
Odds Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"The odds on that have to be one in a billion."
"It's like seeing someone give you incredible odds on a bet. Even if you don't believe the bet is going to happen, it's just like, look, you gave me such good odds, why would I not put a dollar down to potentially win a thousand?"
"People can always do better, even if the odds are stacked against you."
"How many people live in Liberty City? What's the likelihood of getting two out of 3500? The odds were stacked against me, but I beat them."
"He also saw the usefulness in trying, even if you didn't necessarily have the odds on your side."
"Carlos survived the storm after a one in 64 trillions chance of surviving it."
"So at the end of the day, the odds might not have been on the side of the Avengers, but they were certainly on the side of Ant-Man!"
"New York man defied lottery odds after winning 10 million dollars from a scratch-off game."
"The odds aren't with him... but I'm not Ollie out."
"Just a matter of odds now, nowhere's gonna be really better as long as I'm catching lots of fish and treasure chests I'll find it."
"If you stuck a quid on an 11-2 result, that would be decent odds."
"The odds makers right now are really going with Luis Palomino as being the favorite."
"Some daring escapes against the odds can even become victories on their own, inspiring others to never give up, no matter how bad the odds."
"This sends more of a signal that men have a fighting chance possibly maybe."
"But despite being dangerously underdeveloped, they beat the odds and all survived."
"Cian was born at just 22 weeks old and was only given a 9% chance of survival."
"Oh my God, we made it! What are the odds? Millions to one!"
"Even if the chance of success is one in a million, we must be willing to give everything we have."
"There's no guarantees, but the odds are favoring this."
"The odds are 100 in your favor. So right there, your friend, most of their profits went from selling puts."
"Bet less if anything on meh odds, bet more on lower frequency good odds."
"The odds are very, very low that you're gonna get the final prize but the final prizes are much more enticing now than they have been for the past year."
"I mean, what would be the odds of missing the last five penalties?"
"Just because something's against the odds doesn't mean it didn't happen naturally."
"Come on buddy, like really, what are the odds of that happening?"
"Every now and then, good cops beat the odds."
"I make Jake Paul a big favorite in the fight."
"The Masuda method makes the odds really good."
"Iowa State plus one and a half, Coastal Carolina plus three and a half."
"This approach works or rather it has overwhelmingly better odds of working than any other approach I know of."
"In FireRed and LeafGreen, none of the Unown are with the original odds of 8192 to 1."
"You have overcome incredible odds to exist on planet Earth."
"Bet on yourself, even when the odds are against you."
"I don't love those odds but I don't eat those odds."
"Doing what you know you should do regardless of how much the odds are against you - that's an ending that matters."
"It's all about putting the odds in your favor over time."
"She said, 'I believe it was right to persevere even when the odds against success seemed high.'"
"The odds of both assassins emerging from that alley unscathed was comparable to a tornado arranging a deck into a house of cards then back into the same ordered deck."
"The odds of catching a blue lobster is like one in 200 million."
"The odds of finding a four-leaf clover are about the same as getting struck by lightning."
"Time is money, and I'm making a killing, the odds are very unlikely."
"Every single one of your relatives propagated successfully and here you are against all possible odds."
"In the face of overwhelming odds, I'm left with only one option."
"Victor and vanquished, odds are never in our favor."
"A draw is not really that bad. The odds were really against Max, but he fought back and drew even."
"I feel like if we had six baiting suckers, we would make pretty good odds."
"Nirvana was actually one of the most unlikely bands to make it big."
"I went from a one in seven shot at a half million dollars to a one in 12 shot. It hurt."
"Two three-card straight flushes pay more than one five-card straight."
"The live odds believe it or not still have Canelo as the favorite. Bookmakers think Canelo's gonna turn the heat up here over the last few rounds."
"That's it, Antonio. Could you beat King Jack when it came ace 8? It's hard to beat King Jack."
"For all its sex appeal, king queen suited is still an underdog if the money goes in against ace rag."
"...that's insane that's crazy nobody got a dollar though like even like 10 bucks are lower I know the odds of that."
"Cloverfield: a tale of survival against insurmountable odds."
"Overall, the odds are always in the Casino’s favor—if this weren’t true, the casino would fail—so these floors just print money."
"The very most basic bet in the game is your pass line bet."
"The odds bet is the only bet in the whole casino with zero percent house edge."
"Achieving a Counterattack in a hopeless situation is 70%."
"The odds are just greater and greater against young men."
"200 men against your boy is a no-win situation for us."
"Against impossible odds, Alexander won the battle; he had conquered Persia."
"And there are the Bears at plus 370, despite a rookie quarterback, more than a fighting chance to be Kings of the North."
"the Cordoba had multiple memorable performances against the odds"
"If you believe in yourself and you go in there and do what you know you're capable of doing, you can always upset the odds."
"We were outnumbered and outmatched."
"The odds in the beginning, what no one would have said Drake's going to be bigger than Michael Jackson, even if a tree falls and no one's around to say it, they're going to be like 'hey, Drake was the biggest thing I grew up on.'"
"...the Chargers still came into this battle as a touchdown favorite."
