
Coloration Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The amethyst deceiver is known for its vibrant purple coloration and deceptive appearance."
"Cotton candy lagoon: Lake MacDonnell's bright pink salt lake in South Australia."
"Wild fish eat a lot of shrimp which makes their meat that trademark pink orange color."
"Juveniles are very dark red or black, very slender with a large red spherical head."
"The Mandarin fish has one of the most spectacular colorations of any fish."
"I think that the fanciest rainbow feathers belong to the smallest members of the living dinosaur family, hummingbirds."
"Green golden retriever: When one of her dog's nine puppies was born with a green tint in its fur, a dog owner from northern Germany was taken aback."
"Thankfully Nature has gifted the golden poison frog with vibrant colors which other local species see as a warning."
"Flamingos start out like a grayish color and they end up turning various shades of pink based on the shrimp that they eat."
"This is the mycelium of a fungus that discolors the white cellulose in the wood and turns it into this green-blue-turquoise kind of color. Very unnatural color for nature, right? It's beautiful though."
"Who wouldn't love a fish that gets bright yellow?"
"I personally love the coloration on them."
"Honestly, Pirates Reef always has the most popping colors on all of his Coral, like everything is just the coloration on everything is just insane."
"Rotala rotundifolia red is the perfect choice for aquarists who want good color in the background. This plant develops a brilliant red coloration with good light, nutrients, and enough iron."
"I heard very little coloration. It was there. I heard the coloration, but it was a coloration that I enjoyed."
"It looks more like the top m bikes in coloration which is nice."
"Male betta had the rainbow in them."
"Look at the colors on her, full breeding dress."
"I'm actually loving the coloration that I'm seeing at first glance."
"I'm really loving the coloration that I'm seeing."
"When you see soft fleshy animals that are brightly colored and they have no obvious structural defenses, you can pretty much guarantee that they have a chemical defense."
"It's called a Super Snow; it washes out all other colors on the gecko except black and white."
"The presence of iron oxide gives the rocks in Red Rock Canyon their striking red color."
"Sun corals get their name from their bright yellow coloration and that well, sun-like appearance of each polyp."
"Albino hummingbirds lack the pigment that gives their feathers their characteristic colors, making them a beautiful sight for those who encounter them."
"The golden tiger got its unusual coloration because of a recessive mutation called wideband."
"The flamingo tongue snail got its unusual name because of its bright spotted coloration."
"The poison dart frog is a bright color to warn other animals to stay away."
"Tyrannosaurus rex could have been almost any color."
"Many birds have the ability to instantaneously adjust their color so their coloration never loses its vividness with age."
"They're not just big brown spiders, they go through a myriad of color changes from bronzes and golds to purples and pinks."
"The M. balfouri's brilliant coloration coupled with its social tendencies makes it hard not to love."
"Just glorious, that black coloration with the orange is just amazing and stunning, and when you get her under light, it really pops."
"So let's see if we can make some red Rilis and possibly some blue red Rilis, that would be awesome."
"They have like a turquoise body that fades into a bright purple tail; it's just so cool."
"The super orange dream really brings out these orangish yellows."
"They do change color quite a bit... they exhibit some pretty amazing color changing ability that rivals chameleons."
"It's getting nice and sunny and warm here, so these guys will start coloring up better."
"That Lavender is just insane on these babies."
"The greenish blue color of the gaseous envelope of Uranus is the result of the absorption of red rays by the methane present in the atmosphere."
"Good coloration on this guy, really nice alternating pattern going down the back there."
"That coloration on the back end is just fantastic."
"With flamingos at zoos, they actually dye their food this pink color to give their feathers this pink color."
"Half of all the wolves in Yellowstone have black coats."
"If you catch them in the sand or if you catch them somewhere clean like this, they are often quite pale."
"They will display best coloration when maintained in a densely planted, partly shaded aquarium."
"Check out those yellow eyes, all those gorgeous colors."
"What is diffusion treatment? These are gemstones that have a colour treatment."
