
Gain Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"No free lunches in the antenna business; if you want a lot of gain, you have to sacrifice something, and what you usually sacrifice is directionality."
"It's not what we give up as much as what we get. It impacts not only us but generations to come."
"It's not about how much we lose; it's about how much we win."
"If you're not willing to give up everything... you're actually gaining spiritually."
"Nice, that was a boatload of quarters we just got right there."
"Just confess it, you know, you have nothing to lose, everything to gain."
"We have nothing to gain as a country by being divided."
"In order to gain something, they must lose something."
"Turned 80,000 into a million then we turned 10,000 into a hundred thousand and then I lost 100,000."
"One who relinquishes nothing also gains nothing."
"You do not miss out on anything when you choose Jesus; instead, you gain more."
"Release, you will get so much more in return."
"Never settle in every area of your life. Sometimes we have to lose certain things to gain certain things."
"Be willing to sacrifice something in order to gain something else."
"It's almost like it takes away something to offer you something better."
"You don't give anything up; you're just gaining so much."
"You've got to be willing to sacrifice something in order to gain something new."
"Whatever it is you feel like you've lost, you're gaining back plus interest."
"Godliness with contentment is great gain."
"Sometimes when we experience things being taken away from us in life, it's actually to replace it with something greater."
"Letting go of lack will essentially result in gain."
"We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying."
"Your goal should always be when you go out that you get something from the Wilderness."
"In losing everything, I'm only gaining everything."
"If you try and take all the pain out, you'll also take all the gains out of it."
"Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first."
"For what you gain in terms of power and brawn, I'd say it's worth it."
"Suffering is not something... through the suffer comes the gain."
"The law of sacrifice is not about loss but about strategic exchange."
"You're not giving anything up, you're getting way more than you had."
"Focus on what you're going to gain, not on the losses."
"Sometimes the things we think we lost are actually gains."
"You've experienced some loss, but you've gained so much more out of what you've lost. What it's like thinking of it like a Phoenix rising out of the ashes, right? You've lost a lot, but you've also gained so much more."
"Gain will come to you out of all those losses."
"adaptation is often a process of coming to terms with what you may lose but also realizing what you can gain"
"There's just short-term gain, long-term gain."
"Existence is everything. So live to see not what can be lost, but what will be gained."
"We can shift from the idea of what we have to lose to what we stand to gain."
"That was a huge productivity gain."
"Judo's loss was wrestling's gain."
"What is this unexpected win, this unexpected gain that is going to arrive from a particular situation?"
"Was it for this that I have wrung out my heart's blood? For myself, I have gained nothing."
"You aren't going because of what do you have to lose, you're going because everything is to be gained."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, grab every opportunity."
"He had nothing to gain by doing so."
"Often when you feel like you've lost something, you actually forget all that you've gained."
"Sometimes, you just have to let certain things go, to gain certain things you really need."
"There's no great loss without some gain."
"Human loss but energetic gain, the perfect way to put it."
"Cheerfulness is a direct and immediate gain, the very coin, as it were, of happiness."
"Insider threats are people who are hired by a company and then those people exploit the company that they're working for for some kind of extra gain."
"The purpose is to gain more than you lose."
"I helped you, yes, but for my own gain. I will never stoop so low to help you mortals out of the kindness of my heart."
"You can't gain courage by just reading about it, you have to practice it."
"In redeemed time, we are gaining everything."
"What do you have to lose? Seriously, what do you have to lose? Nothing, you only have things to gain."
"The more you bring to the table, the more they're going to gain."
"You always have to give up something to get something."
"Whatever you take from God, He hasn't lost anything and you gain everything."
"There are no clear opportunities for gain without taking risks."
"It's really interesting what you say about when you get to gig level you need less gain."
"He's got everything to gain and very little to lose."
"An agreement from, I'm going to say 40 years ago or 45 years ago, a standard, a practice was that an amplifier would have enough gain so that one volt on the input caused clip on the output or was right on the edge of clip."
"Every time you give something up, you get something, and vice versa."
"Life is about losses. If you don't lose, you'll never gain. You have to lose to gain in life."