"Stacking the odds more in our favor."
"The odds on this happening randomly are about the same as actually winning the lottery. Extremely remote."
"Reality could have been buried deep within eternal non-existence, yet against all odds, reality prevails."
"Not like this, you know what I mean [__] Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens had better odds of Landing their plane than this [__]."
"50/50/90 rule. You got 50/50 odds you're wrong 90% of the time."
"Against All Odds they flat back to the Stanley Cup Final."
"The house always wins, and the odds of you, on a long timeline, winning like that are virtually zero."
"Given the odds, those three words are more miraculous than you might imagine."
"It's cooler to be rich and be a good fighter, right? 'Cause you're like, you defied the odds of being a baby."
"If we make it past this stage, we've literally defied odds being with one another because there were so many reasons why this shouldn't work."
"Just knowing the unsurmountable odds that he was just against and he saved that many people... it's just a remarkable fascinating story."
"...slot machine placement on the floor has nothing to do with better odds or better chances of hitting."
"The odds of acceptance are slim. About 88% of applicants to Notre Dame are rejected."
"I was just looking his odds to win are 10 to one."
"We constantly defy the odds. That quote, as simple as it is, it sums up the entire nature of the study."
"The extent of human diversity defies all odds."
"The point is that in the stock market, as in poker, the wise investor tries to make bets when the odds are heavily in his favor."
"Against All Odds relief washes over them."
"Looks see, you ain't got much chance."
"Despite the odds stacked against John Daly, he won two major championships."
"Luck is like the opposite like the worst the odds are the better I do."
"It was a billion to one shot that he is my best friend."
"If you're looking for futures odds of champions by the way before his fight with Anthony Pettis Clay Collard was at plus 15,000."
"Wow, wow, he is now tied for best odds in the lightweight division and right around plus 400."
"Should you decide to go one more time, you only have to open one case. There are three cases that don't have a million dollars, so there are better odds that you'll open up those cases, right, and drive the offer up even more."
"Gabler had the longest shot, even this week, to get to be the winner of the season."
"Millions could make the best effort in the world to protect themselves, but their chances of survival were slim to none."
"Different rules dramatically affect the house edge."
"You a [__] that really beat the odds, this you just said you the [__] that get everybody in the show."
"May the odds forever be in your favor."
"Welcome, Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor."
"What are the odds, right? Do you know why they call these nickel rods? Because you're going to need a lot of nickels to buy them."
"Against all odds, against all bettors, you know, and all he does is silence the critics."
"The odds of you growing without any conscious decisions on your part is slim."
"The odds couldn't be more perfected somehow, it's crazy."
"The enemy outnumbers us 3 to 1. Good odds for any Greek."
"You can't do anything which is sure to be right or anything close to certainty. All you can do is get the odds of a favorable future on your side."
"Finding that rhythm is what really you're looking for. You want to put every single odd in your favor."
"What are the odds? I have no faith in Dragon anymore."
"Something propitious, something providential had happened, and something very much against the odds."
"It's probably the biggest achievement ever in football I think three thousand to one were it five five thousand to one when you put in a context Elvis Presley was three to was three thousand to one to still be alive."
"The higher the denomination, the higher the return to player percentage is."
"But for us, two of you went pro. Like, have a job out of it. Which is so 1% chance."
"It's odds but they could have you killed."
"The odds are uneven and the tension reaches new heights."
"So that this story even managed to get made in the first place is a minor miracle."
"The odds of a story like this happening may seem astronomical but it is true."
"Dating is simply playing the odds. The more you do it, the greater your chance of finding love."
"Odds are in your favor if you play in the direction of the trend rather than against it."
"It's not about beating the odds. It's about changing the odds."
"Against all odds, he set standards which are his own best memorial."
"Remember, that two-to-one shot that I bet or the three to one shot that Paul bet didn't have to win."
"The world's most premature baby has celebrated his first birthday after beating zero percent odds of surviving. The doctor never tell me the odds."
"You got a new generation of black people in this country who don't care anything whatsoever about odds."
"The numbers are staggering for all players as far as how many get there versus don't. The percentages are definitely against you."
"This is my ticket to paradise, Sean. Do you know what the odds are against winning the lottery? Four to one. That's 30 million to one. I still have a shot. You know, you're saying there's a chance."
"We are so lucky that this video is going to contain nothing but incredible moments nearly impossible odds."
"Never lose hope, never tell you the odds because you can still pull them."
"What if they for one day if uh the odds on the Steelers to win the Super Bowl were like plus 50,000 or plus 100,000."
"The odds are not with the government."
"He's got a better chance winning Detroit than winning the Arnold Brazil."
"The Holy Spirit loves to move against all the odds."
"In spite of all the odds set against it, the model was able to survive and become a massive success."
"The competition is dog-eat-dog. The odds are always against you."
"For those reasons, I think our chance of beating NIGHT OF THE HUNTED is 50/50…75/25 if we don’t take a bullet to the thigh."
"The odds of them finding each other, the way that they found each other, is just like the definition of impossible."
