
Camera Settings Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The important thing here is that when we are shooting with the shutter button, it's basically saying, do you want it to focus or not."
"We can now hit the trash button again to leave the magic lantern menu and it'll start the sequence."
"Try messing with your shutter speed... sometimes that can be a really quick easy fix for you."
"Pro mode: Everything into manual for camera enthusiasts."
"Unlock DSLR-like settings on your smartphone."
"It's very easy to film CRT once you understand the settings on your camera."
"Make sure you come in and turn this on and you get all that awesome feedback telling you exactly where the camera is acquiring focus. You need that. It's very, very important."
"In manual mode on a traditional camera, you have complete control over the aperture and shutter speed."
"Enable back button focusing for more control."
"Take control of your focus points for crystal-clear shots."
"The best recommendation is to just constantly play with video, practice all the different settings that are offered for you."
"Keep the shutter speed at your frame rate or higher."
"The internet really seems to overthink this one... in my testing I have determined that this should actually have been called the sharpness overlap setting because that's what it seems to control."
"So, step one, let's turn on some of the exposure settings."
"If you are going to see picking up your camera and filming immediately, have it on auto and your camera will do all the work for you."
"So it's really just two options you could set how high the camera will be as you're driving in third person from low to high."
"Zebras... determine which parts are too bright."
"It would be great if we could simply turn it off for the handful of times we're not using the feature especially for the people who choose to buy their camera."
"Zebras is something that people have been waiting for a long time."
"Once you're done recording and you want to turn your camera off, just hold down the power mode button on the side of the camera for about three to four seconds."
"Definitely try to shoot raw mode for portraits."
"The field of view slider now controls the zoom of the camera, from wide angle to telephoto in the blink of an eye. That's crazy cool, don't you think?"
"I recommend setting both camera shake and sensor flight to zero. This will reduce the majority of camera effects and the camera shake in the game, ultimately making it easier for you to keep your guns on a target and improve your aim."
"It's a reasonable rule of thumb to match your shutter speed to your focal length."
"Auto white balance pretty much gets the job done."
"Bracketing takes pictures at a variety of different exposures."
"If you do invest in one of those prime lenses with a 1.8 aperture, come out of scene mode, go into aperture priority."
"If you do save it to the m1 to m4 settings, you will get a confirmation about which slot it's been saved to."
"Using natural picture style instead of cine-like D."
"Now, I made a video showing you how you can set your camera so that you don't have to use picture profiles, but I've actually found that shooting in HLG2 with this particular camera is the best option to get the best dynamic range and color."
"Being able to change the settings in front of the camera saves so much time."
"I tend to avoid the flash whenever possible and I leave it off."
"To manually switch the aperture, go to the pro mode of your camera."
"These are the settings to just get you started and also to make sure that your X-H2 is set up to deliver the best possible chance for success in your initial period of getting familiar with it."
"Linear or linear plus Horizon lock are where you want to go."
"I highly recommend going into pro mode which is going to allow you to change those camera settings on your own."
"There are a few settings in here such as overexposure warning which is going to let you know when you have overexposed areas in your video."
"Understanding what those settings do and how they're going to affect your overall shot are pretty important."
"There are three really helpful things to know about: your ISO, your shutter speed, and your aperture."
"If you are going to take full control of your camera and you do have an understanding of it you might want to turn both of these off."
"For most cameras, increasing the signal or the gain or the ISO to improve the signal to noise ratio before sending it through the camera Electronics is better than doing it in processing."
"Your ISO, your shutter speed, and your aperture: you need to juggle all three of these at the same time to get the correct exposure on your camera."
"So, one thing about this, if I dial back here, it's going to go to 'A' and if it's set on 'A', that just means automatic."
"The base ISO on most cameras is around 100."
"The goal for setting up our camera for street photography is to minimize the amount of time we have to worry about the settings and focus more on what's in front of us."
"So for me, when I'm walking around and I've got my X100V with me, and I'm just shooting pictures for fun of my family or whatever, it's Classic Chrome. I'm using Classic Chrome all the way."
"Aperture priority mode allows you to change the aperture."
"If you have an R6, it is actually safer to crank up your ISO than it is to be shooting at 1/30th of a second. You can't recover from camera shake, but ISO, you can reduce noise reduction and have an image that looks like this at 40 000 ISO. This is the way to go."
"Aperture is one of the three main settings on your camera that you use to control your exposure levels."
"Set your camera to RAW. JPEG's great for social media, but RAW gives you flexibility with high contrast environments."
"In most situations, when using the EFCS with a wide aperture, the easy solution is to keep your shutter speed below a certain threshold, usually not faster than 1/500 of a second."
"...so that I can quickly switch between my 4k 24 which is what it is when I turn on my camera and 60 frames per second."
"When you set your shutter speed dial to a and the aperture to a when you have those orange settings set you are in the program mode."
