
Chemotherapy Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Chemotherapy drugs target the fast-growing cells."
"My mom's chemo schedule has been rearranged so she could come here this week."
"My mom's last day of chemotherapy and she is cancer-free. Thank God."
"Pretty much every chemotherapy drug used in cancer treatment was produced in a nuclear reactor."
"The purpose of chemotherapy is to destroy the cells that are cancerous."
"We had some great success stories with patients using glutathione alongside chemotherapy"
"I'm trying to keep up with my chemo fashion even though it's not chemo day. My port needs to be accessed, so I still decided to do a fun outfit."
"Fasting during chemo makes chemo work better as well as mitigate your reaction to the side effects."
"Chemo is kind of like the first line defense."
"The term 'Escape mechanisms,' but to your point and it's a very good one, is when people say 'Well, oh chemo, you know they actually are not carrying the cancer on purpose, right?'"
"Chemotherapy poisons cancer cells but it also poisons the rest of us because our cells are so similar."
"The next thing that... the only thing left to really try was chemotherapy."
"It's quite spiritual day for me really because I started chemotherapy three weeks ago and I just wanted to connect with God on the walk and just really to prove something to myself."
"Um, she said the you know the traditional path to treat mantle cell would include our chop chemotherapy."
"Your crazy uncle may well advise you to skip chemo."
"Most people generally feel better once chemotherapy is over."
"One step at a time. You know, two people walking side by side down the street—one of them doing chemo and one of them not doing chemo—they look very similar but they are having an experience that is worlds apart."
"Chemotherapy has improved survival and does improve the quality of life for patients with advanced disease."
"Testing should be started right away. Chemotherapy usually helps people feel better at least for a while."
"Chemotherapy is really responsible for most of the cures for lymphoma."
"Life is a nightmare that leaves its mark upon you in order to prove that it is in fact real, and to suffer a solitary madness seems the joy of paradise when compared to the extraordinary condition in which one's own madness merely emulates that of the world."
"If you can put those cells into sort of a quiescent sort of repair mode, it's not going to sustain as much damage from the chemotherapy."
"Make sure you're taking care of your quality of life and your physical health while you are approaching or even in the middle of getting chemo or systemic therapy."
"Fluids, ensuring that you're getting enough fluids, it's important if you're undergoing chemotherapy as well to help flush the chemo through the system."
"So then what about food during chemotherapy? Well um again this is a very specialized area, talk to the doctors uh talk to us at the clinic."
"Studies have shown that smoking or vaping weed is able to ease neuropathic pain in chemotherapy patients, so it is a common form of self-medication."
"Some pearls: DNA replication happens in the S phase. Cancer is uncontrolled cell replication or cell division. Chemotherapy tries to inhibit this by inhibiting your replication."
"Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy before surgery is known as neoadjuvant chemotherapy."
"I'm meant to be going for chemo and radiotherapy, but I'm suspending it right now because I can't be more ill than what I am."
"If the treatment works, it really works, right? It's very sensitive to chemotherapy, and there's a good chance that it could be cured."
"Something's happening. I don't know whether it's the chemo or the painkillers. No, let's say it's the chemo. Chemo's working."
"Chemotherapy kills cancer cells more effectively than normal cells since the cancer cells divide faster and don't have time to repair themselves."
"The most important thing to remember is that each person's reaction to chemotherapy is different."
"You may find you prefer cooler, lighter foods and meals during treatment. Smoothies, for example, with protein supplements can also be a healthy, attractive food choice."
"Patients that have had a form of B cell cancer that is non responsive to chemotherapy, have been cured by using this sort of approach with modified engineered T cells."
"Riboflavin deficiency can be caused by medications. The chemotherapy doxorubicin is known to put patients at risk for riboflavin deficiency."
"...exercise during chemotherapy is strongly recommended in order to maintain your strength and endurance."
"...not everyone who receives chemotherapy needs a port, but for example, those patients with poor access to veins in their arm or patients who require continuous infusions of chemotherapy over 1 to 2 days will benefit by the use of these ports."
