
Others Quotes

There are 340 quotes

"You'll never really truly be able to understand anyone but yourself."
"You can learn something from anyone... even if you despise them."
"I'm just trying to find myself through someone else's eyes."
"We know ourselves by seeing ourselves in others."
"...he only wanted to remind others of something important."
"The more you connect with yourself, the more you can connect to others."
"Understanding of others can only come after understanding of oneself."
"Someone looks for you in other people."
"Focus on them, don't focus on you."
"My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you."
"It's really important to forgive yourself during this time and to forgive others."
"I just try and think about what other people want."
"If you are not at your best, there's no way you can be there for other people."
"It's not about me, not about you."
"John's new book on the 16 undeniable laws of communication emphasizes making it about others, not yourself."
"Live generously and graciously toward others."
"Help us to value others as much as you value us."
"Take care of others because we all deserve it."
"Purpose is about other people. Purpose is lived every single day."
"The first mountain is about ego; the second mountain is about an orientation about others."
"Love inspires the best in others."
"I don't want to disappoint other people."
"This isn't about us, it's about him."
"I'm living my dream because of you guys."
"God spends so much time on how great he is, then just adds stuff about treating others as an afterthought."
"The Others will become green man Spirits."
"In the process of restoring other people, you get restored."
"Antisocial personality disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by a persistent disregard of the rights and well-being of others."
"There is no inner peace without kindness to others."
"She had sacrificed herself so that others could be calm and happy."
"I'm about helping others right now."
"Before you can give to others you have to first give to yourself."
"...would you pour out your spirit not only on me but also on them?"
"Help others with their dream while you wait for your dream to come true."
"Life is about service, and my purpose in life is to serve others."
"When your life is less about you and more about serving and adding value to others, that's meaningful."
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, rather do it in humility, valuing others above yourself."
"A genuine attitude of service is an attitude where we begin to shift the focus from me to the rest, from self-centeredness to a focus on others."
"Leadership is all about serving. That's not obvious to everyone, so I want to make it really clear that you're immediately thinking others."
"Do you ever pray for your own love for them?"
"That is how wealth is created, by serving other people."
"Cold Gods worshiping the Others either welcome destruction like a death cult or want to be spared by them."
"God gives you success not for your benefit, but for the benefit of others. And when you understand that, God will give you more."
"First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."
"We know we have something to offer, but we know others do too."
"What she finds is that the subjects who tend to spend the money on other people tend to be significantly happier than those who spend the money on themselves."
"Jesus asserted himself only for the sake of others."
"Sadists are people who derive pleasure from the pain, discomfort, and humiliation of others."
"It's not what I want her to be. I want her to be truly happy."
"Just love yourself, love yourself, and then you could love others, and then that will spread, and live the dream of everlasting life. That's your truth, that's your inheritance, that's the key."
"It was always about other people."
"Life isn't about you. It's about someone else."
"We can add value to others when we first truly value others."
"Success is about me, but significance is about others."
"...it's all about the other person."
"A person's morality is determined by how they treat others."
"Life should not be about me, but about others."
"If you have love in your heart for other people, it will go to you as well."
"There seems to be something about accessing the green seeing power for good, to counteract the green seeing of the Others, maybe wrest the weirwood net's power away from the Others."
"Never ever compare yourself to someone else."
"Christianity, if you could describe Christianity with one word it would be others."
"Leadership is not about me, leadership's about them."
"Leadership's not about me, it's about them."
"Leadership is about them, not me."
"Esteem others better than yourselves."
"The greatest wisdom of all is to just concentrate on the other person and not yourself."
"Whatever I see that surprises me as I'm writing will hopefully surprise another person."
"Stop comparing your past to other people."
"It's not just about you, it's about them."
"It's never about me. It's always about the crowd."
"Unforgiveness towards yourself and then unforgiveness towards other people."
"There's nothing more wonderful than setting other people free."
"If you love me, serve other people."
"Everyone when they first meet you, they don't see you how you see you."
"I come in...both of myself and of others."
"There is no excuse for not learning from others."
"Beyond loving God... is treating other people how you want to be treated."
"Everyone should look not at their own interests but rather to the interest of others."
"We really are here to be of service to others and help them with their future."
"Our concern must be others rather than ourselves."
"You rejoice of your virtues. You rejoice of other people's virtues."
"To make your life better, you have to better the lives of others."
"...do unto others as you would have them do unto you do unto others as though you are the others because to someone you are the others."
"Esteem others higher than yourself."
"...other people really do make us feel better."
"Empathy is realizing that it's not about you, it's about others."
"Once you have kids, your concern is no longer about yourself, and it's about others."
"Learning radical acceptance for others means that you learn to accept other people for who they are and not what you expect them to be."
"You can't change people; you can't force people to be the way you want them to be."
"You have to look out for the well-being of others more than you do for your own."
"Can we find it in ourselves to forgive the wrongs they have committed? Can we forgive ourselves?"
"I am a wonderful person excited for the success of others."
"Everything we do influences other people just like what they do influence will influence us."
"I'm always looking to learn from others; that is really where the value's at, in my opinion."
"Pray for others, just say, 'Lord, let that person's will be done,' whatever it might be."
"Why need a mirror when you can just look through other people's eyes?"
"Love is all about how you affect the life of others."
"Let each esteem other better than themselves."
"Not when things are perfect, but right now in your solemn, in your grief, in your hurt, in your pain, help others, think of others, encourage others."
"Why not illuminate that for others?"
