
Artistic Vision Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"The artistic vision should be paramount; altering it for localization can dilute the original intent."
"Use social media to your advantage... Create a community of people that love what you're creating and love your vision as an artist."
"I feel like it's more true to the original vision of the song."
"Film is really a director's medium. We're there to serve the director's vision."
"Greg Kasavin and his team look like they're on the verge of building an absolute masterpiece."
"A great director is unafraid to share their vision with the world."
"I really respect when there's a sort of artistic vision for telling a story of character growth and development."
"Ôtomo’s massive vision didn’t end with the story itself–the Akira movie would push animation to unprecedented heights."
"He believed that that was what the series should look like."
"Frida's wardrobe is a beautiful representation of Carla's artistic vision."
"I want to create stuff that breaks the boundaries of time and wrote in oh you mean like it'll be evil timeless create timeless music that affects people today the same as it would affect people 20 to 50 years from now."
"Faye was more than just a musician she was an artist with a vision and inspiring presence who managed to be kind funny fiercely smart." - Tribute to Faye Fantero
"His goal is to have the movie look like a living Frazetta illustration emphasizing the strong details of the realistic people that are ready for combat."
"It's actually a film with a vision and has good parts to it."
"Mala wanted his music to have this transcendental almost religious power of expression."
"It's all... just a tool... it's really your vision and the way that you work with the tools that creates the great shot."
"If it's something that is totally out of what you were envisioning for this piece and not even what you were originally going for then you don't have to listen to it."
"I would like to see a more sophisticated, focused, cohesive art direction."
"They are artists, okay? And they had a vision. They are brave."
"Living proof that in hip-hop, as long as you've got bars and a strong vision, you can carve a path." - Tyler
"This aquascape demonstrates what can be achieved when you think outside the box and actively apply your technical knowledge to achieve your artistic vision."
"If they keep the same artistic vision but then add in even more fidelity, oh it's gonna get tingles running down people's knees."
"I want to have the whole narrative, like I want to be able to produce our own [ __ ]."
"Every great artist thinks they have the ability to predict the future. That's what being a great artist is."
"You're not necessarily recreating the world with your lighting, what you're doing is you're creating that idealized version of it, meaning you want to make it cinematic."
"Remastering is one thing but really remaking and improving on the original while still staying true to the original vision is, I think, the best foot forward."
"This album and 'Flushing My Flesh' were more of a plan, you know."
"It's really a quest for magic... bring this beautiful culture, their beautiful world back to what it once was."
"Dark Souls 1 right from the very start to the very end knew exactly what it was and what it would take to realize that vision."
"Watching his work could best be compared to looking into somebody's dream."
"I'm never gonna sell my soul and sell out my vision for somebody who wants to control me."
"Dream here's the dream guys: sewer pop #sewerpop."
"I wanted to make it as dark and serious-minded as possible."
"Inside every block of stone there's a statue and the task of a sculptor is to discover it."
"Filmmakers like John Favreau view the world through a particular lens."
"James Gunn gets to do it, and it's... fulfilling his vision."
"All I need is three walls that no one has seen before."
"I think Aquaria has got this like amazing vision to what she does and she's just super talented and guess what she's really nice and that really helps and she's really gorgeous - gorgeous."
"It is a fully-realized vision, and it gives you the kind of feeling you get when you really get to know someone beyond the surface level."
"David Cronenberg, he knows exactly what he wants."
"That's how we always should operate. You should also have creative integrity and respect your own vision."
"How incredibly unsatisfying and disappointing it's a it's best it's almost getting there and I think that it would be neat to see a Saw someday that's like a really great film that takes it seriously and is also good."
"Filmmakers with vision, a way of telling a story."
"Triumph goes beyond the game itself; it all starts with director Yoko Taro."
"Let's make something timeless, let's make something that when people are watching this 15, 20 years from now, it feels as if it might have been made yesterday."
"It's all about what you can deliver, what's in your head, what's in your ears."
"Death Stranding is the new PS4 exclusive from the brilliant mind of Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima and looks every bit as enigmatic, haunting, and beautiful as we'd expect..."
"Scott is a true artist and was really the only person who could have transformed the B-level monster movie into something that would redefine the sci-fi and horror genres."
"Watching any of his nine films is a very dreamlike experience as Hodgins for the eyes but a meditation for the soul."
"I need this video to be great, you know because the song in my opinion is great and it needs a good video to go with it."
