
Military Honor Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"In Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky...presented the Order of the Golden Star to military personnel who have been awarded the title 'Hero of Ukraine,' the highest award that can be conferred in the country."
"It was an honor to serve with you, Rex. It was an honor to fight with you for something that we chose to believe in."
"The men and women who sacrificed their own lives for a promise of a future of peace and freedom deserve nothing but the utmost dignity and respect."
"He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic and selfless actions."
"I received the Army Commendation Medal for my tour in Iraq, which meant a lot to me."
"Marines win 22 of the 27 awarded on Iwo Jima, the most in any single battle."
"My life completely changed the day that I received the Medal of Honor."
"There's no higher honor than to die as a Ranger on the battlefield."
"No one can take away Charles Lucas's place in history, the very first person to be awarded the Victoria Cross."
"For their heroism, each crew member of the helicopter rescue team was awarded the Air Force Medal."
"Here we had honored a soldier from the Vietnam War. Very important, we still do that."
"Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest positions of military service."
"We Salute those who paid the ultimate sacrifice into the defense of our freedoms."
"Together we will honor those who defend us, we will cherish those who protect us, and we will celebrate the amazing heroes who keep America safe and strong and proud and free."
"Heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life."
"This medal today is a testament to his uncommon valor, but also to the parents and the community that raised him; the military that trained him; and all the men and women who served by his side."
"Pittman near-single-handedly thwarted an enemy attack that day and was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving the lives of his platoon."
"Germanicus received the privilege of a triumph."
"Great credit on himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army."
"We owe it to the men and women who have died in the cause of freedom that we complete their mission with honor."
"For their dedication to duty seals have become some of the most decorated fighting men in history."
"My issue is he's a soldier. He died a soldier and he deserves to be treated like one. Not just thrown away and forgotten." - Kim Waddell
"In the years after Blackthorn’s sinking, surviving crewmembers who witnessed Flores’ bravery, lobbied the service to recognize and honor their fallen shipmate."
"On May 28th, 1875, Private Pompei Factor, Private Isaac Payne, and Sergeant John Barnes are each awarded the Medal of Honor."
"Sergeant Kenneth E. Grunert received the Medal of Honor for his bravery and sacrifice."
"We're gathered here to honor Detective Cole Phelps, a war hero who led his men with true valor."
"The code of conduct amongst the knights of the air isn’t dead."
"Enterprise, the most revered and decorated ship in World War II." - Narrator
"Virginia's contribution was recognized by her being awarded the Distinguished Service Cross."
"Tom Norris was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1976."
"O'Callaghan for this and many other actions would also receive the Medal of Honor albeit it would take some time."
"Respect and love to all of those who have fought, laid down their lives for their country."
"Veterans Day honors those who serve, who live."
"McKenna Lee was a good commander and a good soldier. We honor his memory today. So say we all."
"She is, and we salute her, the Fighting Lady."
"The story of the VC began 150 years ago when Britain was in the thick of another Empire Building dust up, the Crimean War. There was huge bravery, but the system for rewarding this gallantry was a shambles."
"The Imperial fists took it as the most singular honor their skills and expertise could receive and made it once for Terra and their great task."
"It's a great honor to have been the first American bridgehead in France."
"For his bravery, Yogendra Singh Yadav was awarded the Param Vir Chakra."
"The history reflects what our men have done, how gallant, how noble they have been."
"We remember not just our own fallen, but all those who've ever served."
"Lucas's act was publicized in the papers and widely speculated that it might have led to the creation of the Victoria Cross."
"Even in death, your sergeant guides us home."
"Happy Memorial Day to all who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to this country."
"This Band of Brothers had proven their worth in battle."
"Every single civilization valorizes a person in battle who causes his own death to save other people or to bring damage to the enemy."
"The Medal of Honor is America's highest award for heroism."
"You can't have no kind of loving relationship without reciprocity."
"Valiant conduct throughout reflects the highest credit upon himself and the U.S naval service."
"Lieutenant Bonneyman received the Medal of Honor for his bravery and sacrifice."
"So Murph is a one mile run, a hundred pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another one mile run... in memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy."
"And Happy Memorial Day. Today, we recognize those who have given their lives for our country."
"Jesse Folmar would be awarded the Silver Star for his actions that day and would earn the distinction of being the first Marine Corp pilot to shoot down a MiG-15."
"the Victoria Cross is awarded only for gallantrate of the highest order but what does that mean well let me give you a typical example."
"Robert Kane had turned the tide in the battle and this is another vital factor in winning a Victoria Cross your actions have to create a ripple effect they have to help save the day."
"He was wounded seriously wounded and bleeding and torn to shreds yet he fought on because that was his duty he refused to go back for medical treatment until there was a lull in the battle."
"It's a massive accomplishment to earn that purple heart."
"We've got to get the Medal of Honor on this man before he dies."
"No, it's quite a price. But I think these guys would have wanted that, the ones that passed away. Especially the World War II guys, they out there given everything. I respect these guys so much."
"Six seconds not enough time to think about their families, their country, their flag, or about their lives or their deaths, but more than enough time for two very brave young men to do their duty into eternity."
"...Captain Davis heroism and selflessness above and beyond the Call of Duty at the risk of his own life are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself his unit and the United States Army."
"In eight days of combat, he had seven kills to his credit as well as a silver star and three distinguished flying crosses."
"I dreamed of adding to that legacy, a life of combat medals and service."
"The tomb of the unknown soldier is one of the most continuously guarded monuments in the world."
"I was awarded the Silver Star medal for gallantry in action during the Battle of Sipan."
"The horrors of a hundred battlefields, he nobly won his scars with the space in front to the foe."
"He was awarded and promoted to the rank of five-star admiral, he was the fourth and final naval officer to ever attain that rank."
