
Frame Rate Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The most important one is the frame size and frame rate, where 1080 60 P is actually a very high-quality video in terms of the rate and the resolution."
"You guys can't afford framedrops; you can't afford to lose any more frames than the few you already have."
"60fps does not look weird in a video game nor does it change the aesthetic of the video game."
"Games play better at 60 frames per second or indeed 120 frames per second."
"Pretty much locked 60 fps, better than most PCs."
"Frame rate amplification also means we can decouple the frame rates from the CPU to a degree."
"120 frames at 1080p means 4 times slow motion."
"Tip number two is to make sure that, wherever possible, your editing project matches the frame rate and the resolution of the video footage you're editing."
"The sheer amount of frames... is just unbelievable."
"The game excels at high frame rate and it feels so much better to play."
"Can we pause for a moment and appreciate the magic that is uncapped FPS can we appreciate that for a minute a hundred and forty-five frames per second."
"It just looks gorgeous as the motion blur shutter speed scales properly with that framerate."
"And there is a slight better chance of getting a better performance on the Xbox regarding frame rate."
"All versions are hitting 60fps during gameplay and it feels great to play."
"Running at a locked 60 frames per second, holy hell."
"60 frames per second is kind of the magic number."
"Having more games locked at 60 or 120Hz would be really nice."
"60fps is a better experience than 30fps... even if you haven't really experienced the difference between the two."
"You just experience the game with a better frame rate and a better resolution at the end."
"I think console games are best when they target like a smooth frame rate... regardless of visuals."
"60 frames per second and higher is more important than we think."
"60 frames per second locked free our video is one of those magical things."
"30 60 TI is still performing like a champ here at 1440 resolution. It is close to 100 FPS on average after all."
"It's a 1200 GPU, it runs even on a GT710 above 30 FPS at 720p."
"It's not dropping from 60 FPS... it is sharp as heck."
"I expected way higher frames for some reason, I don't know why."
"So when it comes to technical performance I think it's pretty clear the game fares pretty well overall mostly holding its Target frame rate."
"Perfectly playable frame rate. Is that impressive at all though?"
"120fps BR? Damn, it's clean. Feels like butter."
"The 120 fps mode is the way to play it, it is so much better than 60 fps."
"We're getting anywhere between around 200 to 300 frames per second."
"60fps is a night and day difference and likely the biggest advantage."
"It goes to show how frame rate and perception are so heavily tied together."
"The idea that you could maybe develop a scene around hitting 50 fps instead of 60 even though most other scenes are like running at 60 is kind of enticing."
"You can play in native 4k Ultra HD at 60 frames per second."
"So if you want to ship 60 frames a second, the entire system can spend, at most, 16.6 milliseconds to finish each frame, start to end."
"It feels fine to play on, I've usually done 60fps gaming, I don't do high frame rate gaming but if you're comparing this to something like Steam remote play or moonlight it's on par with those for sure."
"A thousand FPS just isn't in the cards."
"You want to cap your frame rate right about where you can actually maintain steady FPS and where the game visually looks smooth."
"Yes, it'll make your saved video file much larger but the effect of 60 frames a second is absolutely fabulous."
"you can use normal frame rate footage and turn it into slow motion high frame rate looking footage"
"This allows you to shoot in different frame rates and the camera automatically converts it to your base frame rate."
"Luckily the system was helping me out tremendously by actually giving us a pretty decent frame rate and look at those frame times."
"A great game at 30 FPS is still a great game at 60 FPS. A [__] game at 30 FPS is still a [__] game at 60 FPS. Higher frame rate never determines whether a game is great or quality."
"For the resolution and frame rate, I highly recommend putting it to the highest resolution possible on your camera."
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"...if you're hitting around 60 frames per second you might want to kick on frame generation..."
"They both shoot in 4k 10 bit 422 up to 120 frames per second."
"It's a good idea to stick with 24 or 25 frames per second unless you have a particularly good reason not to."
"8.3 K up to 60 frames per second which is rad."
"The Corsair 1 i500: not compromising on frame rate."
"I would definitely select 4K 30p; it's going to give you the best looking result."
"30 frames per second is more like what you would see on television."
