
Subscriber Growth Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Netflix gained 15 million new subscribers... and one of the reasons is a show called Tiger King."
"When you earn that subscriber naturally and organically through your videos, it will feel all the more sweeter."
"If you all subscribed right now, we'd get to 9 million in no time, and you could be a part of it."
"By the time you're watching it, I'm assuming I might have hit 350,000 subs. Terribly grateful to all of you guys joining the channel."
"Tim's helped us reach 1 million subscribers."
"We just hit 100,000 subscribers, we got a million views, that's crazy."
"I just want to say a huge thank you to all of our new subscribers." - Stephen Butler
"Shane Dawson had around 1 million subscribers and now Shane has 16 million subscribers and over 4 billion views."
"Telling people in real life is a great way to boost subscribers as well."
"Disney Plus attracted 10 million subscribers on its first day."
"I'm not gonna lie, every week I come in and Matisse obviously shouts me out, obviously Eunice as well, and I leave this show and I see myself 150 subscribers up, so I do thank you each and every one of you guys for doing that."
"It's so easy to get caught up in, I want 100,000 subscribers or I want a million views, it doesn't matter if you're not focusing on the people who were there with you from day one."
"Joe Rogan gained millions of subscribers since CNN tried to have him fired a few months ago."
"I think people were picking up on this and in turn her trajectory was definitely going down she wasn't gaining as many monthly subscribers she wasn't like in the red but she was going down."
"We could hit 240 by the end of this video if everybody who's watching subscribes."
"I reached 500,000 subscribers. That distant dream of one day getting to a million somehow seemed a possibility."
"I did it, I hit 800,000 subscribers not just once but three times in the space of a minute."
"I think we went up almost 100 subscribers during the livestream."
"If you watch these Reddit videos and you enjoy them and you are not yet subscribed because sometimes you don't realize you're not subscribed please click that button because it really helps us out."
"I might stop now and he was wait he was going crazy wait what the [ __ ] we've literally just gained 20 000 subscribers in the last week this is everything we've been working for and everything why would you quit now what the [ __ ] going on?"
"Looks like we did it! It seems like just yesterday we hit 1 Million subscribers which was mind-blowing enough."
"Paramount Plus subscriber count has grown to nearly 40 million."
"Our call to action now is to really try to get to 250,000 subscribers in two weeks from yesterday."
"Road to 5 million subscribers starts now, boys! Subscribe!"
"You need a hundred thousand to get a silver play button, but you can still build a real income with a few thousand subscribers."
"One video away: 55,000 subscribers, $38,612 earned. It's real."
"For every 1.2 percent of people who watch his videos he gets a subscriber which is a ridiculously good ratio."
"Well, I'm hoping today is the day that you take the plunge and hit that red subscribe button."
"Cannot believe how many subscribers we got over this weekend."
"I remember when it got to a hundred thousand subscribers such a milestone I couldn't I couldn't believe it."
"Subs flow like wine. We're like the dude from Mad Max, hoarding all the subs instead of water."
"My goal is to get at least 5,000 subscribers, but if we could get to 10,000, I think I might keel over and die with happiness."
"Everyone hit the subscribe button, and then I'll refresh and see how many subscribers I've gained."
"Increasing your post frequency doubled my subscriber rate."
"Every single subscriber that we get really does count."
"Let's get to 260,000 subscribers, we are not far off."
"In September I had one video picked up by YouTube's algorithm and got 40,000 subscribers in a month."
"We just crossed over 380,000 subs. Thank you all for keep showing up."
"We've gained a lot of subscribers in the past month."
"Microsoft now has 25 million active Game Pass subscribers, which is up from the 18 million they announced last January."
"I never thought we would get to 300,000 subscribers."
"Did you find it, Brett? Like and subscribe, that's how we're going to hit a million subscribers."
"Even as early as January 2009, machinima had 367,000 subscribers which eventually grew to 5 million in late 2012."
"Thank you for all the support recently. I never thought I'd have 26,000 subscribers in literally 6 months."
"Disney Plus aims for 90 million subscribers by 2024."
