
Personal Regret Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I cannot live without sunscreen anymore. Having been a sun worshipper for all that time and knowing what I did to my skin and how much I regret it, the one thing that I just don't feel right leaving the house or even being in my house without is sunscreen."
"What could I have done different? I just wish I would educate myself enough to be a better person earlier."
"My biggest regret in life is that I didn't eat deep dish pizza before I became lactose intolerant."
"We've all made mistakes in our lives, done things we look back on with regret, maybe wishing there was some kind of way of making it right."
"I wish I never met Mike Webster. CTE has dragged me into the politics of science, the politics of the NFL. You can't go against the NFL; they'll squash you."
"I hate when this happens and you're like [ __ ] that would have been so much better if I did that."
"I feel absolutely disgusted and ashamed at myself for ever defending her."
"I'm not here to relive those lovely moments that I do regret."
"If I had died right then, my epitaph would have read: 'Could have been an artist.'"
"Nobody wanted Allegra to resign, and I was very sad that she did so."
"I hope Jagex and the employees can forgive me."
"The loss of his son and the forever reminder that he's responsible can never be explained or forgotten."
"I am not proud of having been involved in the prosecution of someone who is innocent."
"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
"I hate the fact that I just used those cells."
"How can I make up for all the years I've wasted?"
"My biggest regret is not winning the Super Bowl."
"Coman never truly expressed remorse, saying his only regret was not marrying Arena and not carrying his plans through to the end."
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I made a mistake."
"You can't take back what you've said, and the more you say, the more shame you'll feel later."
"Michael Cohen: 'I regret the day I said yes to Mr. Trump.'"
"Anyone that deceived you and you had that moment when you realized it that that's the moment that they regret you know they knew they they up big time pile number three."
"I'm still heartbroken that they didn't make you a scientist."
"I'm heartbroken, I regret what happened, and I'm taking action to improve some situation here."
"That's coming from a [__] who left school at 16 years old and never went to college. It's one of my biggest regrets in life."
"You're no longer going to have that regret or that second guessing of yourself from different things, different decisions you've made in the past. You're going to finally be validated and you're gonna think, 'Okay, I get it. I no longer feel bad.'"
"You're becoming the missed opportunity, you are becoming the missed opportunity."
"It felt like the kind of decision that I would regret if I didn't make it."
"My biggest regret is giving my all to people, believing in the wrong ones."
"I truly am ashamed of a lot of the stuff that I did. I don't look forward to having to explain to my son one day that, you know, his dad was in prison and that I wasn't always the man he now knows."
"I want to apologize to the family of Trayvon Martin. I am incredibly sorry."
"She's sorry that she got caught, not sorry for having the affair."
"The end destination is not as important as the fact that we chose it."
"I'm ashamed that I have not acted on what is the first time that I've seen a Weimar mar-like situation in our country."
"Yo, I feel like I sold my soul for this. This ain't me. The single that was put out, I didn't want to put that out, but they made me do it. The one that just came out, yeah, it was called like December. December but it came out in January."
"In 10 years you're gonna wish you would have done what we're suggesting."
"It just sucked maybe if I didn't warn him ahead of time I wouldn't have had to spend the last three months of my job constantly looking over my shoulder."
"I should probably say, don't mess with your boobs all those years I denied it stupid a sign of insecurity just celebrate what you've got." - Victoria Beckham
"The surgery was a nightmare... they were really botched in every way. If anything, they were worse after than before." - Cher
"I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together... most of it was to mend the mess of my face because of boxing." - Mickey Rourke
"I'm not proud of the fact that I've had it... but I grew up so defined by my looks." - Jane Fonda
"I'm so sorry to my world... This is not what we want."
"I regret giving up this valuable opportunity all because of fear."
"I wish that I wouldn't have waited so long to ask for help."
"I really wish I'd learned to play piano; you have big-ass hands too, you'd be on some Rachmaninoff!"
"I just want to see other movies that are in the theaters now and I'm gonna miss out on some of those. I just can't do it all."
"Bing's admission of regret sheds light on the potential pressures his sons faced growing up in the shadow of immense fame."
"I love this game. I regret not getting to it when it came out."
"I deserve to give my son that kind of a life, you know, because I missed a lot of my son's birthdays."
"I missed a lot of opportunities because I was too high on drugs."
"There's gonna come a time in your life where you're gonna reflect back on something and think wow I really missed that time and I wish I lived in the moment more."
"I do not want my kid to think of me as a guy with a lower-back tattoo."
"I do want to go to the Grand Canyon I drove past the Grand Canyon but I didn't stop at it."
