
Brewing Quotes

There are 869 quotes

"Brewing is one of those things that is the perfect marriage of the arts and sciences. And so, it gives me a chance to express my creativity, focus on the technical aspects, and make something that has nothing to do with the digital world but is something that also brings people together and creates a sense of community that hopefully people can enjoy."
"It takes a very narcissistic temperament for you to change your reality for my first album and a narcissist struggles saying that they are wrong and that they've made a mistake."
"Pilsner Urquell was first brewed in late 1842... and upon appearing on the scene, it totally transformed beer across all of continental Europe."
"The heyday of porter in the UK was very much the 1700s... however, the Porter style was sort of resurrected by American craft brewers."
"The German Hefeweizens and Wheat styles... use a very special yeast strain that gives the beer a lot of banana and clove flavor characteristics."
"Saison is a really exciting yeast-driven style... allowing for a really broad range of interpretations."
"Fruit lambics take that tart, funky base lambic beer and add fruit to it, creating a unique flavor profile."
"He's easily cordelius is one of the best Brewers in the game."
"Beer it will condition in its container. Wartime Brewers turn to an ancient alternative using a raw material Britain still had in abundance: clay."
"To boldly brew where no one has brewed before."
"Barm was the preferred form of yeast for the British."
"These were not simple winds, this was a storm that was brewing."
"It's adventurous because he's doing things that the big breweries are too chicken to do."
"If you wanna try Hello Fresh this holiday season, make sure you go to hellofresh.com/mlm14 and use code 'MLM14' for up to 14 free meals and three free gifts."
"This thing is amazing, okay? So when I was designing this, I was mostly focusing on two major aspects: the speed of brewing and the ease of use."
"You're going to get a nice 4x output on your brewing output productivity here, which is a nice increase from most designs out there."
"It's going to brew them all at the exact same time like I said and then once they are all done automatically without you having to do anything it's going to refresh and start the system again."
"Hopefully, this is going to suit your needs and beat all of your potion brewing wishes."
"Steepable grains are kept in mesh bags so they can be easily added and removed, so we're essentially making beer tea."
"All aboard the yeast train, here we go, this is where the magic happens."
"The brewmaster never got boring... it was just fun... this was a lot of fun."
"They saw these silk pouches actually made brewing tea easier."
"The shorter the exposure time to the water the less caffeine you get and the less toxins you pick up."
"If you prized clarity, if you want that pour over, kind of paper filtered clarity in your cup, I think they're actually a great choice for that."
"The idea being that you would pair the type of wood brewer you're using to the type of coffee that you traditionally like to drink."
"Mead requires up half of the fermentable sugars to be honey."
"For every pound of honey in a gallon of must, it's about 35 points of gravity."
"The Reinheitsgebot still occupies an almost mythic space in the German brewing industry's collective psyche."
"The world's first brewery: Archaeologists unearth the oldest known beer factory."
"Congratulations, you brewed your first beer."
"Even if his new venture turns out to be a commercial flop, at least he has a shiny new auto brewing facility of his own."
"Every beer has a personality, every brewery has a personality."
"Something is brewing and it's gaining momentum."
"Thanks mainly to microbrewers, and the home-brewing culture from which they sprang, there are now over 1,400 breweries in the United States."
"And thus, lager, still the most popular beer style in the world, was born."
"It's a beautifully simple brewer."
"If you're looking for a stronger, more medicinal brew, you can actually take your herbs and put them in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours to really give that water time to extract as much as of the water-soluble chemicals from that plant material as possible."
"I'm happy about the feedback that I got about my beer that I brewed."
"Thanks so much for joining me on this beer making journey I hope you've enjoyed watching."
"It feels like I've done the extra mile to make it such a good beer and it's so worth it at the end because this is honestly one of my favorite beers of the entire year, easily."
"There are thousands of kinds of tea and everyone has its own characteristics and requires special care to fully extract its flavors. That's what a smart teapot does. It brews every tea at the right temperature for the right amount of time."
"The water profile I'm aiming for is incredibly light... This soft water guarantees a soft character in the beer and really just allows the delicate character of these beers to come through."
"In the 1700s, tea left brewing too long in the pot was known as Witcher bile. When dry tea unfurls in hot water, that's called the agony of the leaves, due to the subtle screaming sound you can hear if you put your ear close enough."
"She's one of the youngest Brew Masters in Japan despite her age, she has already won several awards."
"I hope that you learned something new, and I hope that you brew something tasty. Anyway, that's it, cheers."
"The more time and care that you put into it now, the higher quality rinse sate that you're going to get through your entire filter."