"But when you look at VC winners and hear their stories, well, enough said."
"The Army has given renewed evidence of its confidence in itself and its fidelity to the principles it represents."
"For meritorious courage under fire, the highest decoration the country could award, the Medal of Honor."
"During the Indian Wars, which lasted decades, 18 Buffalo Soldiers were given Medals of Honor."
"This is the coveted Purple Heart... the most coveted award you can win in the entire military service."
"You have been awarded the Queen's commission. Well done."
"This is the incredible stories of Britain's bravest soldiers, Victoria Cross for Valor."
"The movie ends with the soldiers calling out the names of the members of the fifth Squad, implying that their legacy will live on forever."
"We wanted to honor the fallen soldiers and the U.S. soldiers in various wars by bringing out some significant, very notable firearms."
"Ava gone but never forgotten, a fallen soldier rest in peace."
"He was shot down 16 times and wounded three times, earning numerous decorations for valor."
"There's a reflection of the seventh cav in the sky, and it looks almost as if they're marching into heaven."
"The qualities that make a soldier and a soldier indeed a source of pride, a source of happiness."
"With 38 vehicles destroyed and 300 Iraqi prisoners of war, Captain Ray is awarded the Navy Cross, second only to the Medal of Honor for heroism."
"I just really love honoring and saluting everybody that has served and all of their families."
"The president is authorized to present in the name of Congress a medal of honor only to each person who distinguishes himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the Call of Duty."
"He receives the Pour le Mérite for gallantry in action as a member of the German army during the First World War."
"He's now in the United States of America Rangers Hall of Fame."
"With 19 battle and campaign stars, is the most decorated of all 57 U.S. battleships."
"For these actions, Sergeant Cermak was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the US Army's second highest military decoration."
"But Ryan takes his place in our Hall of Heroes because of his actions on that day in July, 2008."
"It belonged to the boys who are not here, the boys who are resting under the white crosses in France or in cemeteries of New York, also to the boys who were lucky enough to come through."
"I guess they'll court-martial me and send me to prison at Fort Leavenworth," Paul said, "No sir, I'll tell you what will happen: They're going to make you a general and they're going to give you the Congressional Medal of Honor."
"It is a great honor to be considered capable of commanding what is universally regarded as one of the best fighting divisions in the British army."
"This is the Fort Bragg game, believe this happened right before the 4th of July, July 3rd, 2016, to honor the military."
"For the most conspicuous bravery, exceptional perseverance, keenness, and very high devotion to duty."
"After being tested under fire, they now have the right to call themselves Scout Rangers."
"The Victoria Cross is something special."
"We want to honor those men that took part in that operation and we also want to, as the Tank Museum, thank the Royal Netherlands army."
"Those who remain in service for more than nine months are entitled to wear the Sentinel Badge permanently, an insignia in the shape of the tomb with laurels around and an inscription 'Honor Guard'."
"He emphasized the importance of Joshua's skills being recognized not just by their battalion but also by the prestigious Sharc orders of higher echelons."
"Rest in peace, Bernie Wiseman, honorable soldier of Zeon."
"Every day that the soldiers ride into Arlington Cemetery, we are reminded of the solemnity of our mission here and of the importance of what we do."
"Buffalo Bill would be awarded the Medal of Honor for his acts of bravery."
"The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a tribute to these men and women. As Sentinels, we are responsible for guarding the tomb 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since 1937."
"I'm proud to be an American, and even prouder that I've earned the privilege to wear the Green Beret."
"The Victoria Cross is the highest award for bravery in war in the Commonwealth."
"It's not just for me but for my unit because they all deserve it, really they all deserve a medal."
"To see a mother throw herself over the casket of her fallen son and then thank me for playing taps for him is an honor I will never forget."
"Your father was one of the greatest soldiers I've ever known, hell he was one of the best men I've ever known."
"At the top of the pyramid of U.S. Army combat and skilled badges is the most prestigious combat badge in the world, the Combat Infantryman's Badge."
"For conspicuous, extraordinary, and sustained heroism, we hereby award the Congressional Medal of Honor."
"I think the main reason they gave me the third star was because of what I underwent."
"After smashing the Communist offensive, the Indianhead Division was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, the highest decoration the United States can award a division."
"Dedicated to the memorial of the officers and men of the United States Army who sacrificed their lives adjacent to this site in a transport plane accident on July 1st, 1942."
"Lieutenant Callum Harper... awarded the Federation bravery medal three times."
"If simply honoring America's greatest heroes, our military veterans that have gone before us, isn't enough reason to get out into your local cemeteries and volunteer to clean these headstones, maybe it's just the history that's contained in these hallowed grounds."
"One man whose name has a very special place among those who have won this country's highest award for valor has all but been forgotten."
"I was the first living Marine since Vietnam to receive the Medal of Honor."
"This stone should look as though it belongs in Arlington National Cemetery for a young man who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom."
"For most conspicuous bravery, initiative, and devotion to duty during the operations at Mannequin Hill."
"The United States Army does not forget its heroes."
"Charles Whittlesey, the leader of the Lost Battalion, was the first man in the First World War to be awarded the Medal of Honor."
"Jimin received a merit award from the division commander, an honor bestowed upon the top trainee."
"He's a war hero awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Vietnam War."
"Seven surviving CAT pilots out of the 37 involved in the battle received the French Legion of Honor award."
"The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier represents the sacrifices of our military heroes."
"He was more unfortunate than criminal, an accomplished man and a gallant officer."
"The German pilot dropped a note, saying that the killed Russian pilots were given a military funeral with all honours."
"Memorial Day isn't really a happy day; it's a chance for the country to take a breath and remember all the men and women who have died serving in the military."