
Maternal Care Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Norway has one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world. And how much do you have to pay for this clearly excellent care? Well, alongside public healthcare being free, new parents are actually paid to have babies."
"The mother will spend six to seven years with her child... she spends so much time and energy on her child that she only gives birth once every eight years."
"We need to save this woman, she has a baby to take care of."
"She never thought a mother could be so careless toward her own son."
"From birth until about 2 years old, leopard cubs are cared for by their mother, a robust and alert female always keeping watch from the trees to swiftly deter any threats to her offspring."
"I remember being that single mom and you know there were times when I used my my food stamp benefits to buy ready-made cupcakes so that my kid wouldn't be the only kid in class that didn't have cupcakes on their birthday."
"We're doing everything in our power to get you back, and we're leaving the porch light on every night. Moms are like that."
"Mrs. Van der Jaimes deeply cares for her son Quincy."
"You can't respect your moms because like really and truly, for the majority of your life, they've done everything in their best ability to take care."
"Harbor seals can swim within just hours of being born... only need the direct care of their mothers for about a month or two."
"Maternal health, which I think is extremely important."
"But his mother would still do all she could to keep him close and safe as he grew."
"Breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for both moms and their babies."
"A mother's touch makes the baby feel safe and secure."
"Mother's always been real clever about hiding her worries."
"A mama cat's compassion knows no bounds: adopting orphaned squirrels into her litter."
"A cat becomes a surrogate mother to a tiny rabbit, defying the odds."
"Your mother probably saved your life, you should be thanking her for that."
"Don't just eat anything, don't just take anything just because, just don't just take it just for the sake of you might risk not only you but also your child."
"For Diana, the happiness of her children was paramount in all she did."
"Diana's strong maternal instinct made her determined that both princes would be treated equally."
"A chicken adopts a kitten, proving that maternal instincts can extend beyond species boundaries."
"We're letting our moms down and by extension the next generation."
"Polar bear mothers nurse their cubs with milk rich in fat, ensuring their quick development."
"Enslaved black women were often brutally denied the basic right to care for their babies..."
"A mother leopard's babies fell into a trap while she was out hunting, and she never would have seen them again if it hadn't been for these good people."
"My mom always did the best she could, raising me and my sister."
"You have to help the woman after she has the baby."
"Your mom loves you a lot and I'm sure she wishes she could be here right now."
"My mom is so awesome, she makes me the best mac and cheese."
"She's got the beads out and she's praying the rosary and protecting the kids."
"Jesus showed great compassion and care for his mother."
"Mothers love shoving snacks in your mouth and telling you to scoot off to bed."
"The less traumatic you can make birth, the easier it is going to be on your baby."
"Mom always knows how to protect her kids the best."
"I want to be a mother to the Takanashi girls."
"Am I not here, I who am your mother? Are you not under my protection?"
"Our mothers do a lot to give us all the good and none of the bad while we're still in there."
"I know my mom would, if she could comment on this, she'd be like, 'No, but listen, y'all, like, the cuarentena thing, I believe that the woman should take downtime and take as much time as she needs. And we deserve it one million percent."
"Let's remember how to take care of our moms. They need rest, they need proper nutrition, they need help, they need love, they need loving touch."
"The thing I really like about pre-born is it doesn't just care about the babies, it carries the weight and helps the moms."
"May each one of us, precisely through the concrete reality of Mary's universal motherhood, fully acknowledge her as our own mother and trustingly commend ourselves to her maternal care."
"I want to hold each one of you, so broken and battered by life's circumstances."
"I promise your mommy I would protect you forever."
"Thanks for looking out for me, Mom. I think we're going to be okay."
"At the crucifixion scene in John's Gospel, Jesus entrusts his mother to the beloved disciple, indicating her importance in the early Christian community."
"...the pelican is shown like the phoenix with its wing spread, but this bird is not in flames; instead, it is shown to be pecking at its bleeding breast while being surrounded by three juvenile pelicans."
"What a gift I'm giving my kids. I'm giving them a peaceful mom, a well mother."