"This is what I've been doing for my at-home coffee."
"So once we pitch the yeast that's going to kick off the process of fermentation we're going to start converting all that sugar into ethanol and then also CO2."
"Espresso isn't the pinnacle of coffee brewing, it's just a brewing method."
"It takes a lot of beer to make wine."
"If you brew a brew that is good but just a little bit sour still, just a little bit dominant in acidity, just try adding some water to lengthen it down, and just be amazed at the way that it just balances everything out."
"But I think the next video will be guidance. What you wanna brew with, light, medium, dark roasted coffee, the pot size you have, the set up for heating that you have, I can give you recommendations I think to get you to a really delicious brew."
"Elevate your brewing game with the Craft Gen 3, the all-in-one revolutionary beer maker."
"We're going to let those solids sit in there and start brewing for about 2 weeks."
"Elevate your coffee experience with javastar, the ultimate Brewing solution for True coffee connoisseurs."
"Lemon is one of those flavors where you can add just a little bit of it to your kombucha."
"A foolproof plan from brew day to that first pour."
"So, if you're doing a single infusion mash, all you need to do is add something like 5% to 8% melanoidins malt, and it'll work out pretty well for you."
"It's the magic of Brewing I love it so much."
"All great brewers think their best batch of beer is potentially just a stepping stone to their next best batch of beer."
"You as a brewer need to build that skill and build that understanding before you can really leverage these items and then make the best possible beer using them."
"There is something special about this Brew day."
"I hope that you brew something tasty today and cheers."
"Hope you brew something tasty today and cheers!"
"How cool is that I've never tried to make my own beer before now I'm kind of intrigued I might have to actually keep one of these and try to brew my own beer see how good or bad it is."
"Home brewed beers and stouts: excellent results can be achieved by any man of average intelligence."
"Now what brewing video would be complete without a taste test, right?"
"With extensive tools at your disposal like PID easy Brew pressure adjustment and the Brew pressure gauge it's easier to work with everyday coffee right on up to teasing delicate flavors out of single origin specialty coffees."
"So whenever you want to make a tea stronger, always try to use more leaf rather than doing excessively long brewing times."
"The first Pilsner brewed in the country was with the help of a German Brewer who was brought to teach the Czech people how to brew beer following the German law of Purity."
"Natural brewing with no artificial ingredients makes it pure beer drinking pleasure."
"My goal here is mostly evenness because I'm going to let the fermentation do its thing."
"Do you know what the oldest recipe in the Bible is? It's how to make beer."
"A beer brewed with more honey than grain is called a 'Winnie the Pooh'."
"This method allows you to get a better balanced tea from infusion one and essentially extends the sweet spot of the tea through more infusions."
"Frugal and clever, huh? I told you that there was a lot more complexity in this seemingly simple brewing style, right?"
"Everything about the chow chow style of brewing in this hot weather is all, you know, it's all like steamy and hot and, and, and everything always stays warm."
"Because of how we do our barrel to keg into the tap system here is that when something's tasting good in one barrel, we don't have to wait for the whole lot to be ready to bottle it."
"...he opened a small bar next to the brewery supplying locals with St Louis's first-ever lager."
"In modern times brewers and winemakers have discovered yeast that allow them to produce very specific alcohol contents, ranging from 5 to 20 %."
"There's one other method called cold crashing... it's simple and very direct."
"The availability of nectar on hops I think has gone back up ever since I uh initially snagged them so depending on the time of year I think if you're trying to make this Brew you should be able to find them without any issues."
"That's the basics there, that's basically what you need to get started with all grain brewing."
"In order to brew all grain beer, you need to have a recipe to start with, right?"
"Now it's time to watch your burner turn on the gas."
"Now, adjust the heat and adjust the amount of air getting to it to get a nice blue flame there."
"Well, congratulations, you now know everything you need to know about doing brew in a bag beer brewing."
"Until next time, I will encourage you to do the most while still sometimes keeping it simple, and happy brewing, cheers!"
"Results you get it's so fascinating to me how you can have such a dramatic shift in flavor and beer characteristics from your hops if you add them in the boil versus a whirlpool versus a dry hop."
"I really the hop combo is just awesome and I did steal the hop combo from a rather accomplished brewery so I can't really take credit for that at all but it works you know it works really well."
"Really well known for just being an exceptionally clean fermenter."
"I highly discourage you from putting peat malt or smoked malt into the grain bill whatsoever, not even a tiny, tiny bit because it will definitely come through and it will mess up the flavor of the beer."
