
Bhutan Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Bhutan really does have a 50% sales tax rate, higher than any country in the world by almost a factor of two."
"Bhutan is a great example of balancing traditional economic objectives with other variables like living standards, environmental controls, and culture."
"I think the essence of Bhutanese monarchy itself will not change because it's the relationship between the king and the people."
"For Bhutan to continue its survival, the new king will have to demonstrate his political acumen and farsightedness much like his predecessors."
"Bhutan is a tiny country lying in the mountains and valleys of the mighty Himalayas."
"Bhutan hit the world headlines in 1972 when the fourth king introduced an unusual national policy."
"Bhutan: measures its GDP by the gross national happiness of its citizens."
"The one thing I knew about Bhutan was that happiness was a priority above anything else, but I hadn't expected it to be so clear."
"When most countries around the globe chase economic growth, Bhutan instead pursues gross national happiness."
"Bhutan believes that happiness is more important than wealth and cannot be measured only in material terms."
"As I mentioned, Bhutan is the last Buddhist kingdom in the world. Here, Buddhism influences everything from the concept of national happiness to attitudes towards nature."
"It's this really clear signal of emotion around in Bhutan."
"In Bhutan, happiness is considered one of the most important measurements of success."
"We had a wonderful gathering in Bhutan, the world hotbed of happiness, Gross National Happiness."
"Gross national happiness comes from Bhutan."
"Thank you all very much for watching and see you tomorrow for day two in Bhutan."
"It's cold, the sun's out, and we're gonna start off with some delicious central Bhutanese breakfast."
"Butter is everything here in Bhutan, butter tea, butter anything."
"This is what Bhutan is all about, hiking to monasteries everywhere in the country."
"Deep in the heart of the Himalayas lies the land of the thunder dragon, the kingdom of Bhutan."
"Within Bhutan's modesty is its majesty."
"We are the only country so far that promotes happiness through deliberate public policy and action."
"Bhutan today happens to be, despite being as small as it is, a country that has been admired among others by the World Wide Fund for Nature."
"Here in Bhutan, culture isn't just something you witness; it's something you experience with every breath you take."
"What truly distinguishes Bhutan from other countries is its people; warm smiles and genuine hospitality welcome you at every turn."
"Spirituality isn't just a concept; it's a way of life in Bhutan."
"Bhutan, nestled in the Himalayas, holds a unique title; it's not just any country, it's a realm of mystery, tranquility, and unparalleled beauty."
"You won't be able to resist the charm of Bhutan once you discover its unique philosophy of gross national happiness and its awe-inspiring landscapes."
"Bhutan is a charming little country nestled in the heart of South Asia, packed with breathtaking scenery, rich culture, and friendly people that will leave you in awe."
"What truly makes Bhutan stand out is its isolation and limited accessibility, far from the chaos of the modern world."
"Bhutan has earned the title of being the most remote country on Earth."
"Rising majestically above it all is Gangkhar Puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan and the highest unclimbed mountain in the world."
"Bhutan's allure doesn't end with its landscapes; the kingdom is home to a rich variety of wildlife."
"Bhutan's history is marked by resilience and spiritual enlightenment."
"Can you believe that Bhutan has managed to embrace democracy while still maintaining its unique identity?"
"Geographical isolation not only shaped Bhutan's landscape but also fostered a unique way of life."
"In Bhutan, they believe that true prosperity isn't just about material wealth; it's about the happiness and well-being of every citizen."
"Gross National Happiness isn't just a fluffy idea; it's a guiding principle deeply ingrained in Bhutanese society."
"Cultural preservation is also a top priority; Bhutan takes great pride in its traditions and heritage."
"Bhutan is not only carbon neutral but also one of the world's most biodiverse countries."
"The most remarkable thing about Gross National Happiness is its impact on the people of Bhutan."
"I bring you warm greetings from His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, and people of Bhutan, the land of Gross National Happiness."
"He is known as part of modern Bhutan."
"He is known as father of happiness."
"He is the one who found Gross National Happiness."
"The one thing Bhutan has is the Gho, which is traditional clothing for men."
"For Bhutan gross national happiness is more important than gross national product."
"The constitution of Bhutan requires that a minimum of 60% of the country must be under forest cover for all time."
"Bhutan is not just carbon neutral; Bhutan is carbon negative."
"Gross National Happiness is the development philosophy that has served us so well."
"We are very, very grateful to all of you for joining us for this afternoon of distinguished lectures on Bhutan."
"Bhutan is an inspiration, a place where the very landscape is regarded as sacred."
"The highest of these is Gangkhar Puensum, located in Bhutan."
"Bhutan has exceeded our international pledge to remain carbon neutral, making us the only country that can currently claim this distinction."
"Beyond the sky and the earth, a journey into Bhutan."
"The Tibetan country of Bhutan is quite possibly one of the world's most beautiful countries."
"Bhutan is a country that has a strong sense of national identity."
"The Paro airport is a landmark for tourism in Bhutan."
"They love spicy food here in Bhutan, every single dish. So you will have chili, red or green, most amazing paradise."
"The kingdom of Bhutan has a conception they call it gross national happiness."
"Here in Bhutan, they prefer vegetables way more than fruit."
"The kingdom of Bhutan is known as Druk Yul, which translates to land of the thunder dragon."