
Saints Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"The church has affirmed on numerous occasions that apparitions of deceased saints as well as their messages are real."
"Even saints disagreed on the existence of ghosts, but the church has affirmed that there are good spirits and there are evil spirits."
"Mary and all the saints show us Christ in a way that Christ in his person cannot even show us."
"The incorruptibles demonstrate that the spiritual and the physical worlds are intertwined."
"The saints in heaven offered to God the prayers of the saints on earth."
"All saints day... is when we honor all the other saints in heaven."
"Each Saint used the powers bestowed by the God who chose him."
"The equipping of the Saints is the highest expression of the five-fold ministry."
"God has made his Saints partners in his story."
"Perhaps we are witnessing the emergence of one of the most incredible Saints in history."
"The saints were intoxicated by God."
"Some of the greatest Saints in the hexology were among the most prominent Sinners of their time. But something happened."
"The feast of Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II are in the same month."
"Modern saints are really the key for us as Orthodox Christians. We don't really have to ask this question: if the apostles were alive today, what would they say? What would they tell us? Because we have their works and we have their lives."
"These differences highlight the personal nature of the private revelations received by saints and mystics over the centuries."
"You become Saints through carrying the cross with a smile."
"When a second miracle has been identified and validated by Rome, Solanus Casey will go down as one of the greatest saints in the history of the Catholic Church in America."
"The saints longed for the cross in order to be conformed to the image of his son."
"Authority in the Orthodox Church rests in the saints."
"Even the Saints experience distractions when praying the Rosary."
"Saint Francis de Sales wanted us to be founded on the hearts of Jesus and Mary."
"The Catholic Church has something, it has the right soil in which the roots of great Saints can sink down deep."
"The Latin Mass has produced hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of saints throughout the ages."
"Saints end up discovering that when they get to heaven, it's a divine commencement, it's a graduation. That's all saints are. They're the ones who graduated from the school of suffering."
"All the saints, no matter which tradition you take, they had one thing in common, they made death their friends."
"Do your loved ones know that you want to be a saint? Do your loved ones know that you want them to be saints?"
"I think if anything's going to save the world at this point, it's not going to be technology or politics. It's going to be saints. We need saints."
"Every true renewal has one common characteristic: the emergence of great saints."
"...the lives of the saints were not easy. Yes, you had this extraordinary grace, but you also suffered extraordinarily."
"When the saints called the rosary a weapon, they're not being hyperbolic."
"Saints are the lightning in the midst of the storm. They throw light on everything. They help us to see the true parameters of what is going on and help us to get on board."
"Francis is the most popular of our Saints."
"The purpose of the Catholic faith is not to form civilizations but to form Saints."
"There are countless documented cases of witness Miracles through the intercession of saints."
"Saintly humor continues right up until modern times."
"The lives of the Saints are the ones who show us how to live."
"It is impossible to come to know the truth or to grasp theology in any other way but by following the Saints, the holy fathers in every age."
"The great Saints are invariably converted Sinners."
"These miracles and signs and wonders will be the hands of ordinary, holy, separated saints."
"Going back to my engagement with Saints right it was through my conversion and the first thing that was there was the date of my conversion was St. Joseph."
"This world is not primarily designed to create a new Christendom, it's here to form saints."
"May all of you become Saints and nothing less than Saints, in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, because only Saints are happy, amen."
"I understood that Christianity can be an abstraction at times, but Saints are models, human beings who have lived the life that you can follow and you can emulate them because they're real."
"This is also a time of great saints... and this book summarizes in many ways the teaching of the time that was going on among all these great saints."
"Asking for the intercession of the Saints isn't the same as magic."
"Can the intercession of the Saints help to make us right with God? The example from the Bible from start to finish overwhelmingly points in One Direction: yes, yes, yes."
"But here's the thing the language of the Saints saving us the language even of us saving ourselves."
"You know who you look to? The saints that finished the race and are now in heaven, because they can't fail you anymore. Amen?"
"There's always hope because God raises up the saints in every era, in every time of corruption. Saints are raised up."
"How surprised we will be to meet some saints in heaven whom we did not love on earth."
"I am creating saints. I am changing hearts. See how people help each other. See how I usher people into heaven."
"So can a layperson. Yes, the majority of people who make up the church are lay people and they are called to be Saints just like priests and members of religious orders."
"He started revealing the Divine will to Louisa Picaretta when the bank of prayers and sacrifices of all the saints of Christianity was full."
"We were all born to be Saints...why is it such a struggle worldwide for us to live that way?"
"What will it be like when the saints come marching in? Boy!"
"It is important for the Saints to know how to tap into the wisdom of God."
"They could represent Old Testament Saints as well as the church."
"Saints believe in the Scriptures. They see the writings of Paul and others as the very Word of God."
"As believers, we're living saints too."
"Nay, in some respects you are more sorely tried than I do not look upon the ancient Saints as being exempt either from infirmities or sins."
"Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the Saints of the highest one and the time arrived for the Saints to take possession of the Kingdom."
"Can you name the saint who loved animals and birds which he called his sisters and brothers? Saint Francis of Assisi."
