
Presidential Qualities Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"You want a President, you want a leader that displays confidence."
"We need a president that believes truly in every American being able to have shared Prosperity by their own two hands."
"Joe Biden is a strong leader who has the kind of wisdom and gravitas we need at this time in history."
"We need a president who can stand up against the drums of war and make rational decisions."
"There has never been a man or a woman not me not Bill nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"We need an inspired leader in the White House for the whole damn country."
"President Trump has the capacity of being a level-headed, reserved, and respectful head of state."
"If I were president, my language would be less divisive. I'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country, not raise it."
"Joe Biden is demonstrating that he has the strength to take the pressure."
"The intelligent virus, we deserve a president who cares whether his fellow Americans live or die."
"We need a president who knows that America's strength and leadership abroad depends on the strength of our economy here at home."
"He's unfocused, you need a president who's not easily distracted."
"The guy should be president right he really should."
"I think it's important that people be able to look to the president and say, 'Hey, you know, that's somebody that's worthy of emulating.'"
"There is no question that Joe Biden is a much better person... to listen to the voices of advocates."
"Having an effective politician as president...that's exciting."
"Finally a person like that could be President of the United States slow clap America well done."
"Biden, in comparison, was maybe more stately."
"He was strong, definitive, resolute, you know, confident... exactly the sort of presidential qualities that people talk about."
"When you need the bar fight, down deep, that's what you want in the presidency."
"Bernie Sanders would be an incredible president."
"We have a president that fights for our nation."
"There's no such thing as a good president or a bad president. There is such a thing as a president who is right for the situation."
"The best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and best qualified to walk in on day one and serve as president and commander in chief."
"A president has to be strong on behalf of the United States."
"This is exactly the kind of president we need and this is exactly the kind of debate that we should have."
"What they want is a moderate charismatic president."
"We need a President who harnesses the better aspects of American Consciousness, the better angels of our nature. Justice, we justice justice thy shall pursue."
"We're lucky we have a president who's a fighter."
"You have a president now who understands emotional challenge, emotional difficulty, disunity, suffering, and is a very compassionate, healing person."
"We need to bring back an American-loving president that's not only coherent... but more importantly, puts Americans first."
"What we need is a president who stands for our Constitution without fear."
"Ron DeSantis is more of a president of this nation than Joe Biden."
"This is what presidents do, this is why you need to have a steady hand and experience in the Oval Office."
"The American president needs to have moral clarity... they need to know the difference between right and wrong."
"You want a presidential candidate with backbone, consistency, not to change what you deeply believe after some dialogue with a group of people or community."
"True presidential leadership is not so much a function of temperament or background entirely, but of a capacity for resilience in the face of one's own failures and limitations."
"We need a president who understands these dynamics."
"It's gonna take a long time for people to get back to a point where probity and dignity... look, George Washington thought the most important characteristic of a president was dignity."
"Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is the most important thing that a president can do."
"The most important thing a president needs is empathy. You have to be upset if somebody gets hurt; you have to worry about other people."