
Personal Resolution Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I would leave the country tomorrow and not come back. I never thought in my entire life that I would ever say anything like that."
"I don't want to go to jail again, dude. I can't, I can't do that no more."
"Just knowing the identity of who killed his mother is enough closure after 34 years."
"Closure is everything, even after so much time has passed."
"Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory."
"She doesn't owe anyone a [__] thing anymore and she's done."
"Here's the first resolution: I refuse to be defined by others."
"At length, I came to the conclusion that I must act."
"I have a lot of living to do. I'm going to be okay."
"I'm looking to never see you again, and get an email from you that says, I love you."
"Pain comes from expectations unfulfilled. I will from now on have no expectations."
"Enough is enough, I'm not wasting any more time."
"From the time that I decided I'm going to make this run..."
"I'd rather just leave it here and just move on with my life."
"When I'm done and every single person I don't like that I've had to bite my tongue about because I don't want to create waves just go at them full and Dave Portney an evening of hate I love it."
"Try to make this thing work out in your best behalf try to make it where you can see your daughter's graduation from College from high school first baby."
"The only answer you're going to be able to get that is real and something you can hold on to is what are you going to do next."
"Sometimes unfortunately we have to give ourselves closure on some situations."
"Stay true to yourself, it's the way out and provides resolution."
"They deserve so much more, you know, like this has been my life and this is my parents' life and this was their parents' life, and I'm just so ready to break that curse, that cycle."
"Your justice is coming, especially if you've been waiting for something to be decided."
"I regretted it... I made a conscious decision to try and live my life Without Regrets."
"It's over, I'm out of it, never going back, I'm good over here."
"Once you get that 'I'm done,' nothing's taking you back."
"Personal issue reaches resolution, believe you can achieve whatever your goal is."
"They feel like you're done and you're turning and walking away from them."
"I don't have to think about that anymore. I'm at peace about this."
"He remembers Hikimaru's words... he had to look for him."
"But also it's fine because I'm gonna get everyone's respect back."
"Someone from the past wants to clear the air, resolve the situation. They know it's time."
"I want to incorporate that somehow. I'm keeping that."
"I want to forgive Benedict, I want to let it go."
"You already know you don't have any options anymore, you already know who you want."
"I'll give it another chance... but I can't say I'll do that anytime soon."
"This is my way of putting this to bed. I feel like if I can rip this guy's head off in a boxing ring, then as soon as he said that, as soon as this contract landed on my table, I was like, this is perfect."
"Sometimes the only way to lay our ghosts to rest is to confront them head-on."
"Now that I have mine in my hands again, I feel like I'm good. I have no more enemies, I don't hate anybody anymore, and everything is in my book."
"I will be happy to leave this place behind me and watch it crumble shortly thereafter."
"It's not over, Jesse, but he stood up and he said, 'I've had enough of this BS.'"
"Whatever this situation was, you're definitely getting justice and you're going to be able to break free and bring balance back into your situation here."
"If I started again tomorrow, I would go back and join the police service."
"I made up my mind. I decided that when I grew up, I'd become a scientific investigator."
"He wants to forget, forgive it, but he cannot until you simply say, 'Lord Jesus, will you forgive me of my sin?'"
"Sensei Ishikawa's quest for vengeance is over."
"Lady luck was the only thing standing in my way."
"I had at the very least proven I was resolved in completing this challenge."
"I think that chapter's closed, that conversation is closed." - Mike Wright
"Anyway, I know this is probably a dumb problem for most people, but it ended up being a happy ending and I get to keep..."
"I'm never working with him ever again like [__] likewise."
"I've just kind of had in my heart for a really long time that it was something we were going to do."
"Sometimes knowing that I was right is enough. I don't have to prove it anymore."
"I decided that today is gonna be a great day."
"They're trying to make things right, offering you a relationship."
"I just want to be able to leave here with closure."
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'll end my days here with the Gray Friars like my liege lord Richard did and the man I killed, the man that I destroyed."
"By killing Ramzi, Eren finally reached the sight he had seen in his father’s memories; the very manifestation of the freedom that he wanted."
