
Communication Advice Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Never ever communicate with the narcissist directly."
"It's about that communication, that's kind of my best advice."
"Do not leave digital copies of your communication on other devices and discard all communication when done with them." - Sincerely, Barbara Puffton.
"Before you say something, ask yourself, 'Is it helpful? Is it kind?'"
"Here's a hint: if someone is telling you about something awful that happened to them, your response should not contain the words I or me."
"Words you probably shouldn't exchange: your doubt."
"This isn't how you talk to somebody about their problems."
"Don't speak more than you listen. One mouth, two ears."
"Listen before you [ __ ] speak, pardon me, before you speak you know it's, you got to listen."
"So, it's good to also know that. You might not want to use that word in that way, but just so you're... You understand it better so that you're not in any embarrassing situations."
"Just do it. Talk to the camera like the camera is your friend."
"There's literally no need... say something nice or keep your mouth shut."
"If the conversation is about an experience you end the conversation smoothly like a native English speaker by following these three steps."
"Think before you speak, or better still, don't speak at all."
"Avoid accusatory statements. Use 'I' language, not 'you' language."
"Speak up earlier rather than later. The sooner you talk, the better."
"So if you feel called to say something at that point, just make sure that you're speaking from a place of complete presence or don't say anything at all."
"Simplify, simplify, simplify. Use the shortest possible sentence instead of writing a paragraph this long, write one this long."
"All you need to do when you speak English is to relax."
"If it sounds really [bleep], you shouldn't say it."
"Treat your audience like they're normal people just like you because they are."
"Never discuss your problem with a person that cannot solve it."
"You only get one impression, you know what I mean? Only one first impression."
"Think before you speak, classic open mouth insert foot type energy."
"Don't make generic comments like 'true, absolutely right' - it doesn't add any value."
"Speak offline first with an individual that you may have a beef with."
"If you won't say something to somebody in person, don't say it online."
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."
"Don't call people out. People will get defensive instantly."
"Take an extra 0.5 seconds to think about what comes out of your mouth before you say it."
"When your feet slip you can restore your balance when your tongue slips you cannot recover your words act accordingly."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it at all."
"Shut up and listen two-thirds of the day and talk one-third. You'll become far more powerful."
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
"Rollinson, learn to get focused on a point and stick to it and just deliver the message in a short time. Don't drag things out this long ever again."
"Top tier tactics: when you're going for a new bird, don't text, use voice notes."
"Take the opportunity to do that and you'll have better conversations."
"Eye contact is another important recommendation that can be backed up by scientific evidence."
"Speak from your heart, try to be understood rather than trying to convince your spouse."
"Y'all don't know when to be quiet. That's the point here."
"You can catch more bees if you use honey than vinegar."
"The social dynamics advice in terms of how to have effective conversations is probably my favorite advice that you give."
"Take that leap of faith, slow down, don't rush communication with this person, be calm, I'm going to ask for your hand in marriage, wow, and my silence meant goodbye."
"It's better to be a good listener than a good showman."
"Be slow to speak, quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger."
"Make sure that you don't get carried away lecturing the other person about your favorite topic."
"Stay away from negative topics. Be inspiring and funny."
"Never make a point without a story and never tell a story without a point."
"Just mute all and then you'll have 10 times the better time."
"Sometimes it's better to say less and sometimes it's better to really think through what you want to say before you say it."
"Be careful how you walk, be mindful of the things you say, let your words be few and seasoned with grace."
"He said, 'I've sent her a DM.' If you've sent her a DM and she hasn't responded, you're done. Stop."
"Don't blindside the person, don't come in and start screaming — they don't know what's happening."
"Choose your words wisely because they're going to have a powerful effect."
"Always stay very respectful and polite, all right, you guys?"
"Before you say something, if it's not going to build that person up, don't say it."
"Shut the [] up for one day. Just wait one day to think of your [], to get your ducks in a line, to figure [__] out. Just wait one day. Nobody has ever regretted waiting one day. Lots of people regret talking early."
"Just show up, don't talk that much, shut up and listen and ask questions."
"Don't punch down." - Discussion on engaging with antagonistic figures.
"Most people listen with the intent to reply, not to understand."
"Instead of criticizing the other person, tell them what you want and tell them what you don't without implying that they're not doing it."
"You have to listen twice as much as you speak."
"People have got to get a grip when it comes to this. Your internal monologue might not be suitable for mass consumption."
"Just talk to them, if they're doing something that's hurting you then you need to confront them."
"You can respond to it and say hey you know what, I don't like your drawing that much, you know can you try to improve it?"
"If you ever feel unsure in the moment of speaking, I'll give you a simple tip to follow."
"Instead of saying X, try saying Y, and just kind of changing your dialogue as a caregiver with your loved one."
"You know why you have two ears and one mouth? Try to listen more than you speak."
"When you express a concern or give a compliment, specificity is key."
"You just got to listen carefully and you also got to be careful with your words."