
Political Competition Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's not just a question of a third party; it's a question of new ideas, new policies. The question is, is there an opportunity for a new competitor to threaten whoever the players are if they don't get things done?"
"In short, the triumph was a sign of healthy political competition, and when the triumph started getting all funky, it was an early indication that the funk was coming from inside the Republic."
"Joe Biden still has to go out there and beat Donald Trump."
"Kerry Lake lost to Katie Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes."
"Despite 91 felony charges, Trump is within a point of Biden."
"Former president Trump is beating you by 30, 40 points in many polls."
"Why is Senator Sanders beating you two-to-one among younger voters?"
"It's not just about whether the blue team wins, it's why."
"Larry has shot up to the first place in the polls. That should teach a lesson to all the other people in the race."
"It's just two giant parties competing to see who can dupe the most people and to give them power."
"Final five voting equals healthy competition, more choice, more voice, better results."
"The Democrats and Republicans... stop third parties from gaining any significant traction."
"Running against somebody... during this time."
"The fact is, either candidate can lose fair and square."
"The party that can occupy it first is going to win big."
"Joe Biden is running circles around Donald Trump."
"You better damn well make sure that you're sending somebody that can fight for themselves and fight for you up against Donald Trump, because you know that he's not gonna play nice."
"My only worry about South Carolina is that my opponents lie, especially Cruz. I mean Cruz is the single worst liar I've ever seen."
"It's Don versus Ron 2024. Donald Trump is gonna win, bro. Hear me out."
"If you're gonna beat Donald Trump as an incumbent, you're gonna have to bring it."
"We're in 2024... not a big gap between the New Democrats and the Liberals."
"If she won, and it took so little for her to win, one person and not even in every state, that at least now, we are talking about these guys."
"Term limits in the states have worked very well. States with term limits actually have the most competitive elections in the country."
"Ex-confederates of the plantation class would soon have to jostle for political power against a whole host of highly motivated new Rivals."
"America doesn't have a central side it has it has multiple people competing in ideas and Concepts and want those to refine and Define the other Concepts."
"It's always a delight to see Ted Cruz defeated."
"Just the sense of leadership and of competence, it's not a high bar they're having to be in competition with the Tory government."
"He beat all of them regardless of what you think about him."
"You have to beat someone with talent at the ballot box." - Harold Ford Jr.
"Biden arguably cancels out to some degree Trump's incumbent advantages."
"She wouldn't want dude my pinky finger should have been able to beat Donald Trump."
"If in democracy in India is danger how could you defeat Modi in Karnataka? That is the question I have asked. How could you defeat Modi in Himachal Pradesh? That's the question I want to ask."
"More women in Congress, more competing and winning in Republican districts."
"We have to win because there are dangerous, reckless people on the other side."
"Ron DeSantis may run against Trump but he's not the only one."
"You're still way ahead of the Pence Pompeo Haley group..."
"If we as Republicans want to beat him we better have somebody who's going to actually be able to campaign."
"He won Bernie unequivocally won, and these people, the thing is, I know some people are discouraged because it reminded them, oh god, they are gonna try to steal it from them."
"It's the Buster Douglas fight... if someone's going to beat Donald Trump it's going to be like that."
"Justin Trudeau can be beat. He was beaten today."
"Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life... I'm going to say I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics."
"I'm of the firm view that it is a two-man race. We're clearly the underdog, fighting uphill, but I think we have an amazing story to tell."
"We've won almost every single poll in the last 3 months against crook at Joe Biden."
"With all the advantages Clinton has, she couldn't even defeat a person running on hope and inspiration."
"They are a minority party and yet of course they remain competitive."
"Every election is a contest of ideas and a contest of hopefully opportunity."
"If you create a country where there is contestation, you create competition in politics, in business, that gives you a pretty good chance that vested interests will not dominate the country and extract rents from the people."
"This election truly was a race to the top, a genuine battle of ideas."
"We can make sure we beat Boris Johnson at the next general election and give this country the government that it deserves."