
Anti-slavery Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Uncle Tom's Cabin actually is... a movement for black freedom that it made an unquestioning moral statement that slavery was a grand and great evil perpetrated by evil folks, and that the way to cure yourself of that evil was by freeing your slaves and ending slavery itself."
"Abraham Lincoln knew that slavery was a moral evil, and he regularly spoke out against it in powerful speeches."
"All throughout the religion is a constant reminder that you should be fighting against this institution, you should be getting rid of it, phase it out, resist it."
"We object to owning people, we object to being owned, we object to slavery."
"The only thing that a moral being, especially a god, could say is 'Do not own people. People are not property.'"
"The principles they established would allow for the extirpation of slavery and oppression."
"We led the world in legislation against modern-day slavery."
"Slavery exists, and I don't like it. It's time to confront and destroy it."
"America's Revolutionary Founders in 1776 rejected the idea of slavery."
"Two thousand men died in the high seas trying to stop slavery."
"The 13th all about freedom and abolishes slavery."
"Don't ever be a slave to anybody. If you're a slave, basically you're just nurturing your oppressor."
"The fact that Britain led the world in suppressing slavery was extraordinary."
"Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation issued not long after the Battle of Antietam would reframe the Civil War in the eyes of the world as a fight to end slavery."
"This is the flag of the nation that accepted the absolute moral truth that slavery is wrong, no matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost - slavery had to be abolished."
"Uncle Tom’s Cabin changed hearts about slavery."
"I have only a short time to live, only one death to die, and I will die fighting for this cause. There will be no peace in this land till slavery is done."
"You guys fight against corruption and slavery, and we're talking about just shutting that down. So that's like the biggest anti-slavery thing you can imagine."
"The British anti-slavery movement remained powerful and unrelenting throughout the 19th century."
"Organized opposition to slavery arose in 18th century England among the Quakers."
"Human slaves inside Sun territory will be freed from the chains that bind them. We stand united against those that would prey on the weak."
"The fight against slavery has only just begun."
"I think if the Bible could be used to Advocate against the institution of slavery..."
"There's no honor in slavery; the church should teach how to live a life on Earth that Black people deserve."
"No one was more responsible for smashing the shackles of slavery than the slaves themselves."
"Slavery is wrong. Wow, bold statement, incredible statement, an important statement. Slavery is wrong."
"We demand the end of slavery for all and room right."
"An independent Haiti was in fact a nightmare for all those powers for whom slavery was kinda normal."
"If you're an anarchist, you don't believe that people should be slaves."
"No person in urubal nation shall be subject to slavery or involuntary servitude."
"John Adams and John Quincy Adams: two presidents who did not own slaves."
"There's no nobility in owning another human being."
"Their first presidential candidate was John C. Fremont who was seen as radically anti-slavery."
"People are not property to be bought and sold, the way we know people are not property is that people have rights."
"I disagree with the basic ideology, and I would be against slavery."
"The Royal Navy was very much involved in intercepting slave ships."
"I make to you this argument against slavery."
"Newton penned a hymn in memory of this transformative event in his life, which has come to be known by many as both one of the most iconic hymns in the English-speaking world and a seminal work of anti-slavery music."
"He was consistently anti-slavery."
"Lincoln hated slavery. He once said, I think I hate slavery as much as any abolitionist."
"The moral true problem has not changed since the time when it was a choice between slavery and anti-slavery."
"I think we can pretty much all agree slavery sucks."
"His principled opposition to slavery underscored his compassionate and just leadership style."
"I wouldn't choose to be a slave and I will never enslave anybody."
"I think at a minimum, I'm expecting the bare minimum and that is for a god to not say, 'Hey, it's okay to own people's property' when a god should say, 'It is not okay to own people's property.'"
"I came here for my own reasons. My father has... It doesn't matter. I am glad that I could be of service to you. I despise slavers and will stop them wherever I can."
"To have done so would have repudiated the radical belief that was increasingly forceful in the North. Debasing humans into property violated the fundamental principles of the revolution itself."
"Antislavery is not only present, but it really is a radical force."
"Abraham Lincoln pledged to stop the growth of slavery by prohibiting its expansion into the new western territories."