"What you gain is more than what you give up."
"Quantrell dismissed the objections and told the others, 'If you never risk, you will never gain.'"
"It was a little scary at the end of the experiment because I had lost so much weight, and now it's equally a little frightening because I put so much back on."
"The price you pay for the knowledge that you gain, right?"
"I'm gonna gain something out of this."
"This bounce right here is a 37 percent gain from bottom to top, so that was a big gain."
"Sometimes a small trade can give you a huge gain."
"If something doesn't work out, it's my gain and your loss."
"Everybody's got everything to gain and almost nothing to lose."
"Every death that occurs means a gain to someone."
"You'll have capital gains, which is a good thing."
"I don't see in terms of losing things because I gained. I gained a chest, and the first time I looked down, I was like, 'Wow! I didn't realize how much of a bigger I had.'"
"You never want to be in a situation where you have a lot to lose and someone else has a lot to gain."
"If someone has a contract to sell widgets to a third party in a future year, if the price of widgets goes down, so that they're less expensive to manufacture, then necessarily that person has received an economic gain."
"There's nothing to be lost ever, there's only things to be gained."
"Hey, no pain, no gain. That's what they say."
"What kept it going is the chance for individual gain. It appeals to the competitive nature of people."
"No pain, no game. He had the right idea."
"...Michele again he is not going to get the edge but a positive first down gain."
"Every 10,000 people he lost, he gained 10 times more."
"Everything is gained and nothing lost by simply admitting the truth."
"Loss was the Avenue towards gain."
"Think of what a positive thing you have gained from it."
"Soul loss will then be seen to be the greatest of losses, and soul gain the greatest of gains."
"Losses destroy wealth more than gains help your wealth."
"Losses hurt more than gains help."
"It's twice as hard to gain, half as hard to maintain."
"To gain Christ, be willing to suffer the loss of all things."
"That's life, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say."
"You are here to serve society in some way; this is what will absolutely multiply your gain."
"You never lose when you sacrifice."
"So what that means is if you're using a relatively gain-hungry mic like the Shure SM7B or even the PodMic, you might end up needing some kind of gain booster."
"I think I gained, like, 50 subscribers that day."
"Why would you fight it? You've got to pick this club up and feel that you're gaining something."
"What we gain is more than what we give up."
"...as the gain goes down, that means Alpha in terms of the analogy with low-pass Filter is going up and up and up."
"You have to lose something to gain something."
"He always wanted his money and was always looking for a way to gain a dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, or a million dollars."
"There is absolutely nothing that Swami can gain from this."
"...like you're an amazing person, you're so sweet, so it's like I did you know gain something from being on the show..."
"Well, I guess his loss is my gain. Really, I don't think I've ever been to somebody's gain before. I like it."
"To gain, you must lose, and to whom much is given, much is required."
"To live is Christ and to die is for gain."
"Believe in God, you gain everything. If God does not exist, you lose nothing."
"You ain't losing nothing baby but you are about to gain everything."
"You can't gain without giving a little bit."
"There's someone that has a lot to gain from her being gone."
"It's not about what you're letting go of, it's what you're getting in return."
"But what you would gain is far greater and more lasting."
"For all that I lost here, I have gained it all and more in return simply by being able to share in this moment with you."
"You're gonna have to give something up to get something."
"What sacrifice could it be to give up nothing and gain everything?"
"If you try to cling to your life, you'll lose it. But if you give up your life, then you gain it."
"There's some fantastic news for you, there's going to be some more money on the table now."
"I got nothing to lose, only something to gain."
"I'm not focusing on the negative aspects of what I'm losing, I'm focusing on the positive aspects of what I'm gaining."
"You will be in gain, whether that is financial gain or just gain in more happiness."
"You don't lose anything, I think you only gain."
"We have everything to gain and nothing to lose by adopting the inductive method."
"You have nothing to lose, everything to gain."
"Recognize what you're gaining by letting go."
"You have everything to gain and nothing to lose."
"Nothing is gained by doing nothing."
"Sometimes a man has to lose everything to gain everything."
"I've not lost anything; I've gained absolutely everything."
"Too many parties looked to gain from Malcolm's death."
