
Improbability Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"The odds on that have to be one in a billion."
"That is the best comeback I may have ever seen, it goes against all the odds but these fans kept believing."
"It's got to be an epic coincidence, one that'd almost make more sense if dragons did exist."
"You're telling me for all the impossibilities it took for you to be here breathing this air, the sum of all these insurmountable impossibilities led to this."
"I don't think you can sort of just take off from Oz on an unguided rocket really and and then prick your finger on the spacesuit and navigate to a true spaceship right yeah not impossible just extremely unlikely"
"The chances of you being ambushed and pounced upon by pillow with a post-it note for a face are… well, statistically speaking, the chances are pretty slim, But they’re never zero either."
"You've got a staggering 1 in 10 trillion chance that it's not the case."
"It's highly unlikely that it would've been left there."
"It should not have been possible for this to happen, and yet it did."
"That was the single most improbable comeback that I've ever seen in my life."
"How do you accomplish that? You have to be really good to shoot yourself and then throw the gun 30 feet."
"Improbable yet here we are together, hold on to your saddles."
"His overall luck is around 1 in 80 billion not over one run or anything over his entire speedrunning career this is statistically impossible."
"It wasn't impossible for Trump to win, it was very unlikely."
"It's so improbable that he could be successful and yet he built the business from nothing to a billion dollars in sales in 17 years."
"The more we learn from science, the more we know there isn't the ghost of a chance that life emerged by itself."
"What are the chances of that? Yeah, that's pretty weird, right?"
"Maybe if it's so bizarre, it has to be true."
"I nearly fell out of my skin because they were so polar opposite from the garbage that was being portrayed to us here in the USA."
"It defies logic and the laws of probability that it could elude capture in so many places for so long."
"It's seeming like it can't possibly happen until it does."
"The odds of this being random are billions to one."
"For this to occur randomly would be the same as a hurricane going through a junkyard."
"The predator randomly walks on a big metal snare trap thing which it has no excuse to do because it's walking on barren scorched earth."
"There's a power law in that absolute huge catastrophic things happen very very rarely."
"He literally survived getting shot in the head, that is a one in a million chance."
"Almost definitely will not happen. It almost never happens. It doesn't make any sense to worry about it at all, really."
"It's impossible to go from 30 body fat to 10 in one week."
"It's not going to happen, but it would be fantastic."
"When six crazy things happen, at that point, I'm like, 'I think we've won the lottery.'"
"This is how it ends, 98 to 99 percent. That is crazy, that is crazy."
"Living things are too improbable and too beautifully designed to have come into existence by chance."
"Do you have any idea how much had to go wrong for that to happen?"
"This was clearly a joke, no one's gonna outrun bullets doing a Naruto style."
"We're on a beach with two unrelated dead bodies. That is statistically impossible."
"I was told that... she could not be absolutely eliminated but it was highly improbable that she wrote the note."
"Stranger things have happened though, right?"
"The odds of that happening are literally like equivalent to winning the lottery."
"Sometimes, even statistically impossible odds become reality."
"CM Punk returning to the WWE: the unlikeliness of this is insane."
"It doesn't make any sense, and it's not going to happen."
"It just feels like there were better odds of a bird carrying ten thousand dollars in its mouth crashing through the apartment window than actually earning 10 grand through mail-in sweepstakes."
"Come on buddy, like really, what are the odds of that happening?"
"The improbability of your own personal existence is one obvious way to express this."
"Imagine walking down the street and someone says, 'Hey, give me your house and I'll give you back ten houses.' Does that seem like it's logically ever going to happen? No."
"Nobody in their right mind would have put their money on Baldwin IV ascending to the throne."
"The chances of that are one in 50 quadrillion or less."
"I understand how improbable it is that I'm here... but I'm still pretty good at it."
"The chances of that happening were slim to none."
"It's the feeling you get when an incredible moment happens, a moment that is impossible. It can't happen."
