
Healthcare Debate Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The main argument against the implementation of universal healthcare is that it would essentially require healthy people to pay for the medical care of unhealthy people."
"Those Who attack our community are driven by an agenda of politics. It has nothing to do with medicine, it has nothing to do with science, it has nothing to do with warmth, empathy, compassion, and understanding."
"Could you imagine if people had healthcare in this country? I mean, I guess it would probably just undermine the entire religious system, wouldn't it?"
"The Democrats are pushing socialist government-run health care that bans private health insurance for 180 million Americans."
"So why not we take that into account, especially when you're talking about mandates."
"We're in a place where there's so much abundance, maybe health care should be a right and not just a privilege."
"Pro-life means the right to life it doesn't mean the right to force someone else at gunpoint to pay for services that you want."
"Healthcare is a human right, like how how is it possible that someone else's labor is your right?"
"Doctors can't be scared to question the narrative."
"Do we believe as a people that health care is a right or is it a privilege?" - Bernie Sanders
"The big banks love, love, love the private health insurance company, hate, hate, hate medicare raw because the big banks are heavily invested in Big Pharma."
"Anyone who tells you that Medicare for All is unpopular is an unmitigated liar."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"Tap into the divine loving energy in your heart."
"Anyone who tells you Medicare for all is unpopular is an unmitigated liar."
"There's no chance that reporters would hold Republicans feet to the fire on their health care proposals killing people with the same temerity that they go after our possibility of raising taxes."
"There are still going to be those who argue that unless you get a single-payer system, you're never going to get all the efficiencies."
"We need heterodoxy more than ever in especially in healthcare especially in public policy we need to question every single existing belief that we have because because they need to be questioned."
"That's why it goes back to everything we've had when it comes to Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness."
"It's not about whether socialized or privatized healthcare is better than the other; it's about getting a technocratic healthcare model that the elite have had planned for a long time."
"A public option which is a pretty similar to the position that Mayor P. Biden and some others have taken."
"This is infanticide. There's no other way to put it. That is infanticide."
"We're sacrificing some of these kids because even the Supreme Court said vaccines are unavoidably unsafe."
"My main concern is that I want to have a spark for a public conversation about this enormous gulf that exists between everybody who wants Medicare for All and the barely half of Democratic representatives who are willing to commit to the bill."
"If standing up for Universal Health Care Medicare for all is wrong, then I don't want to be right."
"The people keeping me from Medicare for all or a living wage or from fixing homelessness are a bunch of pub[__] people with power called the Democrats."
"You rarely see pundits on TV talking about the value of Medicare for all... all we're arguing for is can we have a fair shake."
"If socialized medicine is so great why did a wealthy of the world including the job I run come to America for treatment?"
"Bernie Sanders making the strong case for single-payer even as he finally calls James Carville a political hack."
"This destroys so many left-wing narratives about the NHS and immigration."
"Medicare-for-all argument has never been stronger."
"People dying because they don't have health care - exactly. Good point Shelby."
"Healthcare is at the root of all of it. Medicare for all, let's do it."
"You thought it was cute to deny other people healthcare now when the chickens have come home to roost all of a sudden you're we're supposed to feel sympathy for you."
"Lowering taxes for the wealthy is not a nationally popular agenda item, taking away healthcare from Americans is not, uh, you know, another obviously, you know, it's a popular agenda for lowering taxes on the wealthy."
"The problem with Medicare for all is that when people say that it's affordable, this isn't affordable to the person who has the Medicare, it is not affordable to the country."
"There are conditions where an abortion is literally the only thing to save the life of the mother. That happens quite frequently."
"Federal government should not force nuns to pay for abortion inducing drugs."
"Why is the United States the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee healthcare to all people?"
"I said, 'I have a legitimate objection under Title 7... these were developed in a way using fetal cell lines that is antithetical to my belief system.'"
"You're against universal health care during a pandemic, that's embarrassingly stupid."
"It's perfectly fine to inject [infants] with all of these chemicals and other things they're putting into an infant's body."
"Before we even think about the issue of gun control, we need a national debate on doctor control. What we really need now is doctor control or Big Pharma control."
"They're arguing against giving people health care, which is cheaper and better."
"The Tories want privatization. Who wants private healthcare when you can't afford it?"
"How in the world are 22 percent of Republicans opposed to market competition that would improve health care and lower costs? Really, how in the world do you find those people?"
"The hatred for Donald Trump is destroying our medical industry."
"If a drug is off patent we don't really hear much about it, but if we're serious about saving lives, we should also consider off patent and natural therapies."
"We're the only richest country in the world without universal health care, Medicare for all."
"Kamala Harris ran for president by rushing to the radical left embracing Bernie's plan for socialized medicine calling for trillions of new taxes attacking Joe Biden for racist policies voters rejected Harris they smartly spotted a phony."
"If we had a universal health care system then we wouldn't have a million Americans per year traveling to another country for health care they can actually afford."
"We're headed towards having the same health care system as Cuba."
"Do you think that private businesses have no place in our National Health Services because they put profit before patients' needs?"
"Why do we only hope to give someone control over their symptoms but not over something as fundamental as their own life?"
"It's so easy to say all of these empty platitudes and virtue signal about immigration up until it's your family that needs to be in the hospital."
"Would you focus on advancing medical technology or focus on improving Healthcare access improving Health Care access because like what's the point of having good technology when people don't even have access to it logic."
"I think what people need is a major medical insurance thing, but that the better way for ordinary healthcare is for people to buy healthcare the way they buy food and clothing and housing."
"We've rushed ahead in the debate to questions of access and affordability when we should take a few steps back."
"No such thing as alternative medicine; either the medicine works or it doesn't."
"It's definitely a good thing that we're having this conversation about pharmaceuticals on a national level."
"Private health care and its merits or lack thereof is a really important talking point in our current geopolitical climate."
"What is the role of the medical profession here: to be passive facilitators or to gatekeep?"
"With all of this history in mind, I look forward to learning more with you today about the debates that are still swirling around Obamacare and the future prospects for health care in the United States."