"We're on the road to 2 million subscribers. You love the livestreams, thank you."
"Later this week or early next week, I will be hitting a million subs and we will be doing a 24-hour stream."
"That brings us up to today which brings us to the point of this video obviously I said it at the beginning but I'm gonna say it again we have hit 1 million subscribers."
"Most subscribers gained: Four characters one description - 7,257."
"Identify the videos that are driving the most subscribers, and then start trying to figure out why you think that they're driving the most subscribers."
"Let's smash that like button and welcome to all the new subscribers!"
"Subscriber growth really occurs as a result of consistently posting over time."
"232 new subscribers last month on 5.9 million minutes watched."
"Can we hit a million subscribers by November? We're at 600,000 now, 610,000. Can we hit a million?"
"Don't forget to subscribe to rescue 2000 on YouTube."
"It's awesome to see the subscribers and stuff continue to grow."
"Over 200 subs off this stream, that's what's up Bros. I appreciate that support man."
"We're gonna hit 3 million subs this year so you're going to want to be a part of it."
"We've gained 500 subscribers this stream, that is insane!"
"Imagine we can jump from 300K to 600K in just a matter of weeks if all of you decide to subscribe."
"Please don't forget to subscribe for more of me and you will get the day."
"We're so close to hitting a hundred thousand subscribers."
"86 percent of you guys aren't subscribed, and my overall goal on YouTube was to hit 100k."
"On my 45 million view video, we've gained 187,000 subscribers, which is almost 200k."
"Thanks for watching, guys. If you enjoyed our... and smash the like button, subscribe to the channel if you're new. Means the world to me when you guys do. We're going like crazy, we're almost at 500,000 subscribers, which is insane."
"If you do end up finding this video helpful and you are a new viewer, it'd really mean a lot to me if you join the small group of people subbed to the channel."
"If you want to get more viewers and if you want those viewers to become subscribers, make valuable content that they would care about."
"You can actually choose how many subscribers you want to get."
"We just passed a thousand subs, this is the turning point!"
"If these companies want to throw around billions of dollars to get more seasons of South Park and stuff like The Mandalorian and that's gonna hopefully bring in new subscribers great whatever."
"The budgets that are being thrown around as a way to boost subscriber growth for these streaming platforms, they're absurd but at least it seems like it's getting good to put to good use in a lot of cases."
"He goddamn hitting 100k, 200k, through the K, 400k, 500k subscribers."
"Thank you for badgering all your friends and loved ones and making them subscribe and watch the videos."
"Thank you guys, I'm almost at 3 million subscribers."
"Get Johnny Five to get John a hundred thousand subscribers, man. Is that link in the description and BetterHelp, of course, man? Hey, appreciate y'all as always."
"Let's get him to three million, yeah, hit subscribe!"
"Please click subscribe for us, that really helps our algorithms."
"We gained so many new subscribers... and so many people have reached out to us... we just can't thank you enough for watching."
"I want to welcome the almost 1,600 new subscribers."
"First things first, thumbs up on the video. Hit subscribe please, we are driving that number. We are on the goal to 100K, we are just about on the doorstep." - Luke Thomas
"We reached a quarter of a million subscribers."
"A hundred thousand subscribers is unreal in so many ways."
"Thank you so much for 100,000 subscribers. It's still ringing in my ears. I can't believe that it happened."
"We shot past 100,000 subscribers yeah dude holy [ __ ] like well I think we already almost said 103 thousand right now [ __ ] nuts."
"They have gained our entire channel worth of subscribers in like 40 minutes. Damn, that's ridiculous but awesome at the same time."
"I feel like I only just hit 1 million subscribers and I'm coming up on 1.1, which is just incredible."
"The fact that 700,000 people have liked me enough to stick around is pretty cool and to hit that subscribe button means so much to me."
"To make this video go crazy in the algorithm, check if you're in that 75% of people who aren't subscribed because we're getting so close to 200k! Leave a like if you guys think the intro for the series is cool."
"Congratulations on passing 1 million subscribers."
