
Punk Culture Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Vibrant unnatural hair color was a quick, cheap way of rejecting the status quo, sending an instant visual message that confirmed a person's non-conformist punk status."
"Punks punch up not down, reactionary conservatism is literally what punk stood against from the beginning."
"Crypto punks were originally inspired from the 1970s punk scene in London."
"Do you think Star Wars or Star Trek would be continuing in the style that it is today if there had not been a dedicated fandom supporting it consistently over time?"
"The current chaos-ridden state of humanity is very punk rock. It is very punk rock right now to be kind and compassionate to one another."
"But you know, part of that is just to keep your own dignity too. I mean, where would I be if it weren't for all the people I'm so grateful to who were ever interested in Dead Kennedy's especially this long after the fact?"
"I'm not sure the punks would have cared either way."
"Aggressive generosity to combat Boomer selfishness is so Punk."
"When I first saw Against Me! play at a record store, they gave me that feeling I had the first time I saw Operation Ivy."
"We stripped down all the conditioning, and punk helped us to do that."
"Punk was supposed to be anti-establishment, right? Well it is, and actually I can think of nothing more anti-establishment than young women, than people of color."
"Rooted in individuality and punk culture, they have left their mark on generations of people."
"All artists evolve, all art evolves, and really that's the true essence of punk, right? It's doing what you want to do, how you want to do it."
"Punk in New York City was centred around the club CBGB’s, and Patti Smith’s debut album Horses was the first album to emerge from that scene in November of 1975."
"Punk is now an attitude more than anything, and that can never die."
"It was just a culture where everyone liked the same music and the same style of dress."
"The Punk period was full of people who thought they lived in a worse time ever."
"I think it goes in both directions. I mean, a lot of punk people, for example, will look at something like Green Day and it's like, 'Oh, they sold out, they went major label, they lost their way, they lost their roots, their songs aren't about anything anymore or whatever.'"
"They're an anarcho-punk band that personifies everything to do with anti-conformism."
"The Sex Pistols spat in the face of conformists and have become a guide for anyone wanting to immerse themselves in punk."
"Punk Records is like a giant potentially world-breaking Chekhov's gun."
"It was a paradise for an 18-year-old in a punk band."
"...calling out how punk could become the exact thing that it was created to rebel against."
"Punk will be the first to say that."
"I am the incredibly underqualified punk historian."
"Punk is really about embodying the spirit of rebelling against the man and challenging the norms of society."
"Punk music and the punk scene has had a huge impact on my life and gave myself and friends a place to go like-minded people to turn to and a community to draw support and inspiration from."
"To be a true Punk is to have nothing to do with that element which kills, hurts, causes pain."
"Punks have multicolored hair, vampire makeup, ripped t-shirts held together with safety pins."
"Once you're punk rocker, you're always a punk rocker. You don't grow out of it."
"Punk was about doing stuff. History is made by people who turn up."
"When we started playing all these other places, they were going to be for Punk, all these towns were dead. Now we've got a little punk club, now I'm alive. And now there's a community of that."
"Is Punk more of an attitude rather than a moment in time?"
"I'm glad I checked them out, they're important to punk."
"He was more edgy and more punk and really just stuck to his guns."
"It makes you want to go wild, man. I love it."
"It's a testament to the rawness and realness of the '70s punk."
"When we first started, we thought there were no rules at all, and that's what punk was to us."
"I think your joyousness is as punk rock as it gets."
"I grew up in the punk rock community; I lived in a mosh pit, and the first thing you learn is you don't start fights, you end them."
"Punk's about questioning authority, it's about not taking things at face value, not accepting the status quo."
"This taught me, really got me into the DIY culture of punk and taught me how to sew."
"Punk represented change, resistance, honesty in a rigged sports entertainment world that apparently didn't allow for independent thought."
"We don't have bodyguards, we don't act like big corporate rock stars, we're punk rockers, we take care of our own."
"I love the idea of rock concerts being punk as hell and there's no rules."
"I've never met someone who was in Punk who wasn't just kind and just right."
"He totally wanted to be famous, but he also was very conflicted because he very much identified with punk ideals."
"I really enjoy the destruction actually, the chaos and the punkness of it."
"We should all be punks; there shouldn't be a punk. We should all want freedom."