"Belgian quad actually has relatively similar types of grain used in it quads are also built with a large amount of pale base malt you also have some dark caramel malts in there as well."
"we reached our mashing temperature as you saw there kind of overshot just a little bit but not not too big of a deal in my opinion"
"What I love about using Wireless hydrometers is that you know when you've got it into your work you can tell when fermentation has started and you can tell when it's finished as well."
"It really limits the amount of samples that you need to take during fermentation to see how things are progressing which ultimately means more beer to drink at the end."
"We've made everything from traditional German Fest beers to British hop Golden Nails."
"Hitting your numbers makes any Brewer happy."
"All things considered that was a successful Brew day."
"This system is truly capable of brewing an entire batch of beer just next to a wall outlet."
"Hops are magical flower and when you smell them you instantly understand why hoppy beers like IPAs have such a distinct tasty flavor."
"It's really not that hard to make beer all you got to do is follow the instructions every single time."
"Once the wort reached a groundwater temperature of 65 degrees, I transferred it to the fermenter, splashing to aerate and pitch my yeast."
"It's like magic, it looks so cool and apparently it creates a pretty good tasting beer."
"I want to help you guys increase your Brewing skills and make better beer for yourselves."
"Fire brewing at 2000°, you get more flavor because fire brewing brings out all the flavor of the finest ingredients in Stroh beer."
"This method will give you more control of your mocha pot and give you a lot of satisfaction by drinking delicious coffees."
"Hope that you enjoyed this video and I hope that you brew something tasty today. Cheers!"
"Our hopes are in six months Blackstrap Brewing Company will have an open sign."
"My goal is to make the best red ale in the world."
"Brewing beer to me at the end of the day, you put your hand on that tank and you say, man I made 12 barrels of beer today."
"Tumbled Rock Brewery: Crafting Community"
"Brewer's clearly doing it well today."
"That's half of brewing: problem-solving, being able to figure out okay, this happened, why, and what can I do to prevent it, and even more so, what can I do to fix it."
"Until next time, happy brewing, stay safe."
"This Brew is great for citrus-based Brews because of the orange and citrus notes that are achieved at higher temps."
"Balancing sweetness, acid, and tannin is what's going to make the best brew for your palate."
"The Encore I think just makes really delicious cups."
"Very often that I see with most of the teas that I have, you'll usually withstand three to four brews before losing a lot of its flavors."
"French presses are super versatile, affordable, and accessible ways to get into brewing coffee on your own."
"This is potentially the best beer I've made in recent memory."
"This is easily the best Belgian beer, Trappist or otherwise, that I have ever brewed hands down."
"We start in the middle, stay in the middle until all the darker grinds have lifted up."
"When we're brewing coffees, we always want to have a very strong first drip of coffee."
"Over 46 international brewing medals and counting."
"Every time you brew tea, it's just giving you a hint of this smell."
"The difference is the richness of the sound... and this richness, this in terms of flavor and in terms of texture is the key difference as to why gongfu Brewing is the best way to get the most delicious tea."
"The benefit of a tall thin vessel like this is you can see the percent rise a little bit more evidently."
"The shape of the tea wear has an effect on the tea that you brew, spoiler alert, it does."
"And if you like making kombucha, a big jar like this works great."
"To make cider, it's as simple as apple juice and yeast."
"That's what the yeast does, it turns that sugar in the apple juice into alcohol."
"The yeast has done its job and turned all the sugar that was in that cider into alcohol."
"It's basically a finished cider and it would be delicious."
"The cider is dry, and that simply is a measure of the sugar amount in there."
"There's no carbonation, but it's very drinkable and probably very delicious."
"When we have something that's fermented and delicious, we say to ourselves, how can I make this stronger?"
"You don't want to freeze your yeast because they can die; they're living."
"They've done a wonderful job by making it an old-school British ale, just dragging in influences from the other Trappist breweries around the world."
"Brews want to make themselves; we just need to get out of the way."
"If you ever have a question along the way of your brewing process, please ask us in the comment section below."
"Creation, fermentation, inebriation - doing the most."
"The reality is it's a matter of preference; some people like glass carboys."
"The method of making white tea is a very ancient process."
"A much more enjoyable and easy brewing day."
"It took the vision and bravery of a small group of American breweries and hop growers to change them."
"Citra had an immediate impact on the craft brewing scene."
"The first aromatic I got out of it was bubble gum, just an incredible aroma."
"When I open my beer, what I am looking to convey to our customers is what I get when I razor open a bag of our select hops and you put your face into that bag, and it is heaven."