"April: your hard work paid off. Your channel got more subscriptions because your videos were great at convincing people to subscribe."
"A hundred thousand is a lot and then the idea of a million, that's a lot as well."
"I never thought I was gonna be able to get something like that, like that's just crazy, a hundred thousand subscribers, that's, that's a lot of people."
"Trust me, I would have a lot more subscribers if I got on here every single day and said 'Oh your ex is coming back to every single person,' but it's just not the truth."
"This channel is you, it's always been you because if you don't watch it he doesn't get 2 million subscribers."
"I hit 300 thousand subscribers yesterday a number that I never ever thought I would ever reach so it's a pretty awesome milestone for me to have achieved."
"We're racing you to a million subscribers and this has been the most tumultuous race of our entire lives."
"We put out those videos every single day and that gained us a huge amount of subscribers."
"300,000 to me, that's an inconceivable number. I remember when I was stuck at around 8,000 subscribers for nearly 2 years, and here we are. The gratitude I have for all of you is immeasurable. Thank you."
"I just passed a hundred and seventy five thousand subscribers which means I am super close to two hundred thousand now."
"1 million subscribers, we are on our way to it... we can't let it come to us, we gotta go get it."
"I'm approaching 550,000 subscribers in 10 and a half months."
"I'm on the track to a hundred and fifty thousand subscribers... never would have dreamed I'd be anywhere close to 250K when I started this thing years ago."
"The reality is, shows like Call Her Daddy can bring paying subscribers to Spotify."
"Netflix cares about what adds subscribers, not just what's popular." - Understanding Netflix's approach to content.
"Netflix executives said that they couldn't exactly specify what affected the new net new subscribers but it could have been due to 'covid overhang' and a marginal impact from competition."
"If you enjoyed the video, make sure you smash that like button and don't forget to subscribe to get all our lit content delivered right to your inbox."
"We thought before we did that that we would celebrate reaching 1 million subscribers."
"Hit that sub button man we're closing in on 100 000 subs so i appreciate everybody who comes in and hits that sub and joins the family man."
"We are on the journey to 10 million subscribers, let's get that diamond plaque."
"We just hit 211k subscribers, we hit our 200k goal by the end of 2022. Happy New Years everyone, happy holidays!"
"We hit 50,000 subscribers... our next goal is 100,000 subscribers."
"The Lord has opened the door for us to reach a million subscribers."
"We hit seven hundred thousand subscribers yesterday, let's go ahead and get rolling with this."
"Hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications. When you're the first person there's a very high chance that you're gonna make the most amount of money."
"Building a YouTube channel—14 million subscribers. Not easy. Takes hard work, intelligence, and most importantly..."
"We finally did it ladies and gentlemen, we hit a million subscribers."
"Thank you all so much for a hundred thousand subscribers. I just... I can't even fathom that that amount of people have seen my videos and been like yeah you know what I want to see more and click the subscribe button. It means the world to me."
"It was like a roller coaster because it wasn't the view counts that I was watching anymore, it was how many subscribers were coming in."
"We just hit one point nine million subscribers, so if you want to contribute to that on our road to 2 million, make sure you subscribe."
"Jackson's Eclipse got 30,000 new subscribers. For comparison, I recently had this video on the main channel go viral, how many subscribers did I gain? 18 and a half thousand."
"If we hit a million subscribers, the day we hit a million and go live."
"If you subscribe right now, you'll be a part of the first 1 million subscribers here on the channel."
"Life is good and now we're double that so that's bizarre but really cool and I'm so thankful."
"I just hit 300,000 subscribers which honestly is a number that I couldn't have even dreamed of when I started this whole YouTube journey."
"We are getting so close to 1 million subscribers."
"We're getting pretty close to 50,000 subscribers."
"It's time to celebrate for this hundred thousand subscriber thing."
"We're on our way to 1 million subscribers thanks to your support."
"What a day, what a day! 400k subscribers on the Thogden YouTube channel!"
"Donut just hit five million subscribers on YouTube."
"Hit the Subscribe button, hit that notification Bell, hit the like button if you have enjoyed this."
