
Life-giving Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We're invited to be part of this new tree of life, participating in the life-giving work He started."
"It's that easy. See, when you strive is when you miss it. It's when you're relaxing who you are, abiding in presence, abiding in his voice, it becomes very natural to speak words that are life-giving."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"The so-called negativity of the feminine principle is obviously life-giving and very important."
"The realm of life, we are life-giving spirits."
"Mothers give life to their children, and their children receive unconditional love from their mothers."
"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life."
"We should be offering life-giving hope to a corrupt and dying world."
"Honestly, on an artistic level, it's so life-giving."
"Women are the ones who bring life into the world."
"The word is alive and powerful, it transforms, it is the transforming word, it is the word that gives life."
"Sharing the gospel is lifegiving to us as well as the person we are sharing with."
"Jesus is in the business of giving life back to us."
"Father, I desire to speak spiritual words that give life. Give me the ability to speak life."
"She is the one who gives life. They're the ones who are fulfilling Eve's role, and that is bringing children forth healthy and alive. They're giving life."
"I believe that the Christian teachings are not only true, but they are life-giving."
"Let anyone who hears this say, 'Come.' Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life."
"My life is tied to giving hoodlums life despite the holes that their sights are fixed upon."
"It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."
"It's not a dead river, it brings life to the region."
"The sun and moon were created to give life to day and night."
"We are now one with God's Son, with God's will, and we are with God providing life and light to the world."
"We are some beautiful, beautiful human beings and we got a lot of power, we give life."
"The entrance of your words gives life."
"To the thirsty I will give water without price from the fountain of the water of life."
"The spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
"The Heliotropic effect is all living systems are inclined toward that which is life-giving and avoid that which is life-depleting."
"God is only a life Giver, he is selfless love."
"He is the life-giving spirit, not just spiritual life, even biological life, life itself."
"The love between a husband and a wife is meant to imitate God's love, to pour itself out beyond itself to give this great gift of life to future generations."
"Let's continue making the Divine Liturgy the central heart of everything; that's the life-giving source from which everything else comes."
"You're a God when you're animating, you've made the world, you've created a character, you've given it life."
"You are my parents who together as one have given me my life to live."
"...Adam turns to his wife and gives her a new name he calls her Eve...and he then attributes to her something that makes her greater than he is she is the mother of all life."
"To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life."
"The cedar tree has housed us, it has given us ability to make weapons, transportation, housing... she gave us life."
"What kids have to have from you step parents, what kids have to have from you is an umbilical cord that goes out and latches on and then you just pour life into them."
"My words to you are spirit and their life; my words become presence and that presence gives life."
"Rivers of living water will flow out, meaning these rivers they carry life, whatever these rivers touch they can bring life."
"You are purified by the words I'm speaking to you, for my words they are spirit, and they are life."
"I love it when people choose to be life to other people."
"If you're able to give life, you should give life."
"Women are the water of this life energy; we nourish everything."
"We have to be not just wind and clouds that put on a good show, but we have to actually produce rain, and rain always means life."
"Wherever the river flowed, it brought life."
"My precious, so he can make them live again."
"The Earth is called mother because the Earth yields, produces, brings forth life."
"The Breath of God out of your mouth is going to give life to this thing that looks dead today."
"The Quran is able to bring a dead heart back to life."
"You are a life-giver. I've created you to be life-giver. I've anointed you to be life-giver."
"When you become a life-giving individual, you become valuable."
"You're giving someone life, you're giving them a new chance at life."