
Presets Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Presets are infinitely reusable sets of settings that you can save and apply with a single click."
"Presets are very much living in a world where people love one-touch presets."
"I recommend getting into the habit of doing this frequently throughout the rest of this guide so you have multiple presets you can load back up if anything goes wrong."
"So it's not a multi-track preset that won't contain routing but a selected tracks can retain the routing."
"So you could just simply store the swing percentage right there and save it as a preset."
"There's a ton of built-in sounds that just ship with the factory settings, that's great."
"A lot of people ask me that I get messages all the time they're like I want to get your preset but I shoot you know Sony or whatever like that doesn't matter."
"You get to determine your creative style when editing, so really spend some time developing your own presets and make something that you are proud of."
"Sometimes when adjusting your processing it's easy to go down a rabbit hole where you're adjusting settings to the point where you don't know if it's sounding better or worse than when you started."
"Once you have all of your processing just right you can save all the settings as a preset which can be loaded at any time."
"The x-series cameras give you five different presets."
"Remember, these presets are available in my pack for those who want to support me."
"So yeah, presets can be a great thing especially when you're not, 'cause I'm not, as I said before, you know, having enough brain space to get down there and tweak something mid-set."
"Presets are a great jumping-off point to give you some inspiration for your color toning."
"Now, if we've tuned to a station we want to save it as a preset, all we're going to do is tune, we're just going to press and hold any of the available options, and preset is now saved."
"Seriously, if you use these presets, people are going to be like, 'Wait, you filmed this with a phone? Wow, they look that good.'"
"...instantly it looks so much better in fact we almost don't even need to use a preset with this photo it just looks great as it is out of camera."
"These are great in case you want to set certain presets."
"No song is the same and if you rely blindly on presets you're never gonna learn how to mix properly and improve as a mix engineer."
"The presets are amazing so that's one of my go-tos for sure."
"Presets promise a certain look, but it's not true."
"So I'm just going to select one of my 303 presets that I've created before so we can work quickly."
"It's really awesome to create wavetables with if you're into that sort of thing, and it's got some really nice presets as well if you want to go through and get an idea of what it's capable of."
"I'm gonna help you guys to create your own preset so you guys can kind of utilize this set up with your own images, your own presets, everything, and I'm gonna give you some demonstrations along the way, as well as showing you how to shoot for Dark Mode"
"Start with a preset. It's so much better than always having the same compression, same EQ."
"The presets just really take care of you."
"The presets are really, really well curated."
"Creating your own drum patterns is a great skill to have in the studio. It means that you remain in control of your composition rather than it being directed by some presets which came with your drum plug-in."
"So you can see using presets, creating them and organizing them, even sharing them, is an actually really simple process. And I love that."
"So number one, better tasting coffee. Number two, I like the three presets."
"Omnisphere is just like so useful, it's so easy to browse presets."
"If you want to give your Instagram feed a more cohesive feel and strengthen your brand image in general, you can use presets."
"We are giving away two free presets for the holidays so you can download them and use them on your own images."
"Track presets...can save you a lot of time for doing redundant settings."
"Presets are great for a lot of reasons: they can speed up your workflow, build consistency into your work, and make your life as a creative person easier."
"The presets are great; I think that's probably the highlight of this update."
"Having presets is the proper way of going with your life."
"Presets, wow, that's awesome. Cool, now you can preset combinations of things."
"It's very easy to access my custom presets, it just overall is an easier camera for me to use."
"Templates and presets are like having a cheat code for video editing."
"Snapshots are essentially like different states of the same preset."
"You can make as many different changes within the preset from one snapshot to another."
"This is considered by many the first synthesizer with presets."
"You can have a mix of all these different presets, which is really neat."
"These Presets have already been perfectly configured."
"It's oscillators and filter are analog but their frequency parameter and modulation control is all digital which means you can store and recall presets."
"Nymphs can store 49 presets in seven banks of seven presets, banks A through G."
"Once you like this image and you'd like to save that look that you've created, how would you save that as a preset?"
"We spend a long time developing presets that don't include any extreme adjustments so they work well on just about any scenario."
"You don't have to think about any of that anymore because I've created a set of presets for applying natural looking shadows and lighting to any project in After Effects."
"It's pretty cool because they have a bunch of different presets that you can use automatically."
"If you want to speed up your raw workflow or give yourself a great starting point, we created 14 all new custom Lightroom presets."
"Preset management on this is amazing."
"Presets are important; they give a valuable first impression to someone who doesn't want to deep dive into making their own stuff immediately."
"You'll be able to see within your Google Home or your Alexa all the preset colors you're able to voice command."
"We're talking about presets... today we're going to be putting all of that into practice."
"That's how you can use the power of presets to automate your entire workflow."
"There's nothing wrong with presets, but I think there's something really cool in understanding how to at least set a foundation of knowing how to create the sound, manipulate it, tweak it."
"It's impressive what you can put in a preset."
"It's a fast and powerful project pre-loaded with numerous presets and effects."
"This will get you quite a bit of fun tinkering sound design and some good built-in presets as well."
"Once you've done this one time, you can save it as a preset and never really have to think about it again."
"The add-on also provides some outstanding sky presets such as daytime and sunset, fog and haze, Mars, and even retro wave."
"The ability to save settings as a preset so you can switch your entire setup almost instantly."
"If you're looking for techno presets for Serum, make sure to check out the Kraken and Paradox."
"When you create a preset in Lightroom, it comes through the Camera Raw now, and vice versa, so it shares it."
"Presets become even more useful; they can be a good creative boost and also a timesaver."
"Autofill comes with a ton of awesome presets that you can use to quickly create some cool looks."
"Styles are sort of presets that give you a set of effects which kind of gives you a desired look."