
Universities Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Universities are supposed to be producing critically thinking, rational, skeptical people. That's the entire idea; inquisitive thought is what universities are supposed to be producing."
"Universities are places where you should be free to speak your mind and listen even to something that you don't like."
"It's crucial for colleges and universities to stay open."
"Universities should not be doing harm to the planet by providing money to the industry that can then be used to finance further extraction and burning of fossil fuels."
"Universities... have a duty of care... not forcing people to go into... a petri dish in the middle of a pandemic."
"Most of those people drop out of Harvard, MIT, Oxford, and Cambridge."
"If the universities had to compete head-to-head, they would get better."
"Universities and educational institutions have changed."
"Students have been on the right side of history at Columbia and at other universities ever since the 1960s."
"You'd be surprised how often long-lost works of art turn up in the archives and libraries of universities that have no idea what's in their collection."
"The great political scientist Stephen Holmes said, 'Traditionally universities have trained leaders for nations, but the global network university is training leaders for global civil society.'"
"Are you paying attention? The most elite universities in our nation are sponsors of anti-Semitism."
"Federal prosecutors publicly disclosed the details of a vast criminal conspiracy centered on bribing admissions officials at several notable American universities."
"Universities should not seek to protect students from discomfort, hurtfulness, or so-called microaggressions when they're exposed to beliefs that differ from theirs."
"Universities should make moves toward a diversity of opinion so that universities themselves are not considered to be mouthpieces for leftist politics."
"If you want to go to Oxford or Cambridge or Harvard or Yale, really think if that's right for you."
"Some of the top universities, including Harvard, did not even interview me."
"Cambridge is way more chill than Oxford. Oxford to me is just like, yeah, that's where our horrible politicians all go to study. Our politicians that don't know left from right."
"There's also this amazing talent. When you apply to Harvard you have one of maybe twenty people get accepted for every person that gets accepted. In Beijing University, everyone one of a hundred people is accepted."
"You're going to see more players coming out of junior colleges to fill these four-year universities."
"The real thing that we need to sever is the link between activism and careerism in universities."
"Yeah, I went to Arizona State. We were one of the non-Ivy league schools that got Facebook first, right? So Ivy league schools went first and then non-Ivy Leaguers were like, Arizona State, Florida State, like these big universities. State schools. We got it first."
"Corporations are telling universities that they need people who are experts in programming in this language or that language."
"Harvard and MIT are not technically in Boston, they're in Cambridge."
"Germany experiences tuition-free universities."
"CIA agents were sent to infiltrate universities across America, targeting various civil rights and anti-war groups, learning the culture and even the different slang used by the groups they targeted."
"...the prestigious universities in the world Cambridge."
"Universities are losing their minds. They're supposed to be places that people go to have very heated debates."
"It's only 49 US dollars, so many of the top universities, Yale, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and so many more have adopted it."
"UCLA and UC Berkeley are the two most known, selective, and popular UC schools."
"It's the most intense and contentious debate that I've seen over how University endowments should be invested."
"Finland has one of the best education systems and also home to some of the best universities in the world."
"Kenya places a strong emphasis on education with several prestigious universities."
"British universities have been thought to be among the best in the world."
"One way to begin to fix the universities is to ensure that they are spaces where free speech is available."
"We've created a governance structure that's designed to prevent the pathologies that have made so many universities today centers of groupthink, conformism, and wokeism."
"The tradition of public lectures by great experts is an important function of universities."
"The University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University were shaken by a series of horrifying murders."
"You can earn these degrees from higher respected universities."
"The best universities are ones that teach you how to think not what to think."
"These universities are pretty reputable and they are on the ranking list."
"Chicago is number six in the U.S. news and World reports rankings of national universities."
"Remember not every University in the UK, U.S, Canada is for you. You need to know that there are ideal universities that you need to apply to."
"The United States has the best universities on the planet."
"I preferred the course at Oxford to the one at Cambridge."
"All national universities of Japan and most of them are the best universities you can get."
"It shouldn't surprise you that it was in the Universities that men like Metternich most rightly feared a challenge."
"I look forward to see how talents from 12 universities from around the world will come up with great solutions for this."