
Vitamin A Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Vitamin A and its derivatives, when applied topically to the skin, can offer amazing anti-aging benefits, including improving collagen synthesis, strengthening the deeper layers of our skin, and ultimately improving the look of wrinkles and fine lines."
"Night vision issues, that is a classic vitamin A deficiency or night blindness."
"Another ingredient that you might elect to begin incorporating into your skincare routine in your 30s is topical vitamin A."
"I've never seen a documented case of somebody eating the liver of domesticated animals and develop vitamin A toxicity."
"Retinol is simply vitamin A written in an alcohol base."
"Retinol is a retinoid, these are ingredients based on vitamin A and they're the superstars of skincare."
"Vitamin A plays a really important role in vision."
"Vitamin A is super important for the normal maturation of your skin cells and it plays vital functions in a variety of processes."
"Vitamin A is multitasking; it stimulates collagen, improves cell turnover, and decreases pigmentation."
"Our body will convert beta-carotene to vitamin A, and unless you have a specific gene mutation that is really downshifting that conversion, your body will convert enough. We know that."
"Vitamin A I would start from when you actually start getting acne."
"It's like chemo for your skin, it's concentrated vitamin A."
"The liver struggles to handle excessive amounts of vitamin A, which is often found in multivitamins and encapsules aimed at enhancing or maintaining tans."
"...vitamin A toxicity there's a possibility...that creates a dose that could potentially create a toxicity for you."
"Vegetables provide carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, while animal sources such as liver and pastured egg yolks provide a true vitamin A."
"One cup of cooked pumpkin contains 245% of your daily recommended value of vitamin A."
"Tretinoin is a topical form of vitamin A which is used to treat acne and other skin conditions."
"Stimulate skin now with active vitamin A like retinol."
"Retinol is considered a gold standard skincare ingredient. It's a form of Vitamin A and it's an anti-aging superstar ingredient."
"Vitamin A is also really important for your hair, playing a major role in the synthesis of hair proteins as well as in the production of oils in our skin."
"Golden berries are high in carotenoids and specifically rich in cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid that converts to vitamin A."
"Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a wonderful vitamin that helps the body make vitamin A."
"Rhodopsin is actually a protein combined with vitamin A retinyl, so that explains why you need vitamin A in order to see."
"Sweet potatoes have beta carotene in them which converts into vitamin A in our body, supporting good hair health."
"You need vitamin A to form something called rhodopsin, which is a special type of protein in your eye that helps you see in the dark."
"If you really want something to change your skin, get a good Vitamin A product."
"Vitamin A helps to maintain the health of the cornea, the outer window of the eye, and assists with the process of light perception in the retina."
"Dates are packed with vitamin A and vitamin K, two of the immune system's best buddies."
"'What will help very, very well is vitamin A, specifically retinol coming from animal meat sources.'"
"Beef liver containing a very high amount of vitamin A is a very potent first line of defense to get your acne under control."
"In my opinion, the biggest addition to the skincare ingredients is, of course, that plant seed oil that contains vitamin A."
"Having a vitamin A in your skincare routine is without a doubt going to help your skin turn over during its natural cell renewal process."
"Vitamin A keeps the skin firm and thick."
"Vitamin A is essential for growth, vision, and maintenance of normal epithelium."
"Vitamin A is essential in allowing us to see, especially in dim light at nighttime."
"All your minimum daily requirements of vitamin A in 1, 2, 3 servings a day."
"Rosehip seed oil is a natural vitamin A, a natural form of retinol."
"Polar bear liver has such a high level of vitamin A that eating it can be fatal."
"Vitamin A is proven to improve skin texture by stimulating the differentiation and regeneration of epidermal cells."
"Broccoli is rich in beta-carotene, once in the body it's converted into Vitamin A, which is crucial for maintaining the health of our skin and mucous membranes."
"Vitamin A is also called retinol; it's essential for the function of the retina at the back of the eye."
"Vitamin A has several functions: helping natural defense against illness and infection, and it's important for immunity."
"Keeping the skin and linings of some parts of the body such as the nose healthy is what vitamin A is needed for."
"The body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A as the body requires it."
"Vitamin A is necessary for the function of immune cells such as T lymphocytes."
"An adequate intake of food rich in Vitamin A prevents night blindness."
"Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness or nyctalopia."
"The molecule that helps to give us vision is vitamin A."
"Vitamin A helps for good eyesight."
"Vitamin A deserves a lot of credit in terms of improving hyperpigmentation, discoloration, uneven skin tone, yielding improvements in wrinkles and fine lines, and ultimately strengthening the deeper layers of your skin."