
Projections Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The biggest variable shaping these projections is you and your behavior."
"An important fact has been overlooked: that scientific studies in this field have a very good track record in getting their projections right."
"So it's not surprising that the Fed took up, and I mean way up, its growth projections for the U.S. economy."
"We believe this market is going to scale at a 60 percent annualized rate during the next five years."
"Just to be clear, Elon said 20 million when we talked about 2030."
"The future is year one I project 82,000. Second year is 1.2 million and the third year is 2.8 million."
"Mallet's gonna throw for maybe a hundred thousand passing yards"
"If it actually held the kind of CAGR that it has, then by year 30 even if I was not dripping the portfolio would be making 671 grand a year."
"If Russia could manage to destroy a third or a half of Ukraine's mobilized forces in seven months, what do you think they're going to achieve in the next seven months with 300,000 more troops?"
"The Cybertruck is not something that will be material to Tesla's financials next year."
"March is going to be our best month ever. I think 2022 is going to be our best year ever."
"Those crazy people that said their projections of 50 to even 100 billion in the future were not that crazy."
"Next year is going to be a fantastic year... I think it's going to be record-setting type numbers on GDP and other things."
"Derek Henry resumed practicing earlier this week and it looks like he's good to go for week 1 ... he's in line for north of 300 touches and 1,500 yards and 15 touchdowns is well within his range of outcomes."
"We're hoping to sell 7.6 million possibly more than that."
"Projections indicate bricks could account for nearly 50% of global GDP by 2050."
"Global population is expected to peak at nine point seven billion by twenty sixty-four and then fall back down to eight point eight billion by 2100."
"If that somehow continues for the next 15 years, the S&P would be trading at $76,000."
"Don't allow their projections to become personalized and become your own thoughts of yourself."
"I read this Tik Tok and I'll credit her here. She said that men love to scare women about hitting the wall because they're projecting their own fears."
"Current market cap valuation depends on projected operating profits."
"A new bombshell poll projects that labor will gain 252 seats."
"We went down economically the least. It was projected we'd lose 2.2 million people."
"It's a matter of facts, the experts are projecting this as well."
"Disney's direct to Consumer segment in billions: here's the margins of it 21 minus 21 margins minus 14 margins minus three percent margins and then in 2025 barely Break Even 2.7 percent positive margins."
"Projection isn't necessarily a bad thing... it's just about what are we projecting."
"For us, our equity projections were baking in no impact from buildback better."
"My projections: once the Camry is in full production hybrid, it'll be up to about 50% in Q1 of next year and then Q1 of 2026 they'll be already up to 62% of electrified vehicle penetration here in the United States. It's going to happen lightning fast."
"By the end of 2023, there could be over 1 million sales for just these three models alone. That's massive."
"He's probably going to give you at worst low-end RB1 numbers for the next two to three years."
"The big thinkers in the world will tell you that peak oil demand occurs in 2032. This is wishful thinking. Peak oil demand occurs in 2060 or 2065 and then tapers off for 40 years."
"The market can still do fine as long as those earnings estimates and GDP revisions stay strong."
"He has no projections into the future of what the earnings or cash flows of any of his portfolio companies are going to be."
"You don't have to worry about competing against other people. It's just you versus the projections."
"... we may get to Mars sooner than SpaceX's current 2029 projections."
"We plan to bring on about 4 million users next year."
"South Carolina is projected to be the number one overall seed in the NCAA tournament."
"The stable coin market is booming around 150 billion today and projected to soar past 2.8 trillion by 2028."
"It surpasses first-week sales projections."
"The problem with unrealistic financial expectations or financial projections is that basically it shows that you don't really understand your business."
"The tremendous uncertainty in those sea level projections, especially as we look beyond the next century, is largely due to uncertainty related to Antarctic ice loss."
"The projections on the castle already are just stunning."
"Your assumptions tell the story of how you got to the numbers in your projections."
"We create our projections at 12 months in January."
"Look at all these beautiful princess projections on Main Street."
"We want to test the numbers and stress test this a little bit more, see what it looks like at a downside case, an upside case, build some sensitivities, and look at what happens when rent rises more quickly and more slowly than expected."
"It starts off with a really good pre-show with lots of different projections."
"Starbucks is also projecting to continue growing its sales and its profits in 2024."
"No business plan is complete without a set of financial projections."
"It appears on the recent projections that we will be okay."
"It's hard to show quarterly projections on screen, especially if we have a four or five or six year model."
"Businesses are seasonal, which is the whole reason why we're creating quarterly projections in the first place."
"JD's revenue over the next three years is expected to grow 29, 22, and 19 to hit 181 billion in 2023."
"The projections of Committee participants released today show growth continuing at healthy levels, the unemployment rate falling a bit further next year, and inflation remaining near 2 percent."
"You look at some of the projections... you will see convergence and perhaps even taking over."
"The UN Population assessment report of 2003 projects that the world population will plateau by 2050 and will remain stable until the Year 2300."
"When we talk about drawing projections, we're interested in three projections: the projection of the curve onto the three coordinate planes."
"Now when it comes to identifying the projections of our vector function R of T, here's what we want to do."
"We can see what they're expected to be in the future and our trends."
"The simplest explanation of what feature engineering means is how you can transform your input so an algorithm can actually consume it and build good projections."
"The end product will result in weekly projections that you control and more importantly understand."
"If this offense is going to be solid this year, Devonte Adams is going to crush his expectations."
"Welcome to a very special edition of Projections."