"Miyazaki's career captures an impressive vision of the evolving artist."
"This is a massive massive piece and I can already see in my mind how this is going to come out."
"This redesign of Fountain of Dreams actually extends into the main Kirby series."
"Morrissey's attitude is if you can hear the sound in your head then it can be played."
"I'm in love with it is because like it was just so uncompromising it was his [__] vision he funded the movie himself and made the best movie about time travel ever made."
"Stevie Wonder's music is celebrated for a reason; he clearly has all the vision he needs."
"Look at this art, they're clearly on the precipice of making things better."
"An artist like Kevin, who wants to create an immortal game."
"Keanu's dedication to completing a director's vision was remarkable."
"We're really trying to find the right mix of beauty and mystery."
"Filmmaking is not about the tiny details, it's about the big picture."
"To come back and overcome this thing in his life and complete his creative vision on that level, I'm like, nice."
"I wanted this one to be a nice blend of mechanical bits and just cool fashion elements from slightly higher class characters in a steampunk kind of world."
"Just what a some sort of poetic weirdo put this together and I buy all of it."
"You have the fever to take images, to frame the world."
"The story of my house.wad is inexplicable not because the author has no intention but because the author's vision of a deeply subjective experience is vividly realized."
"He really was like in the same way that George Lucas when he did Star Wars, he was specifically trying to create a new mythology."
"It will give you an emotional response and that book the crow by james obar remains a singular vision of one creator that hasn't been interfered or watered down by other people. It will make you feel something as all good art does."
"I think from here on, I have this vision of me as an artist where it's not going to just be cheesy pop teen boy next door kind of vibe."
"Zack's broken gun-guzzling Batman... is the most raw, unfiltered, uncompromising perspective of a unique artist."
"Manifest your masterpiece, your personal vision aligned with your truth."
"I think that this is amazing and one of the instances I feel like it's a great example of someone self-producing for a good reason because they really know where to take their vision and direction."
"I'm really excited for how this is going to come to life."
"By underexposing this photo we were able to save it and bring out the detail which I'm sure the photographer saw when she was shooting this photo."
"See the Opus... Behold The Beauty... look in the direction from which the images flow... continue to evolve and... co-manifesting."
"To have heroes in any kind of space in your photography is super important."
"I'm trying to make the image that I see on the screen match very closely to what I saw without shooting."
"16 years ago when I first got into 3D, it took years to get to the point where I could truly create what I saw in my mind's eye."
"Apocalypse Now is a very special case-study in film history—a large budget epic art film done independently without studio interference on Coppola’s vision."
"Movies are about style... the message is in the aesthetics... I believe and that the best movies are made with one person's vision."
"Whether you're making a film in utter darkness or broad daylight, the goal is always to make something beautiful."
"It's a beautiful thing to be able to create, you know? It's just a beautiful thing to be able to envision these things and put our hands to them and just see these beautiful things come to life."
"For better or for worse, everyone else is out here making stories about humans, Zack Snyder is making murals about gods."
"I acknowledge that they had a vision and it wasn't initially my vision but it gradually became so more and more and more as we were encouraged not only to explore the lives of our characters in the past 20, 25 years, but our own lives too."
"We decided we wanted this movie to look exactly like concept artwork, and we want the concept artwork to feel distinctly human and not computer generated."
"I want it to fade out into the surrounding sky."
"My mission is to create a genre that does not currently exist and which takes everyone by surprise." - Hideo Kojima
"Itachi then tells Naruto that he is grateful for him for taking care of Sasuke and keeping him from falling into the darkness."
"Think about the basic shape that you want this cloud to be."
"I just made what's a glimpse into my twisted reality."
"It's like a completely unfiltered and pure creative vision."
"What Stieglitz was driving at was a new vision for a modern world, to teach America to see."
"I don't make the kind of movies that bring people together. I make movies that split people apart."
"It's easier to stay true to your artistic vision if you almost ignore what goes on on social media."
"I want my work to be timeless. I'm really pleased that I haven't been caught by fashion."
"I think the only goal I guess I probably did have when I was making that picture beforehand... I wanted to make a lake scene that was surrounded by a forest... I wanted the whole thing to look lush and colorful..."
"The logic is, yes, yes, he had faith in this movie. I don't know why. He had faith in the integrity of his artistic vision."
"They were focused on their own artistic vision and in the end they outsold just about everybody in the history of rock."
"Composer Akira Ifukube thought that the monster, being a reptile, should not roar at all."