"The only real individuals are saints."
"The saints are not just to pray, they will help you."
"We don't worship the Saints, we do honor them, we do invoke them, we do pray to them."
"We regard the martyrs with the same affectionate intimacy that we feel towards holy men of God in this life."
"Great saints are always made from passionate people."
"The Saints are to be honored absolutely."
"Augustine doesn't talk about prayer to the Saints."
"We are part of the same body of Christ. Whether living or dead, all of the Saints are within that same body."
"Joy, humor, and laughter are constant threads that run through the lives of the Saints and disprove that terrible stereotype of the dour, grumpy, depressed Saint."
"The brothers dug up every scrap of information about every saint on the liturgical calendar and printed the text arranged according to the saints' feast day."
"Sin makes us boring, and it's the saints who are fully alive."
"When we venerate the Saints, we are really glorifying Christ."
"It is a good and useful thing to invoke the Saints humbly and to have recourse to their prayers and their efficacious help to obtain favors from God through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who alone is our Redeemer and Savior."
"The true religion not only has the power to form a civilization of love, it has the power to form saints."
"Our Lady of Mount Carmel invites us into a spirituality of the interior life embodied so much in our Carmelite saints."
"We are united with the saints in a very real way."
"I want to be among that number, oh when the saints go marching in."
"The intercession of saints is seen in the Bible."
"Saints are living and they are praying, interceding before the throne of God on our behalf for our salvation."
"And heaven only knows what miracles these Saints can perform."
"The glory of the saints lies in accessing that hidden wisdom."
"If we are faithful to God in this life, we will live with Jesus, Mary, and the saints forever."
"This calls for patient endurance and faith on the part of the Saints."
"Here is the patience, the perseverance of the saints, those that keep the commandments of God and their testimony of Yeshua."
"It shall forevermore endure, the saints' and angels' song."
"The prayers of the saints ascended up before God out of the angel's hand."
"I believe it entirely possible to have the communion of saints, which is a unity of appreciation, a unity of love, a unity of worship, a unity of devotion."
"You are saints, and we're going to keep this one capital 'S'."
"The Spirit maketh intercession for the Saints."
"Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?"
"The symbolism of a nation... rests most fully in its saints."
"The saints take the prayers that are coming up to heaven in these golden bowls and offer them to Jesus."
"Saints what a start they've had, we're 25 minutes in now."
"When the morning comes, all the saints of God are gathering home."
"We thank God that those faithful people have found the true faith which once and for all was delivered to the Saints."
"Facing hatred and Saints keeping the paces with patience."
"The Lord cometh with thousands of His saints."
"Yes, even the Saints remember this."
"Judgment was given in favor of the Saints of the most high."
"And I will rise among the saints, my gaze transfixed on Jesus' face."
"The faith was once for all delivered unto the Saints."
"As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight."
"We belong to this glorious company composed of angels, composed of Saints in the church."
"The mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations has now been manifested to His saints."
"According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were at least three early Christian saints by that name."
"The bodies of the saints which slept arose."
"In the spiritual life, the Saints choose us even more than we choose them."
"In the saints and the excellent of the earth is all my delight."
"God has already made you meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light."
"St. Peter and St. Paul... are holding up crowns above their head."
"Into your presence lead me, to praise you with all your saints, forever and ever."
"The fine linen stands for the righteousness of the saints."
"I tell you, the Saints are an underrated team, don't look past them."
"We believe there's many saints all over the world, and these people, they exist everywhere."
"The candles lit before icons of saints reflect their ardent love for God, for whose sake they gave up everything that man prizes in life."
"Many bodies of saints who had fallen asleep were raised."
"The judge of the universe comes, and he rules in favor of the Saints."
"This then is the perseverance of the saints."
"Judgment was given to the Saints of the most highs, and the time came that the Saints would possess the kingdoms."
"Seeing all the saints of God... it's pretty mind-blowing."
"Peace to the Saints, I'm happy to hear you prospering."
"Let's hope St. Athanasius and the Saints pray for us."
"When the saints go marching in, Oh Lord, I wanna be among the members."
"I started to believe for the first time that those visions and miracles described in the lives of all the saints might just be real."
"...truth has been once and for all delivered to the saints."
"I would say that when it comes to seeking the intercession of the Saints, it's something we deduce from our understanding of the body of Christ."
"The Holy Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."
"The bodies of the Saints become like icons themselves; we become icons when we are transfigured into the image of Christ, who is the image of the Father."
"For the perfecting of the Saints, that's why they were given."
"It's good news for the saints of the most high God."
"Here is the perseverance of the saints."
"Judgment is passed in favor of the saints of the Most High."
"We imitate the Saints; we follow after him in imitation, and this then becomes a great feast for us personally."
"The Saints say that's just the beginning; it's not the end."
"We're surrounded by the saints, and many people believe they literally are all around us."
"All of those Saints are Christ incarnate in a way; is Christ throughout the ages, is Christ up until the ends of time."
"The Lord shall have power over His saints, and He shall reign in their midst."