"The light is running constant output with no frequency, which would make it 100% flicker-free at any frame rate."
"For a lot of people, the Komodo's frame rates will be fine, but there are also a lot of people who wanted just a little bit more out of it."
"The higher the frame rate, the smoother the footage is going to look."
"If you have two games that are identical, one on a console, one on a PC, typically speaking, that game on the PC is going to look better and it's going to run better at a higher frame rate."
"The camera supports 1080p full high definition video at 24 frames per second."
"24 frames per second is typically used in movies; this is the cinematic frame rate."
"60 frames per second is the first frame rate that people consider to be slow motion."
"Imagine playing God of War or even GTA 5 in that resolution and frame rate; that would be insane."
"I typically always shoot on 24 frames per second."
"At 24 frames per second or higher, this is fast enough that your brain stops seeing still photos and sees smooth, realistic looking movement."
"It's running at a beautiful smooth unlocked 60fps."
"True 24 frames per second is supported natively for a cinematic experience."
"It supports 24 frames per second natively, which is the standard frame rate for nearly every single movie ever made."
"A small Doppler box equals a higher frame rate which means an increased PRF which leads to better Doppler sensitivity."
"If you do animation, the amount or the frames per second do matter a lot."
"The idea of the higher frame rate is that when you shoot at faster frames per second and you play it back at regular speed, in this case, it would be four times slow-motion."
"All three of these cameras are going to give you phenomenal sharp and detailed video because they all shoot 4K up to 30 frames per second and Full HD up to 120 frames per second."
"That frame rate, I tell you what, that is super, that is superb."
"24 frames per second is dreaming, is otherworldly, it's just got a buttery look to it."
"Frame rate is how many frames or how many images you see per second."
"It's the big stuff here is 4K 60, native 4K 60, high dynamic range."
"24 frames per second offers smoother looking footage as it captures more information every second."
"Redmi K60 Ultra offers a very high frame rate, this one offers buttery smooth in-game experience."
"Available video resolutions for the camera include 4K at 30 frames per second, 2.7K at 30 or 60 frames per second."
"If you want a more cinematic, smooth look, go with 24 frames per second. That increased motion blur with a lower frame rate will give you that smoother, more cinematic look."
"The FX 6300 almost never dips below 60 frames, unlike the i3 that has a hard time staying above 50 fps."
"Most people would generally use 50 frames a second; it's generally speaking good enough, and most people don't notice it."
"Frame rates are one of the most important concepts to get comfortable with as a sports videographer."
"60 frames per second is arguably the most flexible frame rate out there."
"If you're doing more cinematic storytelling, you'd use 24 frames per second."
"The quality of course is low and the frame rate is 15 frames a second, but yeah, pretty interesting."
"If you're a gamer, you're gonna love the fact you can output this at 60 frames per second."
"It's a film camera that means you can change the frame rate from 18 to 24 frames per second, 25 frames per second."
"24 frame rate will be around as long as there exists cinema as a motion picture medium."
"Shooting in progressive mode at 25 frames per second is going to give us that same filmic look of traditional wildlife documentaries."
"Support for DLSS 3, which actually uses a new frame blending technique to increase frame rate."
"Series S was designed to play games at a minimum of 60 frames per second, with the ability to support 120 frames per second built-in."
"When you shoot in 60 P or 60 progressive, the camera is generating a full 60 frames of video per second."
"If you're shooting something that you know you're never going to need to do slow-mo on... I would recommend 30 frames per second or 24 frames per second."
"We're making this flipbook so that we can save these images and know that now we're really looking at 24 frames per second."
"I work at 12 frames per second most of the time. It gives it more of a handmade feeling."
"I personally would much rather run closer to 60 FPS and enjoy the nice ray tracing visuals."
"It's not how many frames per second you can hit... it's really better to think about the duration that each frame is taking to actually draw."
"It's a 1440 by 1080p that's 1.6 megapixels and it can do up to 238 frames per second."
"Finder frame rate high definitely needs to be on high."
"Maintain frame rate; it's super key like 90 FPS."
"The camera can also do 4K resolution at a whopping 60fps, which is pretty crazy."
"Most animators use a frame rate of 24fps, and that is good enough."