
Personal Spirituality Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The anointing is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit designed to do His work in your life."
"I was immediately immersed into a full open spiritual dimension."
"God needs conversation, God needs Jesus, Sid. God needs your prayers."
"Seeing with the eyes of the spirit involves having spiritual discernment."
"It's like everyone can have a god and everyone like your relationship with God is your own."
"Take some time away from the drama and just really make your own personal connection with source creator."
"You ask God to forgive you for your sin and tell Him, 'Lord, I want you to govern my life, guide my life, show me the way.'"
"Let's work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
"If God can talk to the preacher through this book, why can't he talk to me?"
"Never settle for a psychologically reduced version of spirituality."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"Everything that I do today is a result of being in that secret place, fellowshipping with him."
"If you want to worship the creator, worship him the way he loves, not the way we love."
"Spirituality to me is internal, your one-to-one connection. You can choose, you don't have to choose between the two."
"I am with you, I will be with you, I am in your midst."
"The presence of God will fill you and come to right where you are."
"Luther presented them with the Christianity of the Hearth contained in the pages of a book on a shelf portable and malleable."
"I want to have my own encounter with you, I want to experience your pure love on me."
"I'm ready for you to come and live inside of me."
"How do I consider this passage in relation to me and my walk with Jesus?"
"The most important event in your life is your time spent alone with God."
"If your spirit ain't right, nothing will fall into line."
"My relationship with God is not based on metrics, it's based on faith."
"Somebody was like oh not not being celibate doesn't make you more spiritual yes the [ __ ] it does."
"Tarot and prayer and positive intentions are my love languages. So the energy that you're putting out, I've already felt it. It's been amazing, it's been awesome, it's been such a major blessing for me already. So thank you."
"Spirituality should come from the self, not an organized religion."
"Islam just gave me that sweetness, that inner happiness and peace."
"The first thing I want to pray is that everyone viewing have their own experiential knowledge with God."
"True spirituality is being yourself, it's being authentic."
"This is not about anybody up on this stage, this is between you and God."
"When you're davening it's really more about you than it is about God...I connect more with the intellectual side of Judaism."
"What other people meant by spirituality wasn't what I had meant by it. I had to kind of let go of that stuff."
"Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there."
"Work out your own soul salvation with fear and trembling."
"The divine's like, I am giving you the ace of cups to you, not to anyone else that you're dating or seeing."
"God's not angry with you because you're not on your face listening to worship music at home."
"Each person's road to the inner Lord is extraordinary and personal how liberating to listen inside and sense moment to moment what's needed."
"My spirituality is about my conduct and how I behave rather than telling other people how they should behave."
"I want you to have your own experience with God!"
"God wants to communicate with his body personally."
"Spirituality is personal, intuitive, and individualistically unique."
"If you want to experience a move of God, you've got to realize that it starts with you and your own personal revival."
"God has never abandoned me, even when I abandoned God, He still never abandoned me, He took me back."
"God will always meet you in the way you need Him to meet you especially when you are totally helpless."
"Spirituality is duality and we have to understand that everybody's path is different everybody's path is unique unto their own."
"You have to figure out your spiritual language."
"Bitcoin cannot be stopped... it is censorship resistant, unconfiscatable."
"Make me a sanctuary that I may dwell."
"The world will give you no help this time with carols and decorations and gifts; it will be between you and God whether you feel anything special this week."
"Each Soul's relationship with God is unique in the universe."
"It is not necessary to be in church to be with God. We can make our heart a chapel where we can withdraw from time to time and commune with Him in meekness, humility, and love."
"No one can prevent you from praying any and every time you want to."
"Bring your glory to my house, bring your presence to my church."
"My relationship with God shouldn't look like your relationship with God."