
Metaphysical Concept Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The structure of reality, the wireframe of reality, which is the ether, it has always been there. I mean, the ether is real."
"I just like to ask questions and also I didn't want to come in and say a whole bunch of other record [__] either because it's like what does that do."
"Transformation means to go beyond the present formation of our life."
"This reality is a sort of a playground school, learning place where souls from all over the place come in and can have challenging experience as seeming one race."
"From this microscopic structure, the atom, God builds everything from star to snowflake."
"The fifth dimension is not a place, it's a state of consciousness."
"To be absolutely sovereign means to have infinite absolute copies of oneself."
"A brand new soul that was never part of Death’s design."
"Understanding that consciousness is not created in the brain, that consciousness is downloaded from the source."
"Disharmony, strife, division, attack, war, is not an activity of the one mind but a lack of it."
"The merge between these rays creates the divine marriage or the alchemical merge."
"Your open hearts are mass at this time create the frequency of the Bliss charged love."
"We're all circles... let's all bond together and be circles."
"There's some kind of in-between dream world that Mel is reaching out to Dan through."
"Awareness is where all things are made and therefore we must be made up of awareness."
"Your soul is moving like a wave through time."
"The force is eternal, it cannot be ended, it cannot be stopped, not so long as life exists."
"We are literally a living geometric field animating a human form."
"In the present moment right now, the version of you that is in a much different space than you right now, it already exists."
"If the eye is single, the body is full of light."
"The kingdom of heaven is right here, right now."
"Humanity has had the opportunity to step into our ascension process in a more whole and complete way."
"Blackness is the essence from which all things come."
"Our minds are very powerful things... Mirrors are portals and they can lock you in your mind."
"It isn't because of a memory of a previous lifetime but the fact that your soul's native frequency is much higher."
"To be with God is to be absent from the body, be absent from the mind, and be at pure peace."
"Evil is not a substantial thing; it's a lack of the good."
"The idea is reality, the shadow it casts is our physical realm."
"From many conscious agents instantiate an infinite conscious agent that is all of us, one consciousness."
"We are eternal, we really don't go anywhere."
"Trust energy is a vibration of undiluted love that works like fairy glue between your ego and your soul."
"Order is essentially structure, giving life structure as the greater will did when it fractured the one great."
"We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep."
"Remote viewing is like poking a hole in a cardboard door and seeing a little bit of the picture."
"This being is billions upon billions of years old, there is no doubt this is a living entity."
"The energy of the planet is raising frequency."
"The conscious living universe has the final say so and that's what I call God, the spirit that animates our entire universe."
"We're all connected, and we're waking up from the dream of separation."
"Each one of us is a quantum hologram of consciousness."
"A window to another reality, a controlled passageway."
"Souls will painlessly leave our bodies, you will feel it, live and very well."
"We are spiritual energy beings in these physical suits having human experiences."
"Sigil: a cage both inside and out, yet an incredibly useful and interesting place to visit."
"Existence, or what we might call 'God,' transcends every word, voice, mind, and silence; it's beyond comprehension."
"All creation suspended from one creative power, moving from one basic archetypal pattern."
"Everything around you is alive... vibrating particles of energy that you have the ability to mold with your mind."
"Life is the spark which grants life to the lifeless; conversely, death can be said to occur once aether has left the corporeal object."
"You've distorted and deformed a channel into heaven."
"Death in reality is nothing but a flow of energy changing."
"The One Above All... embodiment of unknowable concept of the transcendent other with limitless power."
"The kingdom of heaven is already in us and around us."
"Thoughts are things, endowed with bodies, breath, and wings."
"It's the Return of the Christ Consciousness."
"Stands are a projection of the soul in that they are actually tied to the soul, okay hence why the damage translates from one to the other you know all right."
"The universe is literally a genie that we don't know how to use; they didn't tell us how to use it, they kept that to themselves."
"The Great Awakening is occurring and the more you stay in a conscious space of 'I'm a co-creator and everything is going according to the light plan,' these things always backfire for them."
"Love is the currency of the universe; it pulls us out of its own hat."
"When you consistently think of someone, you are sending them energy."
"God pretending to be not God, seeking to find himself again. That's the story. That's all of it."
"There is part of our reality that is not directly perceptible by us."
"The fusion of two elements that typically would cancel each other out."
"The light is consciousness. Consciousness is one manifesting in legions of forms or levels of consciousness."
"It's like the body electric, we're spirits having the human experience."
"The universe is putting in a balancing energy, protecting you and clearing dark energy."
"Kali represents the emergence of cycles of time from the stillness of the cosmic void... she sets the pace and dictates the flow of reality itself."
"The more we shift into 5D consciousness, the higher frequency we are."
"The light that you're going to be able to create with this new twin flame is going to be bigger than it would have been."
"Everything first takes place on the spiritual, then it manifests on the physical."
"Ultra Instinct is not a new transformation, it isn't just a power up, no. Ultra Instinct is a state of mind."
"A true narcissist is not of a human form. They're energies that are not human."
"My heaven is... you're in a forever dream but the fact that your brain is off now your whole soul goes into that dream where you feel more in the dream than when you dream at night."
"Distance is not a barrier in the realms of the Spirit."
"So recovering the spirit, that which is invisible and above, which is what spirit is, of spirit comes from heaven, comes from above. It is invisible. And then the center, the heart, or the place where exteriority disappears in the holy of holies."
"Consciousness is the absolute primary stuff of our universe, it's the ground of our being."
"Understand that we are frequency based beings we are electrical beings family."
"The Ultimate Reality could include personal elements but not be defined by them."
"The void wasn't just another enemy to be defeated, it was a primal Force woven into the very fabric of the cosmos, a hungering maw that sought to devour all existence."
"Reality is a mirror of our collective consciousness, and the more positive energy we put into the world, the more it is reflected back to us."
"Every form is a phenomenon and every phenomenon is an activity of formless being."
"Where he is, where the Gateway is, all spheres, all dimensions, and all worlds meet."
"Just as a candle necessarily, when lit, there is an outpouring of light, so in this metaphysical world, this outpouring of light is the luminosity, luminosity, this is the good itself or the one."
"Supernatural would be something that transcends what is possible in the natural realm."
"I think it's a living intelligence, and I think it's the energy of the universe."
"This area sees beyond the physical world, gifting you with insight."
"That being, Purusa, of the size of a thumb, resides in this body. Knowing him as the ruler of the past and future, one does not want to save the self. This indeed is that."
"...the Anandamaya Kosha means it's a blissful sheath. But it's still a sheath."
"There is no death, because the wand of Truth can change the driest bones to living things."
"Truth is the most perfect virtue and the highest good itself, not troubled by matter, not encompassed by a body, naked, clear, unchangeable, venerable, unalterable, good."
"The only real senses of man are spiritual, emanating from divine mind."
"The gift that you have is one that is undervalued in Collective unconsciousness, in the 3D reality that we sometimes call The Matrix."
"You are the soul of existence; you are the presence before presence."