"You don't just stick something out here just because you're embarrassed of quitting, bro. Admit that you know what? It's not going well and give up. There's nothing wrong with giving up sometimes."
"I feel so bad when I throw a lead like this."
"It's true Tahiti and I actually didn't get the chance to go down here when we went."
"The worst thing that I've ever done is hurt you."
"I know I failed you, but I tried to save you, Jason."
"Oh yeah dude I don't even get to do any of this cool stuff."
"I acknowledge the rules of...I acknowledge that I have been spreading misinformation...and I feel guilty...I feel ashamed."
"I wish I just drew things how he wanted to from the start."
"I wish I got an earlier jump start on social media."
"I wasn't able to be the son that they was hoping I would be."
"My future attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day I'm sorry I didn't figure this out in time to help you may you rest in peace."
"I failed these innocent animals that I sworn to protect and save."
"If I can prevent just one person from doing what I did, then that's worth it."
"This is the book I wish I had read years ago."
"Former U.S. Senator Zell Miller writes: 'The most poignant sight for me at this year's annual pro-life march and demonstration in Washington DC was the large number of women holding signs saying they regretted their abortions.'"
"I am so sorry, my Superstar. I am so terribly sorry."
"I truly regret my actions. I don't know what I was thinking."
"Someone feels remorse for the way they treated you."
"Looking back, I'm deeply ashamed of my involvement with racist ideologies."
"I was an embarrassment to my community, my family, my friends."
"I always missed the bikes I sold or gave away. I want that back. I want that back." - Billy Joel
"That guilt of losing a good woman... that guilt will eat you alive."
"It's unfortunate that we didn't have a relationship."
"I set in open court that meeting Jeffrey was the greatest mistake of my life."
"Was it worth it? Because despite your violent behavior, the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart."
"Yes, I cheated one time and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. There is no excuse for cheating, so I'm not going to give you one."
"Reading these honestly makes me sad that people aren't doing what they want in their own lives."
"I don't think I'm finding it. I think I missed my chance. It's gone."
"Reflect is great... regret is just a brutal word."
"My biggest regret was I wasn't as nice as I should have been."
"The biggest mistake that I made was pushing you into the place that you were in right now."
"I wished I had done all of my own research for every single country I was going to."
"I will never do anything so foolish again in my life. That was a very dumb thing to do."
"I used to treat my siblings poorly, but now I see the impact. I wish I could have guided them better when they needed me most."
"If only I had listened for a while I would have told you I missed your smile."
"This is one stupid thing that I'll never be able to live down."
"These were McKenzie's words after she heard her sentence: 'I hope one day you can see I would never let this happen or do it on purpose. I wish I could remember what happened. I'm just so sorry. I'm heartbroken.'"
"I wasted so many years of my life being mean to myself."
"I started doing makeup, I hated it... I wish that Mac and I never wanted to do people's makeup."
"I think they'll look back and say I cannot believe I behaved so disgracefully. I can't believe I smeared all these people as Nazis."
"Population collapse: civilization ends with a whimper, not a bang."
"I feel like a complete failure for wasting 21 years of my life in this relationship."
"I caught a fly, I wish I had recorded it." - Zac Scott
"I tried to be a hero and that was the worst mistake of my life."
"I'll stand by that, my tattoo is the worst singular tattoo."
"By the end of the month, there's recognition, lucky you fulfill your desires, but it seems like you start to regret something from before."
"Somebody is regretting that they hurt you and they miss you. They're coming to find you."
"Harry could have been the most perfect wingman... that is a real shame."
"If you can quit smoking you can quit anything in your life and you know that one of my biggest regrets in life with smoking the damage is done but anyway."
"I'm disillusioned in as much as, when I first got in trouble, they were young, and I'm still there. Missed all the grown-up years."
"I wasted almost 10 years of my life being unhappy because I didn't have a partner and didn't feel like I had a pathway to children."
"I never wanted to be the person I became."
"I missed half of his childhood, I just missed it."
"I shall never forgive myself, nor shall I ever forgive the world for having pushed me against the wall."
"The company celebrates the victory and Morton admits that despite all the victories, he can't forgive himself for the death of his beloved professor."
"I had to have it; I really regret missing out."
"I wish I could play piano. That is like a regret of mine."
"Aren't you sad you missed out on years of being who you actually were?"
"I'm sorry for hurting you, man. It's not what I want to do."
"I treated Lisa badly; I tried to make it up to her."
"Life is too short to be regretting every single day and waking up with a job that you hate."
"I'm sorry for everything, Alyssa."