongates the eye. It gives the eye more of a shape."
"I can dab this product all over to give the look of beautiful reflex, especially when you hit the light."
"I love using this on my inner corner as well of my eyes and my brow bone, I just think it looks so good."
"Once I pulled in some warm tones, it really pulled the look together."
"Mary-Jane looks so beautiful, like I would love to do a cut crease with that."
"When you layer shadows, you get a nicer, more blended and flawless look."
"Highlighting your brow bone actually gives you a more arched, more beautiful lifted brow look."
"Everything is layering really well."
"I love these soft gold shades on the inner corners of the eyes, I just think they're beautiful."
"I love a nice matte brow bone; it naturally brings out the highlight and the eyeshadow."
"This is 100% the new way that I contour my face, and I hope you guys will agree I think it looks a little bit better."
"It just really helps kind of take your concealer to the next level."
"It does a really good job at smoothing out your face, giving you a nice canvas for your foundation."
"There's something about smoky wing liner that I just love."
"The softer the brush, the better the blend."
"This banana shade is really going to brighten up underneath your eyes."
"I like to use this shade as a liner, I feel like it really brings out the green in my eyes."
"Twist, swipe, and glow, give a dash of color for a healthy glow."
"I absolutely love using colored highlights for this, it just really opens up the eye."
"Guys, look at that glow, this is where I prefer my glow to be, not all over the face, you know, just here, delicious."
"This works beautifully for getting that wing and I just have nothing bad to say about this."
"What I'm gonna show you right now is hands down the best concealer technique that there is."
"I'm gonna set in the center of my face with a lighter brighter powder."
"Achieve maximum unique color combinations, seamless blending, and high pigmentation."
"Blending eyelines is so thrilling."
"It helps melt all that powder and product we used into the skin, making it appear more seamless."
"Dark will make the area recede and light will make the area come forward."
"I love that with his brand he always puts cream with his products and he likes to layer his creams with his powders and it works."