
Visual Identity Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Vibrant unnatural hair color was a quick, cheap way of rejecting the status quo, sending an instant visual message that confirmed a person's non-conformist punk status."
"We need more than just new gear and smashing enemies with larger numbers. MMORPGs need a compelling and visceral progression to your character's visual identity."
"Let's take a look at our badge and banner and stuff here."
"I think Kisame deserves props because everybody respects this guy, right? Like, he's really cool, he's visually distinct, nobody else looks like him."
"It's a very appealing look... using the actual two different brands ideas and identities."
"Silhouette is extremely important for any design, the more distinguishable the better."
"She's always rocked the short blonde pixie cut and trendy hipster style, and that would probably all remain the same if we saw her in real life."
"Your visual identity includes your logo, the fonts that you use, and your brand colors."
"It's this concept of a stylized virtual world that gives it a distinct visual identity."
"From my perspective what I think is really cool from what I've seen so far from Recompile is that it has a distinct visual identity."
"Tammy Fay's bright clothes always made a statement... her distinctive appearance and bold personality became a symbol of her modern approach to faith."
"Icon status means you could recognize this without any other context."
"Discovery and interstella brought this visual identity to the world, turning them into ageless icons."
"To us they're robots, robots and shiny light-up helmets that make brilliant timeless music."
"Visual identity matters a lot for players, it makes it more identifiable."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"The MVP of the protest was a black woman directing traffic in a bright pink hoodie."
"Possibly the most iconic boss with his black and purple colorings."
"Marlena Dietrich's sophisticated and glamorous smoke style became an iconic part of her image."
"There are two biological elements that all Saiyans have in regards to their hair the first of which is that they all appear to have dark hair."
"Eeveelutions have a pretty consistent visual language which tends to preserve the general shape of a cute fox-like body."
"It's amazing how much of a perceptual difference like having sort of a cohesive thing with an insignia on it makes."
"Make every character instantly recognizable by their outward appearance alone." - Koyoharu Gotoge
"We just have more team branding, more logos accentuated, the team colors and all that kind of stuff."
"He famously wore [khaki shorts and shirt] every single day of his adult life to the point where during research for the article this video is based on I could not find a single interview or clip or picture of Steve Irwin not wearing them."
"I like the whole neon sign logo for the album. I feel like that was really cool."
"The only thing that's lit up is the FFC from the red of the badge, it's very brave Theo."
"I sort of want people to just see this for a second and know it's you."
"...the visual identity that this company can use in any of their future visual media communication."
"This is brilliant... they've done it at a larger scale... really made the color... the visual identity... a centerpiece... it really represents our brand... it's really impressive."
"Visual branding is the cornerstone of any strong personal brand."
"The visual sometimes is someone's first impression of an artist."
"Your character should stand out in silhouette, be recognizable in silhouette."
"The bi-color appearance makes every Smart recognizable right away."
"Representing yourself as a professional using a professional image on your profile and also a branded cover photo."
"Defining the styles for core visual design elements like typography, color palettes, and iconography helps companies express their brand more consistently."
"Reid Miles developed this visual style for Blue Note that basically became like what jazz music should look like."
"The app icon is used for the branding of your app; it's the first thing that users see."
"Instead of just making something quick and easy, make it iconic and memorable, something that can really stand out even as a silhouette."
"As soon as you see it, you know exactly what it is."
"I also like to add branding to each feature image."
"The main objective of your logo is to allow people to experience your brand identity by simply looking at the design."
"You're using all the same colors throughout the entire website, just for continuity's sake."
"It definitely has its own tone and look."