
Metadata Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Metadata is really the key to navigating a large library of images."
"Navigating your library quickly with the metadata you worked hard to add to the images."
"I think humans will have economies built around them because of access and metadata."
"In modern surveillance, it's the metadata that's most valuable."
"Metadata is more important than the transaction itself."
"This makes the entire metadata collection that the NSA is doing completely silly."
"All they have is metadata, that's all that 'yo' is, is just metadata."
"Metadata overhead per application group could be up to 30 bytes."
"Tags are words or phrases that act as metadata for organizing your AWS resources."
"It's self-describing. It's telling me the attribute."
"Let's do the metadata, that'll be more fun"
"Git log command shows all of the metadata related to a commit."
"React 19 will have built-in support for metadata such as titles, descriptions, keywords."
"I still tag my videos just to be safe."
"Optimize your videos with proper tags and description."
"Fields inside Metadata menu are properties."
"Satellite imagery is spatially referenced and has spatially relevant metadata."
"ChatGPT can help generate compelling meta tags and descriptions for your content."
"And also, when was this photo taken? Put in a city, all this good stuff here to make it a little more searchable, a little more engaging when the metadata becomes relevant."
"Metadata provides information about other data."
"Metadata is really important because basically, the way Kubernetes is able to filter out through different deployments, different pods, different systems is through metadata."
"So add the name story illustrator and description if you want to."
"AI ready data has to be tagged according to what you want to use it for for you the metadata is almost as important as the data itself because that's what helps make answers accurate."
"Vector databases allow us to attach arbitrary metadata to our vectors, enriching the user experience within the app."
"SEO value is the ability for something like Google to be able to load your website, grab all the information out of those meta tags that it wants, the title, the description, the categories or the tags, the cover image, etc."
"Meta tags are HTML tags that can be included in the web pages that describe what the web page is about."
"It's literally just, really at a software level, a list of the pixels, what color they are, of course the resolution too, a little bit of basic metadata, and that's it."
"That should be the number one thing: assess your metadata management maturity."
"So if we're putting in different types of content that require different types of metadata and you end up having like 10 different types of content in one given document library, you will run out of views that you can create for that content."
"Model-driven design uses a metadata-driven architecture so that designers can customize the apps without writing code."
"Let's talk about moving over the Next Head API for setting meta tags over to the new metadata API inside of the app router."
"An OpenGraph meta is a markup place on every page of your website so that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can read and understand your page."
"I don't think genre should be exclusive buckets rather I think of it more as metadata tags in which you take the same thing and you can add a whole lot of attributes because each one is actually accurate."
"It's just a directory with a bunch of parquet files in it, and there's one extra bit that is very important, and that is that we also store this transaction log."
"Producers need to enforce the integrity of the events that they're publishing. Defining that metadata field and making it a consistent stable object is really important."
"Photos or images taken with modern-day cameras contain exif metadata."
"This is what Redshift Advisor does for you. It scans through the metadata every day with the lens of best practices, makes observations and recommendations which are actionable and of high impact."
"So just something to keep in mind location information has to do with intentionally embedding GPS coordinates into the files."
"Flow Logs is essentially aggregated metadata, about each flow, or 5-tuple."
"The program is massive in its reach allowing for near Limitless access to metadata without a court order."
"You just need two of those. So underscore metadata and then this is the data type."
"Tags are a metadata process where you can apply custom data to this resource."
"What makes the Prompt Builder special is that it has access to all of your metadata and allows you to ground the prompts directly with your CRM data."
"You really should know the size of your image, whether that be stored as metadata in your database or from an external API that provides metadata about the image, or even just probing the image for its size."
"The chat messages that I sent included a few pieces of information: the actual message, the name of the user who sent the message, and the time in which they sent that message."
"Metadata is very important... it's really useful for keeping a track of how that image was acquired."
"Partition switching is a metadata operation, in which case it's going to be almost instantaneous."
"The file metadata is very important because it gives you the exact date when it was created, accessed, and all those relevant details which are required for any investigative report."
"That is a simple example of how you can actually control when your flows run based on trigger conditions and metadata that you set on a list or library."
"Closure has support for metadata."
"Metadata describes the structure of a database like tables, columns, and constraints in terms of Python data structures."
"The metadata lines start with two pound symbols and describe the format and content of the VCF file."
"We never want to repeat ourselves when it comes to writing metadata."
"Don't think that something is wrong or something is broken; it simply is more accurate than the metadata you get on there."
"Metadata will travel with your asset regardless of whether it's online or offline."
"Having good metadata is going to, over time, give YouTube that data it needs so it can start grouping your videos and promoting them to viewers."
"I want to write a JSON file into that directory that gives us some metadata or information about what we just did."
"One thing I wanted to show you is you can actually upload metadata to IPFS as part of some of these function calls."
"If you don't include C2PA metadata in your content, it could be hidden or marked as potential disinformation to other users."
"The data card houses all the metadata information against the files."
"Signal doesn't just protect user data; we protect metadata too."
"It is a priority for us; we want to protect this metadata from HNDL attacks."
"Using this base URI, this is how you can kind of get the NFT metadata for each NFT."
"Unlock packages... give you an opportunity to organize your metadata into packages and helps to really modularize the code."
"It's the most critical last piece of the puzzle to achieve scale for filesystem metadata intensive applications at scale."
"Computed values basically give you more metadata about your store instead of changing the store."
"Attributes offer the ability to add structured, machine-readable metadata information on declarations in code."
"We can rename all of our photos; this is template driven based on metadata."
"You can think of Delta as there's a metadata management layer on top of your storage layer."
"Geo itself doesn't hold sequence data; GEO is a repository for metadata and for the quantitations that people have submitted."
"It's amazing the amount of information that you can learn just from the metadata."
"You want to make sure that you still have a set of metadata for each piece of content."
"Metadata is all of that information about the image that's not the file itself; it's the shutter speed, aperture, who shot the photo, what camera did you use, what lens did you use."
"Imagine building an app where you're storing all the books in the world, not the book contents but metadata about the books."
"A package is really the container that contains all the metadata that your application needs to function."
"Find a clever way of adding this metadata; I think it's kind of the key in many applications."
"If syntax can help me do those things like classifying content consistently in my corpus or extracting specific metadata that can then drive business processes, awesome."
"It's very important that we understand how lists operate and how we can add metadata to them."
"Annotation is a form of metadata that can be added to the Java source code."
"The web manifest stores metadata for progressive web apps."
"The Windows runtime really gives us the solution to that problem, which is giving us the metadata that fully describes those types."
"This whole concept of metadata driven UI is a perfect fit for it."
"Annotations are not instructions; they are declarative metadata elements allowing the container to reason about them and to react to them at runtime."