
Unexpected Discoveries Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"There are times though, when the answers suddenly appear, years later, out of the clear blue sky."
"Sometimes you stumble into a hidden jewel that you weren't quite expecting."
"You can't stumble into an unexpected place if you're not willing to explore."
"More energy will be released than expected because of the electrical contributions of the comet."
"The evidence is really what dictates where you go when you research and your discoveries are sometimes serendipitous."
"Digging into stories reveals more than suspected; they keep opening."
"I haven't discovered so many different places playing Pokemon go that I normally probably would have never ever discovered."
"Where you deviate from your plan is often where you find bits of magic."
"On the way to a greater understanding of the history of humankind, researchers end up finding places they never expected."
"Amazing treasures that were found by accident."
"Life's Treasures lie in the most unexpected places."
"What you most want to find will be found where you least are inclined to look."
"Finding friends in unexpected places can brighten the darkest days."
"Have you ever been out for a walk in the woods and stumbled across a random staircase?"
"Gorgeous like this, shaped by millennia of water and wind flow, and to be able to step into them like this is like heading back into a land that time forgot."
"Who had the gall, who had the damn audacity to look at a steaming pile of digested animal excrement and go 'you know, that will work'?"
"An innocent home renovation that resulted in police at their doorstep."
"Whales chasing a boat to a creepy tank graveyard, these are 15 terrifying discoveries that nearly stopped divers' hearts."
"It is unclear exactly what these workers were searching for when they accidentally unearthed the aluminum wedge of ayud."
"Finding a gunman aiming at the camera while exploring in google maps can send chills down anyone's spine."
"A manger is the last place that you would think to look for a baby."
"This is stunning, folks, stunning. I mean, I'm speechless but I'm looking at this."
"It's crazy how turning down little roads gets you to a completely wild different destination."
"Some people who've partaken in at-home DNA testing have discovered more than they bargained for."
"The world is a strange and mysterious place, but depending on where you look, it can get a whole lot stranger."
"There's going to be an awakening, a shocking revelation, a surprising revelation."
"I think you'll be pleasantly surprised and something's closer than you think it is."
"There's something beautiful in a package that's unexpected."
"You'll never know what's under the hood until it's too late."
"What Joan did next... her true story has only recently come to light."
"Some of the greatest aha moments are accidents."
"Weird things about a random antique shop, you'll never know what you'll find."
"The video stands as a chilling reminder that sometimes fun and games can stumble upon the unexpected and The Unexplained."
"You can capture places and things from a bird's eye view, and sometimes you might catch something bizarre."
"The deeper you go, the crazier it gets. That is without a doubt."
"Always look because you never know what you're going to find."
"I see this full moon as a time when we are likely to figure out some sort of brilliant, sudden unexpected solutions to issues that maybe we have dealt with for quite some time."
"The middle of nowhere is exactly that, the very epicenter of nothingness. As such, we assume that in such places there will be nothing there but that's not always true; often things do turn up in curiously odd places."
"The idea that there is life elsewhere is no surprise. How you attend to it, and how gracefully you can attend to what will be the surprise."
"You never know what you're gonna find, it's always these unexpected surprises."
"Her encounter served as a chilling reminder that even in the world's most traversed paths, ancient mysteries can still unfold."
"It's always nice when you stumble across something you weren't expecting."
"Things are not always what they seem, and sometimes the key to solving a mystery lies waiting in a place you never would have thought to look."
"You'd be surprised what you find out here yeah you got to come over here during the during the weekends yeah before you sweep everything up because he's here sweeping everything up you might have diamonds and stuff in there."
"Scotch tape: the unexpected hero in graphene research."
"It does make me wonder what other treasures are spooled up on a wire reel in a cardboard box shoved in a corner of a dusty old cupboard somewhere."
"But the neat thing about graph theory is that it also find ways to show up in the most unexpected places."
"Tree fishing: No one could ever have imagined what this old rotten bark has brought for this young boy."
"Every journey into the woods has the promise of the unexpected."
"Serendipity is a word often pinned on someone who finds something they aren't looking for."
"It's always a pleasant surprise when you find an unexpected $10 in the jacket pocket of a stranger."
"subnautica players i came looking for copper and i found 28 diamonds a few rubies tons of lithium and two tons of gold and still no copper"
"I cannot impress them enough upon you how weird it is. Nobody in the entire world of criminology would have guessed that's what crime looked like."
"When it comes to science, you have to be willing to keep looking, even if it's not where you expect."
"From pieces of plastic, a tree, to even a Muppet costume, here are five crimes that were cracked through unexpected pieces of evidence."
"When you fit things together, you learn things you didn't expect to learn."
"Tombs aren't always filled with untold riches of gold and silver; sometimes they're filled with mummy soup."
"Name something people usually find once they stop looking."
"We have all kinds of planets out there that we weren't necessarily expecting."
"May God, the God of serendipity, make you find miracles in places you were not looking for a miracle."