"I was at about 45,000 subscribers... Ingrid Nilsen had given me a shout-out."
"Last year was such a special year because we hit 1 million subscribers."
"It's also crazy to think that I'm closing in on 300,000 subscribers."
"Holy [ __ ] [ __ ] guys, I just saw you have 1.6 million subscribers, I think it's safe to say you will be at 2 million by the end of the year."
"I appreciate it all the support on twitch has been immaculate we got like 70 subscribers in one day a couple days ago so I can't thank you enough for that you guys are amazing that's pretty much it you guys stay awesome and until next time I will."
"I'm the one doing all the rejecting, you reject women daily."
"We hit 90,000 subscribers last week, on our way to 100,000."
"In just a few days my channel is going to reach 2 million subscribers. A huge thanks to all of you for being part of this adventure."
"It literally took 6 months for him to then gain hundreds of thousand subscribers."
"Hook makes a viewer happy. Happy viewers equal more viewers, and viewers equal potential subscribers."
"On our road to 1 million subscribers please share this channel out if you found it helpful."
"...from 30 people on an AOL email list to...two million subs and all that stuff it's such an early age too it's kind of strange."
"Growing your YouTube channel to 10,000 subscribers is mainly around managing the noise around you."
"We opened all six from 2003 for 25,000. Then somehow ridiculously, we've gained 5,000 subscribers already. It's already at the 30,000 subscriber special. So first of all, that is insane."
"My first viral video, so I posted a video, it got a hundred views and I was like, 'Man, I ain't got no subscribers on this channel.'"
"It blows my mind every single time I see an additional viewer just like pop on as a subscriber. It's great because you guys know that it's my mandate to make a dent in financial illiteracy in Jamaica, so the more viewers I have is just amazing."
"Higher rankings can help you to get more subscribers."
"We hit 10,000 subscribers today, so we are so happy about that."
"We're about to hit 150,000 subscribers, and we just hit a hundred thousand like at the new year."
"We are at 1,000 subscribers, which was the 2020 goal, and we've nailed that."
"I'm so excited that we just hit 400,000 subscribers."
"I'm literally so excited that we just hit $400,000 subscribers."
"The first major milestone for the channel was at the end of 2016 when I hit 100k subscribers."
"We've had a lot of fun in these weekly Vlogs and grown the channel to over 75,000 subscribers."
"We're almost at that 100K sub mark, so I felt like it was time to improve the quality."
"First and foremost, I want to say we just got to 1,000 subscribers. Seriously, thank you everyone."
"My channel has passed 10,000 subscribers, so that's a big milestone."
"I set my subscribers the challenge of getting a channel with no videos to 100,000 subscribers... and we got there 20 hours later."
"We passed 4,000 subscribers the other day, which is pretty exciting."
"If you're new to our stream, please like the video and subscribe to the channel."
"I gained a few subscribers from the two different police departments, had some good conversation with a couple of really good people."
"Once I hit that 2,000 subscribers, I swear I saw my content went up a notch."
"I want to thank all the new subscribers to the channel. The subscriber count has all of a sudden started to rocket up."
"I gained like almost 2,000 subscribers which is incredible."
"Just crossed my 10,000 subscriber count which is great, it's fantastic."
"We've hit 150,000 subscribers; that's exciting."
"The magic of this new model is that when we find that hit show, we'll get more than licensing fees or revenue; we'll get subscribers and that'll drive some real long-term value."
"The bubble popped on the realization that infinite subscriber growth was impossible and that streaming in general is a terribly unprofitable business."
"Having quality YouTube videos is probably one of the biggest things you can do for your channel if you want to get subscribers."
"We just hit 50k subscribers, yes sir, and I cannot be more happy."
"A whopping thank you because this week we went over 10,000 subscribers on here."
"And guys, we are so close to one million, it's like 10,000 subscribers and we will hit one million."
"I hit 5000 a day subscribers, so that's kind of exciting."
"At 30,000 subscribers, I am releasing my first piece or pieces of merch and we are almost there."
"Y'all, we have reached 16,000 subscribers, y'all are amazing."