"It was an unlikely Victory from a ship that shouldn't have existed in the first place."
"Nobody would ever score a goal from here."
"It's one of those things that just never happens."
"What is impossible is removed, whatever is left, however improbable, must be true."
"Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-boggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance."
"It is astounding to see the knife edge of improbability upon which our existence exists."
"The most unlikely of circumstances."
"For humans to be here on Earth, so many conditions have to be precisely correct that it's highly improbable that we even exist."
"Everything I've done is so improbable and so lucky."
"Impossible, except for one thing: the fact it happened."
"They found the most improbable way to win today."
"The fact that she survived was very unlikely. But the fact that she survived and she predicted when she was going to recover, that's a harder thing to wave away."
"The liar one seems most improbable... think of the sheer malevolence involved if Jesus is just lying. What would the motive for that be, for him, especially when he's getting crucified for it?"
"Our universe is so unusual, it is so out of the question, enormously improbable, and it's our big, organic universe, filled with a lust for life that is so improbable."
"The comeback to the sport alone is improbable."
"It'll never happen again. Never in this world, in this lifetime, in this universe will that ever happen."
"The chances of these things happening by statistical accident are phenomenally unlikely."
"It is even though it is more improbable, it can still happen, and that's the thing that's terrifying to me personally."
"Canada's first silver mine was also the most improbable against all odds."
"The absurdness of this run grows year by year."
"And sure enough, Morgan has another one of those gravity-defying falls that should have killed her but she survives with only minor injuries because raisins."
"Everything about this seems unlikely."
"That's like asking for the pope to play for Manchester United."
"It's so remarkable and improbable that we're all here together."
"Abraham hoped when there was no reason to hope, when hope didn't make any sense, against all human ability and reasonable expectation."
"Something that may seem improbable... but it's not impossible, it's very possible."
"Well, I think it's safe to say that the odds of Johnson intercepting that thing with a one-handed stab with his left hand are relatively slim."
"It's amazing, one of the coolest stories, one of the most unlikely improbable stories we've ever seen."
"It's probably improbable but not impossible."
"Life began in the universe from a random group of atoms clinging together in the most extraordinarily unlikely patterns."
"Billing three units of a cholecystectomy is medically unlikely, right? It's highly unlikely that they have three gallbladders."
"It's very unlikely that things would unfold in anything like what they did in 1918."
"It’s really about how you look at problems when you don’t know much and are encountering apparent improbabilities."
"It's like a living testament to the incredibly improbable trip that we're on."
"It can't be emphasized how just ridiculous and improbable that shot was."
"The constants existing as they do is highly improbable without the intentional fine-tuning of an intelligent Creator."
"If you believe in fate or you believe in random chance, both explanations for people finding each other are so infinitesimally improbable."
"The odds of Jesus Christ fulfilling eight predictions would be one in 10 to the 17th power."
"The randomness of the world and the occurrence of highly improbable events."
"Survival was like winning the lotto ten times in a row."
"It is surprising that absolutely everything from both vessels and all six boys could never be found simply by chance."
"They said this would never happen, now the two of us in one space, it's impossible."
"Everything is relative, and we use the term ‘astronomical’ to talk about something being huge or hugely improbable."
"The more people involved, the less likely it is to be a secret."
"Being early means that we are in an unlikely situation, and when you see evidence that's unlikely according to your models, there’s probably a need for an explanation."
"The statistic was one in 71 billion."
"In improbable circumstances, Zach Osborne wins Loretta's again."
"It's been an extremely improbable comeback."
"It's staggeringly unlikely that any of this would exist and that we're here to witness it, and yet we are."
"The chances that all six types of communication failing at the same time would be one in a trillion."
"It's improbable but not impossible."
"The best things in the world are low probability; it doesn't mean it's not what we desire."
"There's no conflict, which I think is wonderful, improbable but wonderful."
"What are the odds that Luke hits the exhaust port on the Death Star? It's impossible, what an incredible victory."
