
Trade-policy Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Once you've identified it's not really a true partner but an adversary, trade with it in certain goods, but let's not pretend that we can avoid where that country's real likely interests are."
"Let's use the trade issue for making the world a better place."
"We're banning Russian imports - petroleum, petroleum products, LNG, coal - mostly all fossils coming into the United States."
"Now the good news is that President Trump can snap back those tariffs pretty much any time he wants."
"I don't want multinational corporations deciding that we're not going to have TPP."
"Trump hammered Democrats on trade, and it mattered."
"Trade and immigration are two sides of the same coin. All bad trade deals result in unfair competition of labor in lower cost countries against your labor."
"We've taken the toughest ever action to confront China's trade abuses."
"Australia's nationwide natural gas export ban was lifted."
"We have spent the last four years reversing the damage Biden has inflicted over the last 47 years with that ridiculous dumb thought NAFTA, TPP, and China's entry into the World Trade Organization. A disaster for our country."
"My administration agreed to lift those tariffs."
"The USMCA will save the American auto industry, create over 100,000 new auto jobs, and our factories will not be closing and moving to other faraway lands."
"The toughest-ever action against China's chronic trade abuses, including tariffs on $370 billion worth of Chinese-made goods."
"We expect to see [USMCA] start to take effect—it's a big deal and a reversal of decades of failed US policy."
"We will enact trade deals that result in more products proudly stamped with those beautiful words... made in the USA."
"We gave that up with China trade and some of these other bad trade deals. We need to make things again, buy American."
"Any effort to restrict trade is exactly the wrong thing to do."
"Let's be friendly with Europe, let's trade with Europe but not be governed by their institution." - Nigel Farage
"This will be the template, I think, for new trade agreements going forward."
"The Trump administration seeks more than just reducing the surplus; it seeks to eliminate the cause of unfair trade."
"We need a trade policy that benefits ordinary people, not just CEOs."
"The best thing we could do realistically would probably be international trade blocks."
"We have got to end those disastrous trade policies and tell corporate America that if they want us to buy their products, they damn well better manufacture those products in West Virginia, in Vermont, and in America."
"We're not opposed to fair to free trade, we're all for free trade but it's got to be fair trade."
"We've always said it: the only way to have a soft border is to be in a customs union."
"If we can enter into a world where the vast majority of our interaction is through trade not conflict, that would be a different world."
"My opponent supported the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have destroyed your automobile business. And I ended it immediately."
"The ultimate net effect of this was an 8.5% reduction in trade from China to the US, and a 26.3% decline in the reverse."
"When Trump imposes a tariff on an item, you are probably going to pay more for it."
"I ended the disaster known as NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA."
"I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status."
"We will enact fair trade deals that create American jobs and grow American wages."
"Our trade laws are supposed to protect and assist domestic industry and build good jobs in this country."
"Tariffs are not in fact the greatest." - Ben Shapiro
"An easy solution: bring back all the trade tariffs and barriers that you had before."
"NAFTA has harmed American workers and cost the U.S. billions of dollars."
"We will enact trade deals that ensure more products are proudly stamped with 'Made in the USA.'"
"WTO reform is difficult but necessary to address trade disputes between the US and China."
"Tariffs are not good innately for the United States of America."
"With our signatures today, we will formally declare the intention of our three countries to replace NAFTA with the USMCA, a truly groundbreaking achievement. A modern-day agreement."
"U.S. Senate calls for formal trade relations with Taiwan."
"Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony have asked Trump to skip tariffs on gaming consoles... It's a huge pain in the ass."
"We've also agreed to a first-of-its-kind review and termination provision, which will ensure that the USMCA, unlike NAFTA, will not become unbalanced and out-of-date."
"All friendly trade relations with China should be put on hold until that investigation is done."
"I ended the NAFTA nightmare and replaced it with the brand new USMCA."
"Their particular brand of free trade means allowing other countries free access to the British market without us even gaining any significant access into that."
"We're fighting for higher wages, fair trade deals, safe communities, affordable health care, lower drug prices."
"Changing U.S trade policies toward China played a significant role."
"I don't believe in unfettered free trade. I believe in Fair Trade which works for the middle class and Working Families of this country."
"The real counterfactual is that we think so much about the dilemma and use the excuse of developing country growth to force openness on advanced countries."
"My first week in office, I withdrew from Obama-Biden's Trans-Pacific Partnership which would have been the death to the American automobile industry."
"By taking a risk management approach to trade policy uncertainty, the Fed is amplifying the effect of trade policy on monetary policy."
"Import substitution and export promotion instead of import support."
"Most economists, whether Austrian or mainstream, favor free trade."
"Countries that are open to trade have higher growth rates than countries that close their economy to trade."
"After World War II, they shut down Japan from international trade to force the country to develop their own companies."
"The Biden Administration plans to raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle imports from 25% to 100%."