"Non-extension of slavery: Blunting the future of slave labor, favoring free labor."
"'The idea was to stop America's future from becoming defined by slave labor.' - Northern politicians on non-extension of slavery."
"What northerners had to work to do," they said, "was to make slavery sectional but freedom national."
"I passionately believe we don't need to live in a world with slavery."
"Thomas Jefferson is one of the loudest voices in American history about ending slavery."
"The man who perhaps more than any other stirred the conscience of the world to see the horror and evil of slavery was William Wilberforce."
"We should all say never again to slavery."
"Not to translate Christ's teachings into a free rendering adapted to the customs of the day, but to uphold His standard and let the world become not only anti-slavery, but anti-war. - Murray Shipley"
"A blow at slavery hurts more than battalion volleys; it strikes at the vitals."
"Lincoln reaches his high point and many of his most eloquent and detailed statements against slavery are delivered in these debates."
"All honor to Jefferson... he has provided this premise on which we can oppose slavery and save democracy."
"George believed that slavery was morally wrong."
"Lincoln hated and loathed and despised slavery from the time he was young."
"The central significance of the American Revolution to the history of slavery... was that it was the beginning of anti-slavery politics."
"The Republican Party is an anti-slavery party and it wins a majority of the votes in the North."
"No man, woman, or child in Braavos should ever be a slave."
"Slavery is a horror that should be ended at once."
"People shouldn't be owned as property."
"Before the Civil War, he was calling for abolitionism: 'We not only need to stop the spread of slavery, we need to end it where it currently exists.'"
"We feel constrained to invite you to join us in the inquiry against slavery."
"We don't support this discrimination; we don't support this slavery."
"I think I never hated slavery so intensely as at that moment."
"If you're doing unto others as you want to be done unto yourself, you would not enslave them."
"I will reopen the fighting pits. Free men only. Slavery will never return to Meereen."
"Uncle Tom's Cabin is not only an antislavery novel but it's also a kind of feminist novel."
"Slavery is evil, unnatural, that the enslaved must take violent action in their own emancipation."
"There's no place in this city, there's no place in this country, indeed there's no place in this world for those who enslave others."
"The McKinley's drilled into their children that slavery was evil, that it was worth putting your life on the line to help eradicate it."
"One spirit alone reigns here; it is horror for slavery and an enthusiasm for liberty."
"John Adams was the only founding father who never owned a slave as a matter of principle."
"I truly believe, if we can see one another as fellow human beings, then it becomes very difficult to tolerate atrocities like slavery."
"I don't believe people should be a slave to anything."
"It would violate every one of my moral, ethical, and religious principles to own the body and soul of another human being."
"The Underground Railroad was an anti-slavery network that helped thousands of slaves escape to Canada."
"That an Irish Catholic immigrant family without a great deal of money would have been anti-slavery, that's extraordinarily unusual."
"My own understanding tells me that slavery is wrong."
"I'd rather lose any ship I own than to have it become a slaver."
"The Northwest Territories ordinance is such a significant Federal document it is the First Federal document to prohibit slavery anywhere in the new United States."
"It outlawed slavery, it had a Bill of Rights, it also had several liberties like the benefit of a trial by jury and had directions on the fair treatment of the Indian population."
"Our boys must be taught to consider slavery worse than death."
"I've also started my own anti-slavery newspaper, The North Star."
"Slavery... no one should be forced into anything, or everyone should be free to live as they choose."
"I do not agree with slavery in any form."
"The Republican party was founded in 1860 as an anti-slavery party for rights of all Americans."
"He already was against slavery, so he was going to free all of his slaves."
"George Washington to his credit at the end of his life was completely and totally against slavery."
"Toussaint's own constitution stated that Saint-Domingue was a sovereign black state that rejected slavery outright."
"William Lloyd Garrison creates the American anti-slavery society which calls for the immediate uncompensated emancipation of slaves."
"Lincoln's platform was simple: he opposed the expansion of slavery, upholding freedom."
"If you don't want to be a slave, you don't enslave other people."
"Livingstone hoped that if other kinds of trade were developed, then slavery could be abolished."