"The universe brings a way out for you in some situation."
"I'm officially done with it. I'm through with it. That's it."
"I needed some closure on this, man, I ain't trying to deny y'all."
"Once you face it and resolve it, you feel liberated."
"You gotta have the courage to come on and say, 'I'm gonna get right with God. I'm not gonna put it off. I might have to lose some garments, but I'm gonna say yes to the Lord.'"
"Long have I endured this injustice, but no more."
"Jared ended the meeting; some of the dignity was regained by him which he lost over the course of 10 years."
"What the answer is, is to feel our way through this."
"That's what I'm going to be doing from now on."
"By the time we get to that new moon in Aquarius, you should have the closure on whatever this particular situation is for yourself."
"He killed himself because like he says, 'our time has passed.'"
"Eventually, Hohenheim mustered up the resolve to find the answer to getting rid of his immortality, to make things better for himself and his family through allowing him to finally live life with sincerity and abandon."
"Enough's enough, tonight I'm going to have a little fun and put this [ __ ] in his place."
"I feel the time has come for me to do something I should have done a long time ago."
"I know I've made the right decision, although it's been very difficult."
"I don't want an apology from anybody. An apology means I am sorry for what I did to you."
"I never would put myself back in that position so today my only goal is to never work for somebody else ever again another day in my life."
"I'm done with her. I don't want anything more to do with her. I'm officially done."
"After a long conversation with myself, I've decided that it's in my best interest to be evil, jaded, and reserved from this point on."
"I want to make amends with you. I want to tell you who the number one criminal is."
"Well, it was good knowing you, Mangle. I'm glad we've made amends."
"This has been the perfect, perfect way to deal with it."
"There's a clarity here that's coming through as well as you are starting to get out and play and again having resolution with people from your past and present."
"I realized I wouldn't want my kids to witness such a toxic relationship."
"I chose nothing. Divorce papers were filed exactly 1 week later."
"You've got to just make a decision and stick to your decision."
"I'm not so sure now that you know. I acted rashly in general. I forgive you."
"I think what finally ended it was God, number one, because I had really prayed for guidance."
"That line was really important because 'No, I ain't wasting no more time,' is basically him saying, 'Man, right? We're not waiting any longer. We're done.'"
"I pinky promise as from today, I will no longer be in drama."
"I'm done trying to make this marriage work. I'm done begging you to be a father."
"You're receiving your ships in the form of justice, could be an apology or reconciliation."
"I'm ready to leave him behind where he belongs."
"If you're saying you're done with this person or this situation, you're done."
"Yesterday sucked so, today my plan is twofold."
"I wish you all the best. This matter is adjourned."
"Mr. Young says Mrs. Young is the one, and he intends to prove that and save his marriage."
"I made up my mind on the subject though, so good luck with that."
"Many who read these logs believe that Donald had come to peace with himself and his situation by deciding to take his own life."
"They're just gonna have to live with themselves because at the end of the day."
"Everything has a high end, a high meaning, some sort of evolutionary path that will accelerate our growth and evolution."
"You won't go to the judge to fix your view or how you feel."
"I gotta get it right, and I gotta dedicate myself to this for once and for all, or I'm gonna die basically."
"He's done running. Yes, let's go! Circled back to his dad's words."
"Choose who you'll serve, stop jumping between two opinions."
"That chapter is definitely closed, and that's okay."
"I swore then that I'd never debate Ray again."
"One of my resolutions is to be kinder about my body."
"I hate this guy so this is what he would say, whatever it was, you need to get over it. Time to move on."
"You've got to settle this for yourself as I do."
"I will forgive Mackenzie for what she did."
"We don't know how to end war in the world, and this is the end of war in my world."
"Resolve to learn to live without contempt."
"Um, I guess mine is to also be healthy this year."
"Every day I'm going to promise myself to tell people I care about that I care about them; otherwise, how will they know?"
"My New Year's resolution is not to date crappy guys who cheat on me."
"Stay happy! From now on I am going to stay happy."
"I'm done with something, and I know I'm done."