
Belief Power Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Your thoughts create reality; really, really, they create your reality."
"These orcs actually generate an immensely powerful psychic aura that makes it so whatever they collectively believe becomes true."
"The power of belief is not wishy-washy, it's real."
"Simply the power of belief, the power of like new information of being told 'yep what you're doing is going to have this effect on you' made that effect a reality."
"Faith is both the material as well as the building blocks to building yourself. Belief, belief, belief, belief is powerful."
"Believing in something creates an energetic response; you're passionately engaged when you believe."
"If you believe in writing [ __ ] down, it kind of like manifests it."
"Believe in the power of your faith; it can overcome obstacles and limits."
"Manifestation is real folks. I'm telling you it's very real. Thoughts are things."
"Words have effectual power to bring something into your reality... that's the idea behind the Word of Faith Movement."
"If you believe that something is right, it will."
"There was a time in imagination where a firm persuasion removed mountains."
"People believe what they want to believe and belief has power."
"They just believed in it and the universe really served that."
"All things are possible to those who believe."
"This is powerful right here, and we need to start holding men to higher standards."
"What you believe, you create. No one can harm you. So remember that you do believe what you create. Nobody can hurt you, so even if your mind wants to tell you otherwise, you are more powerful than that fear."
"You don't realize how powerful the power of belief actually is."
"All things are possible if you only believe."
"Understanding is power. You make your beliefs, and your beliefs make you."
"Faith moves everything. Fear moves absolutely nothing."
"Belief releases your creative power. Disbelief puts the brakes on. Belief is basic to creative thinking."
"Belief will supply the power which will enable you to succeed in everything you undertake."
"Visualize what you want, see it and believe it."
"Belief in something bigger allows you to see a wilder potential."
"Ichigo proved him wrong even with his eyes closed he believed and he dredged on until he changed the future just by the force of his organic growth."
"What you believe will manifest if you believe that people are like money you have this great relationship with buddy and that you're gonna have large sums of money it'll find its way to you it'll find its way you know so."
"The power of belief is insane, and it can work in reverse. It can work in the negative until we get intentional about it."
"If you change your beliefs, you change your life. That simple and it is so, so powerful."
"If you believe, you can have, be, do anything you want."
"You know the thing about spells is that they only really work if people believe in them."
"You can do anything as long as you don't stop believing. When it is meant to be, it will be. You just have to follow your heart."
"What you believe in is 80% of what's going to determine your outcome."
"The power comes only with the believing which alone makes them effective." - Narrator
"Jesus said, 'If you'll believe, nothing shall be impossible to you.'"
"The belief that anything is possible fuels relentless perseverance."
"It's not determined on the outcome, it's our belief that it will actually happen."
"Belief is an attractive force... it gets into your head."
"A breakthrough occurred because someone was believing."
"Belief is the program that creates my reality."
"Overall DMZ I was pleasantly surprised I did not think I was going to enjoy it but I did."
"Perhaps Hexham heads weren't artifacts in a traditional sense but instead drew upon the power of belief."
"Setting intentions clarifies desires and manifests dreams with unwavering belief."
"The second that you no longer believe in it, you take the sunlight away from Superman is when it loses its power."
"See it, believe it, but you're seeing it because you believe it."
"The power of belief is everything... the belief that you can be alleviated of your suffering."
"If enough people believe in a thing, it becomes real."
"Belief is oftentimes the only thing that can assure the successful conclusion of a doubtful undertaking."
"If you believe in something hard enough, it'll happen."
"If you believe you can have something, you will manifest it."
"You can have the reality that would be favorable or to your liking if you truly a hundred percent believe, beyond all reasonable doubt, that you can have it."
"If you believe something can happen, it can happen."
"Believe it's all you got to do. You're one belief away from whatever it is that you want to achieve."
"Spiritually, it has already happened for you."
"Believe in what you're doing; that's when miracles start taking place."
"In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits."
"If you believe it, if you see it, it's going to manifest itself into reality."
"We as believers have the ability to speak things into existence."
"Anything can happen if you believe that it can."
"Their texts were said to be a chronicle of their dreams and imbued with magical powers."
"When you speak to the universe, baby, things actually happen."
"The power of believing is massive; your brain controls your body."
"The magic of believing... once you get to the point where you believe in something, the law of attraction takes over."
"The mind is such a powerful thing when you believe something so deeply."
"Truly, if you really believe something, it is possible."
"I'm glad that I have the power to believe."
"One person with a belief overrides thousands of people with just intent."
"Instantaneous manifestation is real."
"Faith is the factor. It's the difference in getting something changed and not getting it changed."
"You can shift all kinds of genes with your beliefs, with your mind."