"One of the most caring moms in the entire animal kingdom is the orangutan, the bond between a mother orangutan and her babies is one of the strongest in nature."
"Orangutans are loving and maternal, but there are some other great animal moms out there that you might not expect."
"Now don't worry, darlings. Mummy's here. Everything's going to be all right."
"My mother's love bandaged bruises, screened my dates, and settled confuses."
"The mother octopus will spend months looking after thousands of eggs during which she won't eat."
"Jesus, I trust in You; Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us; Mary, be a mother to me now."
"I have passion for delivering outstanding midwifery care and providing memorable birthing experiences for birthing mothers."
"Amazing, isn't it? While Jesus is dying for the world, He is caring for His mother."
"Thorne was impressed by the delicacy of her movements, the attentive way she cared for her young."
"The ma put love in her bread because she told us so."
"You will be counted in the sight of Allah Almighty greater than somebody who is a Mujahid."
"She tried her best to take care of me, and I'll always honor that."
"She explained that as his mother, she never wanted to see him get beaten up."
"I miss that feeling of like being cared for by a motherly figure."
"As scared as Inko is for him, she'll always support Deku doing so."
"I promise to take care of Ma when you are gone and to fulfill her dream of going to Eastern Europe."
"Lisa carefully wrapped her baby Tiffany in her warmest blanket and tucked her into the car seat."
"Moms are really good, moms just like really know how to make everything right."
"We did everything in our power to reunite the babies with their mother."
"It's a mother flying fox with her baby, are you all right?"
"Everything that we're doing is centered around what's beneficial for that mom and baby."
"Mama's always bringing surprises."
"The mother wants her children to wake up and to heal."
"She still had her arms around both boys' shoulders."
"Maternal request is a sufficient medical indication for pain relief during labor."
"Mum would like you back in one piece."
"Your mother will always know where you are."
"You got a good Mama, it's just hard to keep up with multiple babies."
"My mama was working to make sure my future was learning. She made my future her purpose."
"She made sure Tommy had everything he needed not only to survive but to thrive."
"In the setting of fetal distress, increasing maternal fio2 can be beneficial to the fetus."
"In the wild, joeys rely on milk from their mother for at least 12 months."
"My mom once asked me if I was depressed because she didn't give me enough hugs."
"Mothers who care know one sure way to help fight cavities is to brush right."
"Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing. She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing."
"The octopus are some of the most caring mothers in the world."
"When fourth lord is in the sixth house, it shows that your family, especially your mother, showed you how to take care of your health. She was very involved in your health and what kind of illnesses you have, she was there to cure you, she taught you how to live a healthy life."
"Mom did her best to raise me with her own two hands."
"He got people there in his corner, so he got a praying mama."
"The mother was on their units with long periods of skin-to-skin contact, and child E could have as many cuddles as he liked."
"The survival of the youngest individuals into early childhood may have been facilitated by maternal care."
"As a mother, you're going to still look out for the kid."
"It's a very epic look at the beauty of a mother hyena and her two cubs enjoying every minute they got here."
"It's probably enjoying its mother's permission to play."
"The interesting thing about hyenas is that they can suckle for up to two years."
"Finding her for the very first time and seeing that little tiny cub is kind of emerging from their den with Tandy watching over her was by far my favorite moments."
"It was important that she be respected in what she wanted for her labor and delivery."
"It's amazing how a mother can be so good to young, stand look after and make sure that this elephant is protected from all the dangers."
"It's important to maintain our mobility while you're pregnant."
"How long leopards stay with their mums after birth is normally about two years."
"Her soft-spoken voice makes me feel like I'm a child being comforted and protected by my mother."
"Don't worry, my dear, Mommy's here, she will take care of you, so don't worry."
"Oh my baby, don't worry, Mommy's here, Mommy's here, I will rescue you, my dear, now you are safe."
"Royal Mother cares for me a lot, such a benevolent heart. I surely will etch it in my heart."
"She is an excellent Mom, I'm not worried about her at all, the only thing I'm worried about is the temperature."