
Climate Adaptation Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"If we don't destroy economies in the meantime, the key to surviving climate change is adaptation."
"Evolution is always an exchange, so each time a penguin adapts to a new climate, this means it partially loses adaptations to the climate of the Antarctic."
"The Dutch have a solution: rather than hold back water, why not live on it?"
"Women and girls continue to be leaders in climate change adaptation and mitigation."
"National Flood Insurance is now wanting to provide payouts for people getting away from at risk climate areas."
"The right answer to all temperature related deaths is more abundant access to energy."
"Who says you have to get frostbitten to play great hockey? Florida has a solution for you."
"Reclamation projects need to consider sea level rise and geological hazards."
"Thanks for hanging with us in florida thanks for hanging with us here in utah it's hot either way it's always hot."
"Evidence of polar dinosaurs has challenged the long-standing notion that all dinosaurs were cold-blooded."
"Consider hurricanes: if the aim is to reduce storm damage, then first focus on resilience."
"Sustainable floating cities are a part of the arsenal of climate adaptation strategies available to us."
"The city is being designed to withstand 100-Year storms and have a foundation that rises as sea levels do."
"If you make Guatemalans less poor when they're hit by hurricanes... they will be much better able to deal with it."
"The new HVAC system on the Model S Plaid uses a heat pump which provides 30% longer range and requires 50% less energy in cold weather."
"Having air conditioning other ways of cooling people in the summer months is going to be incredibly important."
"Steering-wheel heating: almost a must in cold climates."
"Small farmers can go out and make significant changes to accommodate the changing weather patterns that we're gonna see and we are seeing we have been seen for a long time."
"Number 12: Air-conditioned bus stops - even at the coldest part of the year, you won't find the mercury dropping below 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Dubai."
"Baseball games become a symbol of defiance, proof that life goes on in spite of climate change, so the bleachers at Fenway Park are still packed."
"What you're looking at here isn't some freak one-off thing that you'll never see again, this is the new normal for the planet."
"In cold weather, he will place heat conducting electric wires under the soil of his garden and thus warm his growing plants."
"Hope you're staying warm if you're in a chilly climate like we are bye."
"The cost of adaptation alone will be between 160 to 340 billion dollars per year."
"The climate's changing naturally... you adapt to the changing climate because it's going to change."
"Our food systems work incredibly well, but as the weather shifts and climate changes, we've got to keep looking at the forefront of how we feed the next billion human beings."
"Don't fight your climate too much, especially getting started out."
"Seed banks: the last line of defense against a threatening global food crisis."
"Okay, right. I mean, that checks out, like, if it's the, if you live in a cold country, that would never occur to me."
"When you're cold, there's more ways to warm up. When you're hot, at the worst you could never really cool down the same."
"The safer places to live are in the north... these are areas that are better able to adapt... and that is where people will find safety."
"This really is a pragmatic book of solutions. Climate migration is underway, it is happening. Our world has changed."
"Researchers have developed a low-cost gel film that can pull water from the air, even in drier climates."
"They use less water than in open cultivation, climate risk is decreased for the farmer, and more crops can be grown in a smaller space."
"But some genius came up with the idea of a bioclimatic pergola installation."
"There is no such thing as cold weather, there is only inappropriate clothing."
"The dryline is an attempt to make the necessary climate adaptations for New York City but actually at the same time making the city more lively and more enjoyable for the people living there."
"We cannot engineer ourselves out of sea level rise."
"I get what I can do as quick as I can in the morning and then go set the air conditioner there in the middle of the day."
"There's always something you can substitute in a climate like this."
"Cold climate ducted heat pumps can provide exceptional heating performance in cold climates."
"The mammoths could help to expand or relocate the habitat of endangered pachyderms due to their higher resistance to cold."
"The big you is a project that we've been working on for almost six years to protect New York against future storms and against future sea-level rise."
"A heat pump can extend your range by 20 to 25 percent depending on the vehicle and the driving conditions."
"The Persians were designing their houses with hot summers in mind, developing wind catchers or 'badgir' in ancient Persian."
"Since the earliest days of recorded history, cultures in the tropics have been creating ways to stay cool."
"For thousands of years, humans have found ways to store ice to stay cool in the hot summer."
"It's one of the few plants that produce straight through the heat of Summer here in my Florida garden."
"We're only just beginning to understand the dynamics of fire in this ever-changing climate, and the race is on to adapt to our increasingly fiery future."
"All the things we need to do to deal with sea level rise, we know how to do. It's just building differently in different places, changing our relationship with water."
"Painting all these towns in white was the air conditioning of that time."
"Promoting native plants is a critical way to help prevent against Wildfire risk in the face of climate change."
"It could be an even better place to live in the near future, just in time for millions of climate refugees to call it home."
"Heated windshield, if you're in a cold climate, I have this on mine, just heats the windshield itself sort of like the back window but without all those lines in it to heat it up."
"He's gone from the Arctic cool of Canberra to the baking sunshine of Townsville."
"Migration is the only form of survival and the only form of adaptation to climate change for some people."
"The climate is changing; we need to adapt to that reality."
"This was able to maintain about 23-24 degrees Celsius while the sun was beating down on the side of my rooftop tent."
"It's very convenient to have a retractable roof in this climate."
"We have to climate tune our buildings and the assemblies to where we're located."
"Biomes are collections of living organisms, all of which have evolved to exist in a specific climate."
"Remember that even if you're going to warmer climates, take something that just in case that weather flips on you, you are ready and prepared."
"Adaptation cannot prevent all losses and damages, and even with effective adaptation, limits will be reached with higher levels of warming."
"To avoid mounting losses, urgent action is required to adapt to climate change, but that's not enough."
"Scotland has got a warming climate; the wildfire risk is increasing, and we absolutely need now more than ever every single method of vegetation control at our disposal."
"If you're in colder climates or if you're in the cold season, winter time for example, you tend to run slightly lighter engine oils than you do in hot conditions or in summer conditions."
"Humans have devised ingenious ways of keeping warm and staying cool everywhere from the Arctic Circle to the Mojave Desert."
"So why all the confusion between so-called Florida and California avocados? Well, because the different races of avocados evolved in very different climates, they thrive in very different conditions."
"Adopting these soil health management systems increased their resilience to things like drought and heavy precipitation."
"If we don't adapt, we threaten to rollback decades of progress in reducing poverty and improving economic growth."
"In Hawaii, the beers match the climate, so even if it's a darker beer, it's a lighter version of it."
"You have to use products that are going to thoroughly moisturize your skin based off the climate that you live in."
"We're about to move to Las Vegas. It's hot in Las Vegas, it's hot here in Texas, but I really want to super insulate this car."
"The ease of care for me in this climate, coupled with the scent of the beautiful flowers, makes them my favorite orchid."
"This is an excellent practice on helping you grow plants that don't naturally grow in those climates and get them through those hottest months where they'll continue to thrive year after year."
"It's very light for like the Florida weather."