"Why exclude senior? Just because there are 718 results. There's no way I can go to all these companies. So why not niche down if I am trying to increase my odds?"
"Knowing the odds of success can deliver one of the greatest advantages in investors' world."
"I'm so grateful that I mean to hear myself say it, when I was 15 and started out on my first TV series that I'd be 57 and be doing what I do, I would have thought the odds were pretty stacked against me."
"There's only 200 people signed up, 200. That's like ridiculously good odds."
"Thankfully war isn't as common today... something special about them... beat the odds."
"How did they manage that? Well obviously there was something special about them that beat the odds."
"I like asymmetric bets. I like to have the odds stacked in my favor before I play."
"The will to fight, the courage to stand up against impossible odds."
"You're basically trying to kind of stack the odds in your favor."
"I think it's the reason like I I became successful too because they were like oh my God you know how the odds are becoming an actual like not for me I'm I'm different."
"The odds of you guys guessing the one person who got number one are terrible."
"A million dollars for that young man being what are the odds of making a full court shot though?"
"Bad beats play extremely well doesn't matter whether the dealer wins or the player wins trips are better and when you start getting into straights and over straights flushes over flushes what have you pays big time."
"It's amazing, Vicky Coren must just want to grow up. I never won a single race, and it must be like less than 1% that that will happen. I mean, way less than 1%, so it was just staggering."
"I think there is a big lesson from any kind of human encounter with overwhelming odds."
"Quad threes! Runner runner! This is a 990-1 shot!"
"This game is the best odds in the house."
"The worst thing you can do is not apply because that makes your odds zero."
"The main benefit of odds Jam is it scrapes all the odds for you and compiles it neatly into a software package that can actually be used to generate profitable bets."
"Trade like a casino, not as a gambler, because odds are on their side."
"... the generation born in the 80s is the first in modern history to have less than even odds about earning their parents."
"The house always wins in the center of the ring."
"The odds weren't in our favor, they rarely were, but this time it was different."
"Two pals beatin' the odds to have some fun."
"...just because the chances, the odds are against you does not mean that you should not strive to become part of that minority..."
"The odds are in favor of Ty's power."
"The odds boost, you can make a lot more money."
"Strategy is not about perfection, it's about shortening your odds."
"I knew that when it's two teenagers against a supernatural being, we stood no chance."
"To match all six of the jackpot numbers would be a one in 22 million 957 and 480 statistic, but he had done it."
"The odds are once again in my favor."
"...the Minnesota Twins were 150 to one before the season started to win the World Series and some thought that was too low."
"An amazing thing in itself, beating the odds, bro."
"Even though you are vastly outnumbered, he said twenty to one."
"Balance those two things: play the odds, but celebrate along the way."
"I totally agree, though. Sweepstakes are easier to win than the lottery."
"Anytime we beat the odds, we feel really good."
"Man, I'm really happy this happened to our family. You know, just making the Super Bowl, I mean that's like lightning striking a human being. The odds of that are in that category to me."
"They had found each other against all odds."
"I guess I've defied the odds. I'm living proof."
"If you listen to the odds of either you know operating where you did in Special Operations, making it through BUDS, getting a book published by a big publishing house, people will tell you, oh you know the odds of that."
"That's why slot machines are [ __ ] because they're programmed not to let the person win. It's never broken in our favor, right?"
"The odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpots are one in 302,575,350."
"The issue with all those things being locked before the game even started is that the odds were not that great."
"i've recalculated your odds take 30"
"For those with courage, the odds will be in their favor."
"Let's go 67 and a half, you don't leave very often."
"The odds of winning on this competition are very, very, very good."
"If investing is a game of odds, this is how you shift the odds in your favor."
"What are the odds that you'd be alive 10% really yes you give yourself a chance a 10% chance that you would still be alive talking and walking and chewing gum right now yes."
"When with nothing personal to be gained, a man will gamble against tremendous odds for something he believes in."
"You're a first-time author. The chances of your book getting big are kind of slim to none."
"Six soldiers against an angry mob, hardly going to end well."
"Let's actually get the plastic out of the way and I give you some of the pack odds on the box."
"Dear future wifey, did you know that you defeated the odds of one to 100 million the very second you were conceived?"
"Chasing immortality, chasing the odds, chasing history."
"I like the over, and you're telling me it was even money on the over, I'm surprised at that."
"Despite all odds and all odds indeed, you will triumph."
"The purpose of this video is to explain what draw odds really represent, what they don't represent, and give you the other bits and pieces that can give you the most value out of historical draw odds."
"If you're not in the top 10 percent, the odds are stacked against you."
"That's one over card that could potentially make a higher set, but that is not the case."
"Pocket kings into pocket aces in the stand-up game, I don't know, seems a little unfair if you ask me."
"Your chances of beating the Blackbirds are slim and none."
"Some of you are fascinated by the odds making process and never intend to bet others bet every dime you have."
"Mega bonus play, I mentioned him earlier, Cory Connors is plus 8,000 to win The Masters, uh, again just an outrageously good course history."
"If you don't have to venture out into the chaos, your odds of survival go way up."