"Aperture controls the flash exposure. Shutter speed controls the ambient exposure."
"Memory recall actually gives you the ability to store up to three different custom setting modes of stuff that you normally shoot in."
"I just wanted to Vlog everything for y'all I finally got my camera settings to a good setting like I love this setting like whatever this is I'm not changing nothing because I love it."
"The thing I absolutely love about the GH6 is the endless settings that it has."
"I'm always shooting in either v-log or I'm shooting in cine D2."
"I'm loving Canon Log 3. It's looking quite awesome."
"Here you can simply have the camera switch off and assume a neutral position for privacy reasons."
"Let's say you're shooting in aperture priority and the camera is underexposing... that's where exposure compensation comes in."
"I subscribe to an 80/20 Rule... I want the camera set up where I can make just small adjustments and keep my eye in the viewfinder 80% of the time."
"With the Z9, you can actually save your settings to a card, and if you don't like them, you can revert back to your old settings."
"Set the camera to where you have a nice ambient light exposure."
"The Canon M50 has a shortcut menu to some of the more popular settings on your camera."
"Single release mode does what it says on the tin: when you press the shutter release, a single frame is captured."
"S and Q stands for slow and quick, a very easy way to get your slow motion settings or your fast motion like time lapses set up."
"The ISO range is absolutely fantastic, it goes from 100 to 51,200."
"Sometimes the setting of the white balance is better set in camera because it helps you achieve the final result."
"If you want to freeze the wings of a flying bird, you really need to be shooting at about one two-thousandth of a second."
"You can solve it at the time you're taking the picture by changing your camera's white balance setting to match what the actual light is."
"Natural light auto did a fantastic job."
"If you are shooting in low light, put it into 4000 to get the maximum benefit and the cleanest image."
"Shutter priority is a great way to go when you're shooting sports."
"Oh man, it is damn near perfect with the A1, 30 frames per second."
"A base ISO is where the camera produces the cleanest image with the least noise."
"S-cinetone gives you cinematic looking footage straight out of your camera with pleasing skin tones with no color grading required."
"One of the benefits of Acinotone is the nice skin tone colors it can produce straight out of camera."
"Sometimes I want to shoot full manual and be in control of all three settings."
"By pressing the shutter button halfway down, you are locking the focal distance."
"If you're in the market for a Nikon Z9 or you just recently got one and you're looking for the best settings for sports, well today I think I've got some good tips and tricks to set your camera up to get great sports photos. Let's go."
"One of the most intimidating things about using your Canon M50 for your YouTube videos is getting the settings right in the camera."
"We're going to need to do exposure bracketing in camera, and we're going to have a look at setting that up."
"Right is bright, so by turning the dial to the right, your image will get brighter."
"The mode dial on the top of the camera is how you control what shutter speeds, apertures, and everything else that's going to be used in a certain way to get the exposure on the camera."
"Auto or the green full auto is the full automation on the camera."
"You got to keep your eye on exposure compensation; it's really handy if you're shooting in auto modes."
"The Pyramid of Light: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO control the light that enters the camera."
"So I would think you want to be in speed number one if you want to take some nice smooth videos."
"Every one of these numbers refers to one stop of light."
"You can change the exposure of your camera. So here, you can make the whole scene more or less bright."
"M is the mode that you most likely want to be in because it gives you the most control over your image."
"Save my favorite settings using the 'My Set' functionality."
"If you know the camera settings, you can find the sensor size and use the focal length."
"It will significantly improve your results if you don't know camera settings."
"Learning to understand what all of this information means and then how to change the camera settings represented on the display will be very important to the quality of the pictures you take."
"The number one tip for the camera settings is that you're using the maximum shutter speed without star trails."
"We have our shutter speed, our aperture, and our ISO, and you can set those and they stay fixed."
"Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are more important than any other settings in photography, and this is a system that won't let you down."
"One of the first things I think you should set up on your Olympus PEN is what's called the super control menu."
"No matter what your professional background is, I'm confident that this video will help you get a handle on your camera's codec options, paint menus, recording modes, white balance options, exposure tools, and dozens of other important features and functions."
"Make sure this is set to the M, which stands for manual mode."
"You can see everything you need: shutter speed, your aperture, as well as your ISO."
"It's okay to start out in just the auto settings of the camera, especially if you know a little bit about framing and focusing."
"The great news is you can set up this camera so once you've got it in focus, you can turn it off, turn it back on, and it will remember your settings."
"That's a real nice feature in the set picture control on the picture control settings."
"If you can get your settings down into this camera, it's phenomenal."
"The great thing about the auto ISO on this camera is that it works in conjunction with the selected minimum shutter speed that you can set according to your scenario."
"Tracking sensitivity... affects how your autofocus will behave when it has already achieved autofocus at a certain point."
"I'm a big fan of back button focus and I set that up on every single one of my cameras."