
Community Excitement Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The corridors of time puzzle got a lot of people in the community really excited for a prolonged period of time. The sense of mystery was there."
"New skins drop tonight, guys. Let's get hyped!"
"The hype is real, dude! Yeah, that's all it is, guys. We are not looking for anything else but Loot Lake expansion right now."
"Experts are calling omuamu of is an exciting revelation all the same."
"We did, we heard the sonic booms as it made its way back. We were able to find early on as the parachutes were deploying. It was very exciting for everybody who was gathered here."
"All of us waking up to some big Dogecoin gains."
"Everybody getting excited about the same thing is awesome."
"I can't wait for like more legends and just all the fun stuff that's coming out there."
"Brendan's saying I love that they're finally giving Pikmin an honest chance to succeed absolutely they're putting the whole quadrilogy on the switch and."
"So fun to see it broken in the best way possible."
"It brought a sense of hype and a fresh start for the community."
"The bonus run Pokemon Blue reverse badges has been met. You will not be disappointed."
"Despite the chaos of construction, Chicago was excited for the fair."
"I feel the hype in the community I feel it it's so real everyone's super super excited for it it's awesome."
"I'm super happy that all the nerds are hyped because that means I'm gonna be happy cuz I'm a giant nerd."
"It's very exciting, I can't wait. I know we've been talking about all this stuff for so long and the way that it's sounding, Sony's approaching this event in a very good way."
"Liquid, I think just all these teams emerging and all the storylines and everything, it was the oh, the shot in the arm that we needed."
"Riot has a full-blown MMORPG in production and a lot of people were very, very pumped."
"Competitive Halo is making a big return and that we should be hyped for it."
"Everybody and their mom was hyped for Tinkerton."
"It was really awesome time for clash of plans."
"I'm definitely excited for it. Let's not forget, Call of Duty Cold War's gonna come along with Warzone."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake was announced five years before its release, but people have been waiting for this since like the PS3 came out."
"Gifting hype in the chat, boys! Gifting looks pretty lit."
"What are you guys most excited about for the season five? I see a lot of people hyped about pirates, bro."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've finally done it. There's a new crate in Rocket League."
"Blizzard were finally doing it. Classic WoW was going to be a dream made reality." - Narrator
"Hello everyone, we are about to make history."
"Everyone loves fate bringer and this is probably gonna be fate bringer 2.0."
"I would love that, finally get at least eights for builders 2 and 11s and yeah, that's how you get people excited."
"A great thing, everybody's so excited for this fight, including me."
"It made me happy to see you all freaking out about it."
"I hope you're as excited as I am because 4.0 is literally just around the corner."
"Just give us The Last of Us, yeah, let's go Last of Us."
"The first possible hint that Street Fighter 6 might be on the horizon."
"The clan Capital needs no introduction and was no doubt the highlight of 2022."
"Siege week: a week's worth of epic siege battles."
"Everyone waited in suspense, wondering what Fortnite could do next, not realizing they were about to raise the bar even higher."
"This is all speculation of course, but that's why we're here to have some fun and think about the future."
"Hair reveal is coming way sooner than you guys think, it's actually coming and it's going to be great."
"This is the one that BMW enthusiasts have been waiting for."
"Everyone in the stream, the old map is officially coming back!"
"The moment you've all been waiting for, the moment I've been waiting for, Jamboree time, guys!"
"This is going to be one of the biggest events that Los Santos has ever seen."
"This is what we've been waiting for for four months now."
"To have the Switch Pro hopefully drop sometime soon, I feel like that's gonna be a huge win."
"I want all of us to be excited when we get a good player."
"Eth coming of age now, they have a new release that has a lot of people very excited."
"The anticipation of Tears of Gothics minigame."
"Halo is back and I'm glad I'm here to be a part of it."
"Mods coming to Fallout 76... I'm super excited for the future of the game because of modding."
"It's an awesome opportunity. It's something that I know not only myself, but our whole team, our whole community is super fired up about."
"I'm excited to see what we get in the direct tomorrow."
"We're opening, and we're starting, and there's enthusiasm like I haven't seen in a long time."
"Are you guys excited for polka dot? Did you enjoy this video and get some value out of it?"
"Tomorrow's gonna be massive guys. The chat's gonna be wild. It's gonna be a Holy Ghost time."
"If they would just make a Mazdaspeed3 I think half of the world would cheer and rejoice everyday."
"Something is so exciting has just emerged in the community and I love stuff like this and I know you guys are going to love stuff like this as well."
"If you guys are also excited, don't forget to drop a like on this video!"
"I think it's going to be a nice healthy, fun conversation. We're all beauty junkies and I'm so excited to see where this goes."
"Let's have a moment of Prayer for Animal Crossing to be shown and to look amazing."
"Clan wars is gonna be huge for Clash Royale."
"I love seeing people get excited about genre entertainment."
"It's gonna be probably the hottest ticket in the State, like everyone's gonna want to be there."
"So that's the new project car super excited I hope you guys are excited as well."
"Ben 10 would be a fantastic addition to the game and a phenomenal milestone for the franchise."
"...it's definitely an exciting time to be a Bleach fan..."
"You guys are going insane, thank you so much."
"I hope you guys are as excited about it as I am."
"Get on the road with the Phantom Thieves again. It's gonna be pretty awesome. Hey, thank you guys."
"Flash SBC shout out to EA for the flash challenges, these are awesome."
"Fantastic now we get access to monorails trains cable cars that everyone's been crying out for we will give those a go let's have a look down here."
"I can't believe there is actually Smash news. That is amazing."
"Both fearing halves have been caught from space by SpaceX ships... met by a great deal of excitement by the space community."
"2K17 was feeling good, bro. We Loki are bringing 17 back."
"This doesn't confirm that we will be seeing these shiny Pokemon in-game but the code's there so we might actually see the shiny Gen 3 Pokemon along with the Gen 3 Pokemon here for the update which would, oh my god."
"The entire community started to feel excited again because there was something fresh in the scene."
"It's pretty exciting what the Blender Foundation has done here."
"It's a really exciting time for our city, something to be excited about and proud of."
"It was the summer of 1888, and the residents of Anglewood, Chicago, had something new and exciting to talk about."
"The exoplanet community has been so excited by the results."
"It's cool like I think everyone's gonna be pumped to see it."
"Ten eggs in one day certainly is big news in town, and that's no yolk!"