
Historical Revision Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"After Stalin died, history was rewritten again, erasing the myth, drawing an end to the monumental cult of the tyrant."
"These underwater discoveries are literally changing history as we know it, and ancient tales of cities engulfed by water once considered myth are now becoming a reality."
"Aegon's conquest made me rethink everything. It took more than dragons, it took diplomacy to take Westeros."
"Rosa Parks was not tired, she was not old, and she certainly didn't have tired feet."
"These new findings have the potential to shake up our understanding of the personality of Jesus, the religion of Christianity, and the world as a whole."
"The scientific data overwhelmingly suggests that the Sphinx is at least double the age of what we were taught in school."
"There is new evidence that strongly suggests that the world's oldest, largest, and most mysterious structures ever made are actually thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"Oliver Stone managed to get the House of Representatives to admit that the Warren Commission report was a joke."
"Archaeological revelations: rewriting history with each new discovery."
"If that happens, everything that we thought we knew about human history has to be rewritten."
"The evidence suggests that Gunung Padang is not a natural hill but a pyramid-like construction."
"It rewrites who we came from and how we think about ourselves."
"Archaeological discoveries are important for the study of ancient history because with each discovery, ancient history is revised."
"It completely rewrites the history of North America as we know it."
"I received a very welcomed email from geologist Colin Reader who could provide the hard evidence to say the runoff erosion on the Sphinx enclosure could only have happened before the fourth dynasty pyramids were built."
"It's a shocking discovery that could rewrite history if it turns out to be correct."
"Medieval women were much more powerful than they've been given credit for."
"The Nazis were actively hostile towards the occult."
"Ancient maps depict Antarctica free from its icy shroud."
"Richard the third... far from being the monster of popular legend."
"This discovery has completely changed the way historians look at rock art in the UK."
"Spinosaurus egypticus: An aquatic hunter rewriting dinosaur history."
"A lot of people recall him being killed or even run over by the tank but actually he never was."
"If this huge wall beneath Rockwall is man-made, it would rewrite history in the lone star state."
"New research has changed our understanding of the Amazon rainforest, previously believed to be uninhabited before the arrival of Europeans."
"Recently in the depths of brunikel cave in Southwest France, scientists discovered a series of rock formations that altered what we know about Neanderthals."
"Surprisingly old stone points discovered in a Mexican cave are the latest in a long line of fascinating discoveries that have raised doubts about when people first arrived in the Americas."
"Events and details can in fact be revised by centuries."
"Discoveries like this show how archaeology can change the story of Britain."
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"Gobekli Tepe completely disrupts our conventional understanding of the storyline of Homo sapiens."
"Artifacts like this remind us that historical narratives are not set in stone and that just one new discovery can dramatically change our understanding of the past."
"Important rewriting of our understanding of culture and history."
"This study changes the perception of who a Viking actually was."
"Poor Pluto for 76 years it occupied the coveted spot as the ninth planet in our solar system."
"Archaeological discovery challenges previous notions of early civilization."
"This archaeological site is rewriting our entire understanding of human history."
"Otzi's copper ax rewrites the history books."
"Welcome to a journey of Revelations and hidden truth. We're going to peel back the layers of History to reveal a narrative far different from the mainstream religions have taught us."
"Evidence of an ancient chamber full of artifacts that might rewrite the history of our planet and our civilization."
"First they tore down statues, then they changed street names."
"We thought Republicans got rid of slavery during the Civil War, this is the perfect fake out."
"It should be taught in the history books as like a genius psychological operation. It's genius."
"England is the only country that has redone a revolution."
"Making discoveries that could rewrite ancient history."
"If the truth about the African foundation of human experience cause us to look anew and make revisions and changes then I think that's a benefit."
"It had nothing to do with Amerigo Vespucci, and then scholars have now realized that it was in fact a constellation in the far west."
"Scientists found proof that an advanced civilization lived in Brazil 500 years before the Spanish began to colonize the Americas."
"flash forward to when Queen Victoria is first taking the throne she begins getting advised to change her name they thought that it would give her a better Public Image if she had a more traditional name."
"Our entire model of history and who we are as a species will completely change, for we will no longer be the center point, the peak of technology, or the giants we claim to be."
"A summary is that ancient DNA is teaching us that much of what we thought about the past is wrong."
"When you strip back all of the lies and rumors that have surrounded Anne for the past 500 years you see how groundless the claims were and you realize that Anne was courageous and brave throughout the scariest part of her life."
"The theme of this talk will be how surprising the data from ancient DNA is showing again and again how little we knew about the past because when we are able to examine it in new light we often find that our impressions and our understanding was wrong."
"We showed them historical pictures, books, and scriptures which are contrary to what the education system shows."
"...we need to take another look at our history because the people before the Pharaohs made something so perfect."
"Our history is not what we have been told and here is proof."
"A 1836 revision of the patent system led to stricter examination procedures."
"...the mystery of Easter Island isn't much of a mystery at all. Rapa Nui wasn't the site of an ecological suicide... but the site of a genocide."
"The history books to reflect the orchestration of the assassination of our father."
"If the age can be verified, the entire history of the Americas will have to be torn up and thrown out of the window."
"Ancient DNA is teaching us again and again that much of what we thought we knew is wrong."
"The modern Catholic church has acknowledged that the persecution of the knights was totally unjustified."
"We used to believe that civilization lived next to freshwater around 6,000 years ago with Sumeria, but we recently found a site called Gobekli Tepe which dates back around 11,000 years."
"History can sometimes be wrong, and when new facts appear or new discoveries are made, history has to be changed."
"His icy body is yielding secrets that are rewriting history books and leaving scientists utterly dumbfounded."