"We really wanted to make Battle of Algiers Hollywood. In other words, we wanted to give it that documentary look, make it as real as we could. We didn't want to use big names in the picture."
"It's like watching an Ed Wood movie. You can see what he's trying to do, and isn't it charming?"
"...I'm here to say actually I think it sounds like a lot of fun at least to experiment with and I'm the kind of artist that actually could make some pretty cool use of it..."
"This is something that I wanted to do I wanted to have the attack names in the show this was the decision that I made really early on some people will like it some people won't that's how it goes."
"In his own way, I mean, Herb was an artist. Herb was able to do something that nobody else had tried and get the players not only to buy into it but to begin to believe, 'Hey, you know anything is possible.'"
"Think about someone in the music industry. Do they go everywhere and ask every artist, rapper, and singer what they think? Or do they shut up, go and create what they want to create, and then release their creation?"
"That's where stuff comes to you and it just jumps out at you and you think I can create that and it will be good."
"Kubrick's relentless pursuit of his vision is legendary... even if it didn't always make him the most beloved guy on the set."
"These are tools. They're very nice tools, but what tools do is they allow us as photographers to facilitate our artistic vision, which is something we spend our entire careers trying to build. They don't necessarily make you a better photographer."
"I trusted him implicitly because I knew he had a vision for the piece and from the very first day of rehearsals I knew this was something different and special and unusual."
"After a while, the artist's way of seeing things."
"The thing I'm most proud about the music is that we always stuck to what we believed in and we weren't shifting what we're doing to appease anybody or to look good."
"He created his own world with music, roots, music, yes, the look of people, the way they turn, the way they move,"
"I create stuff that I would want to see."
"Doing commissions is a great way to start trying to align with somebody else's vision."
"...and then this one I I had a lot of vision as far as custom paint goes..."
"So at this stage what you should have is a fun and dramatic sky, a nice horizontal line, most of the water coming forward horizontal, and then a little bit of a tip coming forward for an implication of a small current or wave."
"...their musical partnership showcased a unique blend of lyricism, rhythm, and a shared vision for their art."
"I want to see Blumhouse and David Gordon Green and these people's vision of this. I want to see their vision of it. That's why I'm paying the [ __ ] ticket to see the movie they made, not to tell them exactly how to make the [ __ ] movie."
"He's such an amazing artist. When he showed us what he thought Mephisto would look like, we went, you know."
"I want to create something sculptural, dramatic, with a lot of shadow and highlight play."
"He got traditionally published, he's like, but I want to keep this artist."
"Tyler has 100% made the album that he wanted to make."
"I really wanted to play with this kind of extremely subtle, almost ghost light presence in Venice."
"Carpenter and Yablons were in agreement that the film should be suspenseful but not gory."
"Lynch found himself in a creative sweet spot that allowed him to realize his uncompromised artistic vision."
"I don't ever want to get to the point where the storytelling that I do is shaped by any other consideration than my artistic vision."
"He said that he wants 'So Help Me God' to be the opposite of 'Yeezus,' he wanted it to focus more on the beauty of the struggle."
"Your next album is gonna be perfect. It's gonna be by far the best thing you've ever done."
"This needs a music video too, this needs a music video."
"The thing with indie films is that obviously a creative vision can be maintained."
"...my contrast levels between the lightest part of my talent's face and the darkest part I want this to feel real but I also want to feel this enhanced in its own world."
"Their eyes should be blue. It's my turn, Eddie."
"I want a painting that glows; my aim is to have a painting that is like a stained glass, something that is a light behind it. Lighting comes from within - almost get religious now."
"I used Trent Reznor as an example because he's one of those guys. Like, he gets a notion in his head and he has a vision for what he wants to do and nothing but nothing moves him off that block."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about your millions of views because I have a vision."
"...captures the feel Abel was going for perfectly"
"All a composer can do, Carter once said, is to stick to his own vision, do what he thinks is best, and let the future decide."
"I wanted to make him look like he was in the snow."
"This is going to be an epic piece, look at the beautiful flowers, the parrots, the dogs."
"What matters in a film is the desire for order, composition, harmony, the placing of action in objects, the movements within the frame, the capturing of a moment or a look."
"The expressionist does not see; he has visions. Only the interior vision he provokes exists."
"He wanted to create in painting a more exalting and consoling nature than what a mere glance at reality allows us to perceive."
