
Post-processing Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"In my video tutorial series 'Photographing the World,' I take you along for the ride and show you exactly how I capture each of these amazing world locations, as well as how I edit and post-process every photograph from start to finish."
"What I like to teach is how to let the natural elements in these photos speak for themselves and using post-processing as a mean to enhance what's already there."
"Leave white balance on auto when shooting stills, you have more power to change it after the fact when shooting raw."
"A lot of the heavy lifting is actually being done by post-processing effects."
"The secret to having a nice post-processing is basically to play a little bit with the colors."
"White balance is something that's really easy to fix back at your computer and a little bit of editing always helps."
"Vignetting is something to be aware of, but you can see just how easy it is to fix with a little bit of post-processing."
"The post-processing has been a really important part in my project... it basically creates those key characteristics."
"This is to preserve detail in the shadows; you can always bring your overall exposure down in post as long as nothing is clipped."
"...just try to do as much of this in texture as you can but you know once everything is done the render is properly done you're not going to go in and go into painter export that blender re-render this you know just do it in post."
"A great way to add more details to our scene is to add more post-processing."
"If you're not doing post-processing to your renders, you're missing out hugely."
"The magic happens in camera, not in post, although the post helps. Where can you take your own ideas? And this is just another example of where I took one of mine."
"If you like to finetune the noise reduction in post, N-RAW would be the way to go."
"Having an easy time in post it can be the most important thing and if you really like those Nikon files that might be worth it."
"A lot of room to play with exposure if and when you need to and post."
"I think I get probably a little bit too excited about those kinds of things, but I love just nerding out on these types of advancements in post-processing."
"...get the full potential of your raw files when you're processing them."
"Let's head back home to the computer, I can show you how I finish my photos."
"The files that you get on your computer are not going to look like what you see in-camera."
"Exposure bracket... the more you can do the more flexibility you'll have later when editing or compositing or putting all of these photos together."
"You can't fix everything in post. These subtle changes really add up as you're working in camera and onset to make believable and approachable natural light."
"It's surprising. It looks very true to life, pretty much straight out of camera, which is pretty impressive."
"It's optically sharp but at a contrast level, it doesn't really feel like it's been sharpened in post."
"I'll take care of noise reduction with post-processing software when I'm at my computer either at home or on the road."
"It's also a matter of how much work are you willing to put in post-processing."
"When you're at your base ISO, your lowest ISO, you have a lot more creative control, a lot more flexibility in post-processing, a lot more dynamic range that's captured."
"When you're working with the raw sensor data, you can do this a lot more accurately and a lot less destructively."
"Le Lumenzia light is a great way to get started with luminosity masks and the full version of Lumenzia adds quite a bit more capability to give you complete control to post-process beautiful works of art."
"The granularity of the tones is immense and that gives the image file a lot more malleability in post-processing."
"You basically don't have to worry about your shadow detail, expose for the highlights, bring it up afterwards."
"Ansel Adams certainly modified his photos in post-processing in a dark room; he created techniques for dodging and burning to mold the photo to match his vision."
"When you spend as much time behind the computer learning how to post-process and preparing your image, it's important that you have the right tools that help you be productive and help you do it comfortably."
"Save as a raw file, that's going to enable the raw files and they're going to take a lot of space, but when you post process these pictures, you have a lot of options."
"The better you are a photographer, the less work you have to do in the camera raw filter."
"Generative AI can be a touchy topic for some photographers, but I genuinely believe that everyone should at least give it a shot because it can be a really powerful addition to your post-processing toolkit."
"Vignettes are very prevalent in post-processing; they create this tunneling effect that draws the viewer's attention into the subject in the frame."
"A good vignette should only really be noticeable after you've switched it off and people go, 'The corners have got suddenly brighter; I wasn't even aware there was a vignette at play there.'"
"This way we can do post-processing with shaders in OpenGL."
"Understanding the contact and the load transfer is also important in post-processing."
"As long as you're fairly close to that exposure from your starting point, if you're shooting in raw, you can make some minor adjustments to the brightness of your Sun during your image processing."
"We can now postprocess them, animate them, and just like any other quantity."
"Definitely shoot raw, you have a whole lot more file that you can play with."
"I shoot everything in RAW so if the camera gets it wrong, I can change it in post."
"Make sure you post-process your work; it's very important."
"I like to keep it as neutral as possible because that way when we take it into Lightroom later on down the track, we can actually create all the colors and all the seasons that we want by adjusting those settings."
"The dual pixel raw function is quite an amazing feature that allows you to make more changes to your image in retrospective."
"There's no such thing as a perfect render out of the box; you will always need to have some level of color grading or compositing."
"The iPhone uses a brutal post-processing technique that maintains all the details and colors from the uncompressed video."
"I know a lot of photographers enjoy the post-processing. I do, I know plenty who just want to spend time behind the camera and as little time doing the processing as possible."
"The images are a joy to look at and a joy to work with in post-processing."
"Every raw file has to be tweaked at the computer; you're going to see the raw data, meaning it's unedited."
"Post-processing can vastly improve the score."
"I can duplicate this glare node and add it again so we get even more glare."
"With these especially, the reflection and shadow paths are really powerful tools to tweak the rendering without re-rendering in Photoshop."
"Hopefully, this section here where we delved into post processing in a little more detail has given you some ideas."
"In post-processing, you will examine your solution for results you might be interested in."
"Post-processing... I think is more of an art form."
"Remove chromatic aberration and look at that, boom, fixed it right away."
"Post process... these are all sort of overlaid effects that run things like color correction, chromatic aberration, vignette things like that."
"You might need to work with several HDRs and combine renders to create a perfect result."
"It allows you to work on individual areas, so you can alter the contrast, the brightness, clarity, sharpness."
"Now comes in the easier part though, I'm going to show how we put this together in post-processing."
"Lastly, we post-process the results to compare our computed data to the reference data and obtain the estimated parameter value that provides the closest match between the two."
"Compositing allows you to make changes to your image after rendering without having to render again."
"Simple to use, industry-standard post-processing in Unity today."
"Color is one of my favorite aspects of post-processing; you can completely change the overall look and feeling of a photograph just by enhancing the color."
"If you're looking to take your post-processing to an entirely new level, I would highly recommend not leaning so much on the global vibrance and saturation sliders."
"This dodging and burning method... is probably the best way inside of Lightroom to really kind of level up your overall post-processing."