"You gain so much more than what you lose."
"It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."
"He lost an eye and gained a dragon that day, and counted it a fair exchange."
"We've lost one infinity stone but gained another."
"The taller the antenna you get, the more gain you're going to get, which means you're going to hear for a farther distance."
"The SBB5 is going to give you a little bit better performance because it's taller and has more gain."
"You gain a lover, and you gained a best friend."
"If you are willing to lose it all, you'll discover that you gain everything."
"Out of every loss from that blood-beaten body came the greatest gain."
"Godliness actually is a measure of great gain when accompanied by contentment."
"He really has nothing to lose here and everything to gain."
"With only risking one percent of our balance, we gained about 12 percent of our balance in one month."
"You can't gain anything without losing something first."
"You may have lost some viewers, but you gained a friend."
"Godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment."
"Anything in my life that has ever been taken away has been replaced with something so much better."
"If you decide to lose your life for Christ's sake, you're going to gain everything."
"What you're getting out of the choice you make is better than what you're losing."
"Being a Christian is not a loss, but a gain."
"It's not about what you could lose, it's about what you can gain."
"I don't feel like I've lost New York, but I feel like I've gained London."
"Fraud is the wrongful or criminal deception of a person or institution to result in financial or personal gain."
"There is great freedom that comes in losing our life, and we gain far more than we ever lose."
"Everything that you lose ain't a loss."
"I may have lost one person, but in the end, I know I gained all of these people."
"You don't lose something when you apologize, typically you gain something."
"The most important parameter when you think about integrated circuits is the concept of gain."
"We lost so much but we gained the world."
"But too often, we become so focused on the things we've lost that we don't take the time to appreciate the things we've actually gained."
"To live with Christ and to die is gain."
"For if you take what they use of love, civility, justice, and peace, you won't lose."
"By surrendering everything that he has, can Matthew ultimately gain everything that he truly desires?"
"When this pip moves from four and then becomes five, then it means you have gained one pip."
"You should always leave with something more, not less."
"The disposal proceeds amounted to more than the carrying amount, which automatically was a gain on disposal."
"Let's not concentrate on what we're getting rid of, but what we're gaining."
"The risk is as nothing compared to the gain."
"You may be leaving with more than what you came with."
"We're scared of losing this time that we have... but there's so much we're going to gain."
"You're giving up a lot, and what's the opposite of giving up a lot? Gaining."
"You pretty much always need less gain than you think you need."
"The burn is real, but no pain, no gain."
"We need to interrogate whether what is being lost is worth what is being gained."
"Obviously there is so much to lose, but so much to gain."
"We have every reason to think the things we will gain are much greater than the things that we were losing."
"The things that we're losing are very obvious, and then on the other end of the tunnel, there are many things that we will gain."
"It's got tons of gain on tap, but if you want to do lower gain stuff, it can do it all day long."
"Oh tomorrow morning, now I'm excited, we have something to gain!"
"It was dumb luck that I'd won the door prize. How could she say she couldn't afford it? It cost her nothing; it was all a gain."
"This now starts the real story of me losing everything but at the same time gaining everything."
"If you never lose, then you're not really going to gain anything you really need in life."
"You'll never lose taking a profit."
"In that moment when it seemed like all was lost, all was gained."
"Whoever gains it gains a great treasure."
"What you have to gain is far greater than that."
"Consistency is the same thing; you're putting in the work, however, you're getting more from this work than what you put in."
"No pain, no gain; no brain, no gain."
"You got way more to gain, and you haven't lost anything at all."
"He who is willing to save his life will lose it, but he who is willing to lose his life will gain it."
"Instead of looking at what I had lost, I looked at what I had gained by being with him for such a long time."
"Remarkably, we would get back more than was lost."
"If you give Jesus everything, you lose nothing."
"Once you have nothing to lose, that's when you have everything to gain."
"The darkness has given you a lot but can also take away."
"You won't be losing a son, you'll be gaining a daughter."
"What they shed in blood, we gained in wisdom."
"I have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
"You got nothing to lose and everything to gain."
"Anything gained through contemptible means is contemptible."