"Luck is a phenomenon that defines the experience of improbable events."
"Psychologists have found that 85% of what people worry about never actually happens."
"A coincidence may happen once, but it won't happen two or three times."
"Good luck if it says 'Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss' - no random way is that happening."
"The ship's Drive reaches infinite improbability; it passes through every conceivable point in every conceivable universe almost simultaneously."
"It was impossible, you see, impossible. That's why it worked."
"The chances of finding the entrance to a secret inner earth are about the same as falling off the edge of the ocean and into space."
"Karzani is a very interesting case because he's very unlikely to ever get a canonization contest."
"But it's more than likely not gonna actually happen during any of our lifetimes unless one of you becomes immortal."
"The chances of our universe existing outside of a low entropy condition are infinitesimally small."
"Even if the universe as it exists today is highly improbable, doesn't make it impossible."
"The earth is a very improbable place... just from the science alone."
"Just because something is improbable doesn't mean it's impossible."
"Most improbable paths forward are dead ends."
"It's as feasible as a European swallow carrying a coconut."
"There's a better chance at it snowing in Florida in the middle of summer than me being able to do any of his skills."
"Of course all this happened a long time ago and nothing like that could ever happen again, not in this day and age."
"I believe I have more of a chance walking down the street and getting struck by lightning than this happening."
"The term Million-to-one-chance is often used to describe things that happen despite all the apparent factors that should have prevented it."
"If somebody flipped a coin a hundred times and got 100 heads in a row, your conclusion, I hope, would be: I don't believe that's a fair coin."
"That's not gonna happen 99 out of 100 times."
"The chances of an England recall range from nil to roughly as likely as someone discovering that there is a ninth planet in our solar system that is larger than Jupiter and astronomers just hadn't noticed until now."
"It's all quite unlikely and fairly ridiculous and bizarre, but absolutely true."
"The chance that this could be random is astronomical."
"The chances of downing 1.5 liters of a regular soft drink being fatal would be very, very staggeringly unlikely."
"The odds of killing two birds with one stone is astronomical."
"The probability of those three arriving at their measure randomly is like one atom in the entire known universe."
"As improbable as it sounds, I assure you, it is the absolute truth."
"Life is an exception... it's clear that the probabilities against it keep concatenating to make life increasingly unlikely."
"It's a miracle that we exist, not in the sense that we came because of magic, but because the absolute possibility of us existing at all was so minute."
"Even very improbable events do happen occasionally, and the development of life from non-life was maybe a very improbable event, but it happens."
"Vietnam was full of strange stories, some improbable, some well beyond that."
"Anything's possible. But that's extremely unlikely."
"Well, the probability was almost equal to zero, but that’s what really happened."
"This is like Luke exploding the Death Star level improbable."
"It's just improbable that you would have that level of tech and not know how to deal with our level of detection."
"Brute forcing someone's Bitcoin private key is like guessing a single atom in the universe."
"It's more likely that a unicorn comes trampling into the house serving them brunch."
"What if I wake up and it's raining cats and dogs, or pigs are flying?"
"Existing is the most unlikely thing that could possibly happen, and it's already happened."
"Everything feeds differently, everything survives differently; could that have all happened by a random accident? Absolutely not."
"The improbability of the story tells you that it's the truth."
"The origin of life would have to be a quite fantastically stupendously rare and improbable event."
"2 to the 500 is like an unphysical quantity; it will literally never happen in our universe."
"The likelihood of life occurring by chance is fantastically improbable."
"Against all probable odds, you were right."
"The chance of this happening is like you winning the major prize on the lottery three weeks in succession."
"How can such a monster exist? It flutters on wings too small to support its bulk."
"The probability of getting 19 or more heads on a coin that comes up heads only 30% of the time is infinitesimal."
"It's really very very interesting; it's something very very unlikely surrounding something impossible or thought to be impossible."
"Is this the most improbable title run in UFC history?"