"Exercise during chemotherapy is strongly recommended."
"Even after chemo is over, exercise can be crucial."
"Chemotherapy certainly improves survival very significantly in stage 3 or Duke C colorectal cancer."
"In general, most of my patients say it's much easier to tolerate than the chemotherapy that they've been on."
"Inhibition of folate metabolism is a very well-known chemotherapeutic target to kill many different types of cancer."
"The discovery and use of cisplatin-based chemotherapy... has really gotten us to the era where we're at today."
"Lutetium PSMA 617 offers survival benefit for those patients who have received a novel hormonal therapy and have received a taxane chemotherapy."
"I feel really lucky that chemo worked so well in my situation."
"I did 52 weeks of chemotherapy, 16 weeks of radiation over about a year and a half span and knock on wood been fully cured in remission."
"The FMD reduced chemotherapy-induced DNA damage in T cells."
"Ewing sarcoma does not produce matrix, so they shrink markedly with chemotherapy."
"The treatment decision of what chemotherapy should be used should be individualized to the patient."
"Rituximab makes chemotherapy work by tens of percent better than chemotherapy alone."
"The side effects of chemotherapy are generally mild, self-limited, managed with medications or behavioral changes; severe side effects are very rare."
"The scheduling of chemotherapy is set based on the type of cancer, the rate at which the cancer cells divide, and the time at which a given drug is likely to be effective."
"I do free wigs for women going through chemotherapy."
"Taxol is a compound produced by the Pacific yew and was one of the first chemotherapy drugs discovered."
"When you know early on you need chemotherapy for your breast cancer, there are distinct benefits to getting it before surgery."
"If you're gonna get chemotherapy upfront for a fairly risky cancer, then beginning life-saving chemotherapy first rather than waiting... is felt to be a benefit."
"Neoadjuvant chemotherapy gives you time to make difficult decisions about what kind of surgery you want."
"Not exactly how any of us want to spend our 21st birthday: five days of chemo."
"Most oligodendrogliomas respond to chemotherapy, sometimes very dramatically and sometimes for very prolonged periods."
"If you've got one p 19 q deletion, you have an almost 100% likelihood of responding to chemotherapy."
"Exercise alone was just as effective as chemotherapy."
"Chemotherapy in dogs and cats is not chemotherapy in people. Luckily, dogs and cats tolerate chemotherapy so much better than people."
"About 80% of dogs and cats won't have side effects going through chemotherapy. That's amazing."
"We have an antidote, unlike most chemotherapeutic agents."
"It protects your healthy cells from the chemo and radiation."
"Being in ketosis when you go through chemo and radiation sensitizes the cancer cells to the chemo and radiation."
"If you're a chemotherapy patient and feeling fatigued, don't wait, talk to your doctor."
"...we can take old chemotherapy and make it targeted therapy."
"I'm a cancer survivor, so I went through chemo and all that."
"She's been through four rounds of chemo, has taken it like a champ."
"I'm done chemo, five months is done, next is my stem cell transplant in February."
"When you’re in the middle of chemo and you see, fight, that gives you some power and it gives you hope. And it gives you strength."
"Fasting... increases resistance to chemotherapy in normal, but not cancer cells."
"The overall survival among the people who got the chemo was a median of 200 days and in the people who got the chemo plus a couple of capsules of curcumin was 502 days."
"Treatment options will include re-induction by combination chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplant if possible."
"I really believe that in 20 years when we look back on how we treated cancer with chemotherapy, we will feel like, wow, we were barbaric."
"For patients who had received chemotherapy first and their tumor either had not responded or had progressed after treatment, it was shown that drugs such as pembrolizumab or nivolumab were effective for such patients."
"For those patients whose tumors are PD-L1 negative, usually a combination of chemotherapy with immunotherapy is preferable."
"Yes, with the use of hypothermia, you need less chemotherapy treatments."