"They were sort of bemused by it, but they were very ambitious."
"The beauty of photography is capturing the unseen, not just the seen."
"That's where you want to be, right? You want to be at the point where I'm gonna shoot this like this because ultimately it's gonna look like that."
"Our job as mastering engineers ultimately is to try to connect the audience with the artist's vision."
"Many years ago, I pre-visualized two compositions... but now I'm ready to strike them off my list."
"I see the picture in my mind's eye, I make the photograph, and I give you the print as the equivalent of what I saw and felt."
"That's the actual look and feel that's designed; that's the Creator's intent."
"Every film that I've made, at the end, I said, 'This is the film that we set out to make.'"
"Making something that really represents your vision means accepting the risk that not everyone is going to like it."
"I strive for a look like the Sun is peeking through the clouds, creating beautiful soft contrast light."
"I can see how cool this bowl is going to look and I don't want to be losing it."
"Ansel Adams certainly modified his photos in post-processing in a dark room; he created techniques for dodging and burning to mold the photo to match his vision."
"We'd like to be in control as much as possible of what comes out, how we release it."
"It's the ultimate version of what they were going for."
"I always look for the cleanest possible images."
"The goal is for you to understand light and then to make that your canvas."
"I had the full production in my head."
"My music has connected because I've had the chance to fully realize my vision."
"His direction was praised for its sensitivity and warmth, showing that his artistic vision could translate effectively from acting to directing."
"The squinty eye vision, that's what all the old masters did."
"I actually want to see like an entire book recreated by you and just differently."
"I've always wanted to do a painting that really showed how high up in the mountains you are."
"Now this is what my eye, my mind's eye, is seeing when I'm out there shooting."
"We wanted this music video to feel like an actual film."
"I wanted it to feel romantic and cinematic."
"All the best artists know the art of the eyeball."
"I think one of the things as a producer that I strive for is making each sound in a recording really make sense and really make a statement."
"We're gonna make this thing that will last forever."
"I think I'm satisfied with that, you know, the house on the hill."
"It's definitely an artistic Vision that is worth seeking out if you love Brahms."
"I wanted to create a shot that has the power of the Sun and the clouds in the back."
"I've always wanted to communicate my messages to the audience all over the world through my movies."
"This will influence how quickly how easily you're able to edit this, what you're going for."
"What we wanted to do with contrast is take all of those essential qualities and then push it even further."
"You have to be able to trust your gut when something is a betrayal of the vision or your integrity as an artist."
"I'm not worrying if it's TV, if it's film; my approach to it was to make it as cinematic as possible."
"Monet is only an eye, but my God, what an eye."
"Draw your artistic vision to fit your true fiction."
"Your good mistakes are going to take you to figuring out what your vision is and what your approach to the whole art is to begin with."
"Sometimes it's more weighted towards an artistic personal vision that is not concerned with monetary renumeration."
"He was a guy who had artistic vision, able to write great songs and play them very well on guitar."
"I just want to make every part of the song a moment."
"Every shot I'm taking, I keep thinking in my mind of a print I can put up on the wall indoors."
"The best photographers don't talk about gear or the technicalities of photography; they talk about their philosophy and what speaks to them."
"You had to have some type of artistic vision here to go from A to B."
"Art has the ability, and that's why most of my artworks are very interested in this notion of living together."
"In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action."
"I aim for the best version of reality and what I wanted the image to look like when I took the picture."
"I want to make movies that had some real meaning and substance and would hopefully impact people in a very positive way."
"They shared one simple but entirely radical idea: that it was time to discard the rules of the past and paint what they saw through their own eyes."
"I remember every photo that I've taken, so I know exactly what look has what I'm kind of envisioning."
"I've now gotten my style to where I can finally create what I see in my mind."
"He won. She sees spirits rising from the bark, the sun peeking through the clouds and perching the spirits from the forest."
"Fed up with her position in between conventional stardom and edgy indie darling status, Charlie linked up with PC Music in 2015 and forged her own vision of what a pop star can look and sound like."
"You still need an artist or a person who has an artistic eye to use this tool."
"The settings aren't what makes the picture, what makes the picture is your lighting and making your subject feel something, trying to get something into their eyes and something into their faces."
"Kurt Cobain was the soul of Nirvana in terms of his songwriting and his artistic vision."
"I'm getting to the point where what I want to see at the end of my project is a scene that encourages your memory, your imagination to take off and kind of starts a story in your mind."