"There's nothing I see in you that is not in me."
"Deserting yourself for another person really is a relief."
"I looked for the worst in others and I found it in myself."
"We're always striving for perfection, and never sparing ourselves or anyone else for that matter."
"Forgive yourself and forgive the other person."
"I love doing things for other people. I rarely do things for myself in the sense of, I put most people before myself."
"Keep the focus on the other person, learn as much about them as possible."
"How can I make a positive impact on other people?"
"My underlying motivation for many things is to make the people around me happy."
"You cannot be good to others if you're not good to yourself."
"Leaders who develop followers lift up themselves, and leaders who develop leaders lift up others."
"The place of welfare of others ahead of your own."
"When you stop to think about it, you realize how far away you are from others, how impossible it is to understand the interior lives of those around us."
"It's not about yourself... it's about you care about other people."
"Recognize others for who they are and honor that as well."
"I truly have other people's best interests in mind."
"Seeing them happy makes me happy."
"Once you learn a bit of kindness for yourself, it really helps you be kind to others."
"If you look at the people around you, you are extremely lenient... but the moment you need that leniency for yourself, you can't be that person for yourself."
"Life is not just purely about yourself."
"Let nothing be done through self-ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
"People's perception of others is their reality, whether it is true or not."
"We should not strive for perfection but acceptance of others and ourselves."
"That personality trait is a personality trait I always love to see in other people."
"It's good to see other people be happy."
"I'm just tired of living for everybody else."
"Just making other people happy is what makes me happy."
"Dwell in love, a love that does not seek its own but always seeks the good of the other person."
"Kindness is something that you do with the aim of benefiting someone else."
"When we can see it in ourselves and in others, then we can love unconditionally."
"Perspective doesn't come from yourself; you need others. Perspective is disagreement."
"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself."
"Take responsibility for your own life and perhaps also for the lives of other people."
"I don't know anything that I didn't learn from somebody else, from somewhere else."
"The measure of success isn't what you achieve for yourself; it's what you do for others."
"We've got to celebrate other people magnificently."
"Just stop being afraid of each other."
"Hell, it has been suggested, is other people."
"Everything was about me, and then I realized everything was about everybody else."
"For their sake, he must conquer himself."
"Please take care of yourself so you can take care of others."
"We cannot be more connected to other people than we are to ourselves."
"It made me happy to see you happy."
"I don't hate her, I want her to be happy, just with somebody else."
"God's power is not for you; it's for others through you."
"If I'm really successful, I can do a lot for other people."
"If we can't tolerate the otherness in ourselves, how can we tolerate one another?"
"That's what it embodies: being yourself, accepting yourself, and accepting other people for the things they love and the people that they are."
"If we have strong ability to forgive ourselves, then we have strong ability to forgive others."
"Be kind to yourself, then it's easy to be kind to others. Just start with your own internal dialogue."
"I had people tell me I have already made a difference in their life."
"Personal success is causing somebody else to be better off."
"What is it that I'm doing with my time and efforts that's going to help other people?"
"Freedom of speech means that you must also accept the freedom of speech of somebody else."
"As you forgive others, you will be forgiven."
"Esteem others better than yourself."
"Can you celebrate somebody else's ascension before yours comes?"
"We decided that humility was defined not by self-deprecating behavior or attitudes but by the esteem with which you regard others."
"Treat everybody, friend or foe, like there will be no tomorrow."
"It's more about them and less about you."
"My life had lacked purpose, and for me, purpose also meant helping other people."
"She definitely has a much greater sense of empathy for others."
"You are blessed so you can bless others."
"It's not about you, it's about other people."
"Our own forgiveness is predicated on our capacity and willingness to forgive others."
"You're empathic, thinking about other people."
"Always have respect for others because that's what we're called to do."
"Healers heal themselves and other people."
"We're supposed to think more highly of our brothers and sisters than we think of ourselves."
"You do care about somebody beside yourself."
"Leadership is serving others, it's not being served."
"God's will for my life is far more about others than me."
"If you can learn to learn from other people's experience, I find it fascinating."
"Whatever makes somebody I dig happy, then what's to lose?"
"I'm not here to talk about me. What are you here to talk about?"
"I've realized that my happiness is based on other people around me being happy."
"Respect your enemies, respect yourself, respect other people."
"Delight in the progress of the other."
"May God raise you to add value to other people's lives."
"Let's treat everyone else with kindness."
"It's not just about you, it's also about all these other people."
"I hope it brings you a deeper understanding of yourself and others."
"Love and compassion towards others starts with love and compassion towards self."
"Narcissistic personality disorder... the only diagnosis in the world where having it means you do more harm to other people than to yourself."
"Greatness is literally taking care of yourself and in the process then you're able to take care of others."
"I'm just so happy that they're happy."
"There is an honoring of self as there is an honoring of others."
"The way people respond, the way people react is not your responsibility."
"You have to set up for yourself because you have respect for yourself and for others."
"If you want your reality improved, improve the reality of others."
"You have a life so you can invest it in other people."
"Everybody is a reflection of us, whether we like it or not."
"I really want to think more about others."
"You can learn so much by utilizing the wisdom of other people."
"If you don't take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others."
"Others, Lord, yes others, let this my motto be, Lord let me live for others, that I may live like thee."
"Freedom isn't about doing whatever you want. Freedom is about respecting others, first of all. Others' freedom."
"We can learn so much from the storytelling of other people."
"Treat people with love and just look out for others."
"You can't fix other people until you fix yourself."