
Small Talk Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I hate small talk, which is why when I interact with people, I try to advance the conversation to something that I can find interesting as quickly as possible."
"When people ask where you're from, it's just a superficial way of getting some insight into your life and making small talk."
"Small talk is not really about revealing your knowledge in a given subject; it's really about showing who you are as a person. It reveals a lot about your character and your humanity."
"First things first, you cannot start a small talk without greeting people around you. Small Talk starts with hello, and hello is the first word towards world."
"Small talk is a gateway to future collaborations."
"A person with bad hygiene will turn off a Virgo like it's nobody's business."
"Some people are really good at small talk like having those short, quick interactions and making it positive and effective."
"The first thing to remember, then, when attempting to improve your social skills, is that small talk has a very important place in the art of conversation."
"'I feel just on small talk I really suck at it.'"
"The reason that most people don't like small talk and the reason it's called small talk is because really no one cares about the answers to those questions."
"Lovely weather for the time of year, is it not?"
"Pets or the weather is pretty safe to talk about."
"I think Small Talk has a bad reputation needs to be rebranded I think a lot of big things happen in small talk we learn about ourselves and others we form and Foster relationships."
"These small talk is not necessary, people here talk too much about too little."
"...should you make small talk absolutely, but it shouldn't be this long winded conversation, it should be short and sweet."
"I hate small talks. Did I mention I hate small talks? Oh, I'm kidding, that elevator is for me, so you just stay there and be comfy."
"How'd your own? Yeah, it's good. It's really hot outside."
"When you're autistic, things like small talk can seem pointless because they have a social function but not much of a logical or emotional one."
"Ryota, classes in the afternoon are such a drag, right?"
"I'm not even going to talk about our team. I'm going to talk about the weather."
"I'm friendly and do talk with my co-workers; I just refuse to talk about anything beyond what could be considered small talk."
"This is small talk and this is something that I think Americans do very, very well."
"Do not jump straight into the talk, whatever the matter is. Make sure that you dedicate a couple of minutes to small talk."
"The best relationships, the best business partnerships, the best sales pitch, the best job interviews are the ones that either begin with some level of Smalltalk or within the conversation they have some level of Smalltalk."
"Small talk is a means of finding a common ground."
"Big-minded people talk about ideas, small-minded people talk about other people."
"Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative."
"Strange weather we're having, huh?"
"This is the basic foundation of conversation. That's how it works. And that's how people have what is Good, small talk, just continuing conversation, keeping it light."
"So small talk is really a lot better than you think; it just gets a bad rap because people usually are using small talk in the wrong way."
"How about this weather, huh? Is it hot where you live?"
"I have a low tolerance for what I call trivial inconsequential small talk."
"That's right, how about this humidity."
"Hello Paul, nice weather isn't it?"
"Small talk is nothing frivolous; an informal style of communication can become the basis for a long-term relationship."
"It's warm out there today, isn't it?"
"I used to hate small talk, and now I actually like it."
"Small talk is a great way to build relationships with people."
"Keep that small talk going because simple conversation can actually make a huge difference."
"Hey, nice weather we're having today, don't you think?"
"Hi, how are you? Wonderful weather."
"I have to talk about the weather first."