"It is gorgeous, the coloration is wonderful and it translates very well on camera."
"Iron will make a mineral red or purple, titanium can cause it to be blue, nickel or chromium can make it green, and magnesium will make it pink."
"For HPHT technology, yes, it is possible to grow diamonds with boron to get that beautiful pool color."
"The club-winged mannequin... is a cute little South American bird with bright red and black coloring."
"The super black pastel is probably as black as you can get in a ball python."
"Melanosomes are responsible for color and photoprotection in animal cells and tissues."
"I think the overall coloration is really pretty."
"That one is the blue laced red Wyandotte. Oh yeah, it does have some blue in it."
"The males are smaller and slimmer and have a brighter coloration, whereas the females are larger and have a rounded belly."
"It's just so striking, the cream and green coloration as well as the pinks with the new leaves."
"Their head and chest is bright red, they got a white patch on their cheeks."
"Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes? I think they're black with white stripes."
"The species is very striking in coloration; they can be pure white to pure black to any shade of grey in between."
"These crystals were considered some of the most advanced; a lot of the crystals that were done in some of these unique colors being doped with different oxides are considered still to be state-of-the-art today."
"In the same tree, you can have pink, white, different shades of purple, because there is no gene for true blue in azaleas."
"To get that deep brown, it needs color combinations under its skin of yellow, green, blue, and red."
"The pastel desert ghost is probably the number one mix where you can see really dramatic bright yellows coming through adult snakes."
"This animal stays this color its whole life, that stark white and that black."
"The super lesser is probably one of the whitest, brightest snakes that you can get out there in the ball pythons."
"The super black pastel is probably the darkest and sleekest black snake in all of ball pythons."
"The blue whale's body can be various shades of bluish-gray dorsally and somewhat lighter underneath."
"Wild salmon is pink due to a large amount of shrimp they consume."
"The term for colorful animals and fish using bright and conspicuous coloration to signal their toxicity and unpalatability to potential predators is called aposematism."
"She's letting me know she's a little upset, look how beautiful her coloration is."
"Look at how the yellowish white breaks throughout those brown scales, this is a beautiful snake."
"The Orange Dream is a really amazing gene, another brightening gene."
"So now I've colored every node in G, the n plus 1 node graph, safely using a total of d plus 1 colors."
"We have some beautiful coloration for this as well."
"Apostomatic coloration... 'Look at me, I am bright red, I'm neon blue, I got something going on.'"
"This new version really brings the wild coloration out with that bright orangish red pattern."
"They are based after real bird colors so that they look realistic and possible for real life, which I think is really cool."
"I always call it sun because sunburn and it's a good thing; it gets exposed to the sun, you get a better autumn color."
"Polar bears actually have black skin underneath the white fur; they're biracial."
"You're definitely looking for coloration in the corals, for them to change from a pale color to something a little bit more brilliant."
"Oh my goodness, I never in my life thought we would see orange on a Ball Python like that."
"I really love what calico does in this snake, and I think this is a great snake holding a very nice color as an adult."
"I love the paint coloration on this one."
"They're bright red color to tell all the birds, listen, if you eat me, you are going to be so, so sick, so don't."
"Color is made simply by adding heavy metal oxides to the glass in the melting process."
"My PhD was in working out what color extinct animals might have been."
"I absolutely love the coloration of this new tyrannosaur."
"These bright colors are a warning... if you want to eat me, likely you're gonna get sick."
"The coloration of this particular chameleon is absolutely phenomenal."
"I love that their blue is a structural coloration."
"The color of a male giraffe's spots appears to be the key to whether he is socially acceptable."
"It's just beautiful coloration that this bird has got in order to, of course, attract."
"Why do the warmer climates have more colorful birds? I think temperatures make a whole difference."
"These bright colors... are what kind of wards off the predators."
"Bronze gives you a really nice dark color with a little bit of blues and greens in it, it's really pretty."
"Revealing coloration is defined as the way animals use colors to protect themselves from predators."
"For koi, we're breeding for intense red color, individualism of the pattern, clean lines."