"You're tasting history right here, from the very start right up to where we are today."
"They laid the foundations for a revolution that changed hop growing, brewing, and drinking culture forever."
"What we're trying to do here today is add some complexity to the grist and try to make for a more flavorful beer."
"A good mead sometimes takes a little bit of patience."
"The BJCP description is a pale, refreshing German wheat beer with high carbonation, dry finish, a fluffy mouthfeel, and its distinctive banana and clove yeast character."
"The earliest recipe I think we had was from 2000; it hasn't really changed, so over time the recipe has not evolved."
"Happy brewing, so hopefully your big brew 2024 national home brew day went just as well as mine did."
"That's the story of this brew-in-the-bag session is that keep trying it, use your equipment, tweak the grain, the grind, you know, tweak the water volumes. Just play around with it until you get what you want."
"Brewing: simplest hobby ever, you just have to have some patience, really."
"Time heals all brews, and mead wants to make itself; we just need to learn to stay the heck out of the way."
"Belgian beer culture is quite unique and there is a long list of styles that originate in the country."
"Belgian brewers are notoriously experimental and individualistic, and you can't really just confine them to styles."
"Monastic brewing has been happening ever since the Middle Ages... Monks brewed beer at the time since they were obligated to provide food and drink for travelers who came through."
"Most beer in Belgium is traditionally bottle conditioned and you will be served an open bottle with an empty glass, and you pour the beer yourself when you order a beer."
"Brewing is a bunch of little steps that you take; if you do everything you can, you're doing the best you can."
"It's better to just spend that extra couple of seconds and sanitize than to take a risk on it."
"Nothing really beats experience when it comes to actually brewing the beer that you want to make."
"Take that leap to get started, make your own personalized beer the way that you want to make it."
"I think taking this to a party, doing this, and presenting that to your friends... I think you would really impress people and make them really appreciate your efforts into creating a unique and complex home brew."
"We're seeing an increase in adjuncts from nothing to now about two to four percent of the recipes."
"This should give us a cider in the range of six to six and a half percent ABV once it's all finished."
"It's exciting to make something different other than beer."
"Congratulations, we can officially call this beer."
"The malt character in this is so, so good."
"This is actually really everything I ever would have wanted from a pseudo lager yeast."
"I cannot find anything I would do differently, other than maybe making more beer because this is already almost gone."
"We're going to go step by step through a very basic way of making a mead with ultimate control along the way."
"Thanks again for joining us here at Bitter Reality Brewing."
"Overall, this is a really great beer; it is probably one of the best IPAs that I have made in a long time."
"If you're looking for a kind of introductory Grain Father in terms of pricing point and features and maybe your level of brewing experience, the S40 is definitely something to consider."
"Whenever I go about picking a new style of beer that I haven't brewed before, I like to go and read through the history of that style of beer."
"The reasons that these recipes originated in these areas are usually because of the restrictions on styles of malt, restrictions on brewing temperature, and usually brewing water as well."
"Adding adjuncts and your specialty grains really allows you to play around more and create the many different beer styles that are out there."
"Happy brewing, happy learning, stay safe, and cheers."
"I'm really excited to get this going; from what I've heard, treacle really adds a tremendous flavor to the beer."
"The three basic pillars of all fermentations: water, sugar, yeast."
"The t-test was invented to test Guinness beer."
"It's critical that you use this yeast; a lot of the taste in the Pilsner Urquell comes from the yeast."
"It's one of the easier strong European beers to brew."
"If you've never brewed with spices before and you're thinking about it, they're awesome."
"It's very similar to the duncanvice that I made earlier this year, but it's got so much more of that deep rich melanoidene character and it's been kind of cranked up to 11."
"The vanilla is coming through exactly as I'd intended it to; it's not coming through in a way that you can pick out vanilla flavor, but what it is doing is giving you a bridge between the maltiness and the spiciness."
"I am for the first time in my brewing history going to transfer beer under pressure that's hopefully already carbonated."
"If this thing works out, this is going to be my new go-to fermenter."
"I'm going to use the pressure lid kit that is an optional add-on accessory for this thing for this video because I am excited about the potentials for this thing."
"Fermentation temperature control is probably the single best thing you can do to improve your beer."
"I'm going to go ahead and add my hops, this will help with the hot break."
"It tastes like a methaglin, toasts apples, like I'm tasting cloves and cinnamon and even allspice."
"We talk about the trifecta: sweetness, tannins, and acidity."
"It's always good to brew with a friend."
"Your ideal range for MASH pH is between 5.2 to 5.6."